在前几天的OSR新闻组中,发生了一件也颇令人深思的事情。一个印度工程师在询问了WinDBG扩展的一个问题后,请大家推荐一本这方面的好书,EMAIL的标题是Need suggestion on good book for windbg extension。于是便有美国人向他推荐了AWD(Advanced Windows Debugging),并指出了有关的章节。印度工程师看到这个推荐后便回复说,“Will try to find this particular chapter if available on Net.(将努力寻找这特定的一章——如果网络上有)”。
So what you are saying is you only want it if you can have it for free.
This is the one and only book on windbg, and the author worked hard to make this a great book.
I hope your customers value your time more than that.
1. Please buy the book.(请买这本书,而不是用其他方法)
2. Two basic reasons:
a. it largely hinds the ugliness of the DbgEng 'let's pretend it's COM since all kernel programmer's love COM.' interface. Not
uncommonly, you need to do something that the classes don't provide, it gets rid of the redundant stuff, not that it the grand
scheme of things it's all that onerous to begin with, but it does make things a lot more readable, as long you're OK with not seeing
the boilerplate.
b. it includes a few things for you as well - command line parsing (not my first choice of implementation, but it's still nice to
have); capturing of output; hides the (almost undocumented) details of IDebugEvents; some others
For me, (a) is much more important - it just makes the whole thing more readable, at least to my eyes. (b) is nice, but either way
You can download a PDF version of the book from the URL below, if you don't wanna get into that shop+distributor wait loop. You need to buy it.
Ok, sorry if I a made a bad assumption.
Most people don't realize that now a days you really don't make much on a technical book.
This book is not just a cut and paste of odd helps and msdn pages. It is very well written.
Here in the US, tech books (unless you want a VB.NET book) for the most part must be ordered.
To be honest, I bought the book with no identified need, but it has turned that just one chapter (any one chapter) was well worth the cost.
Few well written tech books are published, and when one is I want to support the authors.