帖子发起人: mik 发起时间: 2009-07-14 00:46 上午 回复: 2
2009-07-14, 00:46 上午
注册: 2009-01-19
发 贴: 6
0x08 号异常 double fault exception
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2009-07-14, 04:01 上午
注册: 2008-04-24
发 贴: 112
Double Fault, indicates that an exception occurs during a call to the handler for a prior exception. Typically, the two exceptions are handled serially. However, there are several exceptions that cannot be handled serially, and in this situation the processor signals a double fault. There are two common causes of a double fault:
A kernel stack overflow. This overflow occurs when a guard page is hit, and the kernel tries to push a trap frame. Because there is no stack left, a stack overflow results, causing the double fault. If you think this overview has occurred, use !thread to determine the stack limits, and then use kb (Display Stack Backtrace) with a large parameter (for example, kb 100) to display the full stack.
A hardware problem.
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2009-07-14, 08:57 上午

注册: 2007-05-08
发 贴: 306
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高端调试 » 系统架构 » CPU架构 » Re: 请问 #DF 异常在什么情况下产生