




在XP SP2系统中,打开一个WORD文件时,WORD启动后便失去响应,而且无法杀掉这个进程。这种情况通常是挂在内核态了。



kd> !THREAD 885eb468
THREAD 885eb468  Cid 11ac.106c  Teb: 7ffde000 Win32Thread: e248a770 WAIT: (Executive) KernelMode Non-Alertable
    885eb65c  Semaphore Limit 0x1
Waiting for reply to LPC MessageId 0042b9fd:
Pending LPC Reply Message:
    e4cee348: [e4cee348,e4cee348]
IRP List:
    89645de0: (0006,0220) Flags: 00000884  Mdl: 00000000
Not impersonating
DeviceMap                 e2dc38f0
Owning Process            896c8020       Image:         WINWORD.EXE
Attached Process          N/A            Image:         N/A
Wait Start TickCount      15541648       Ticks: 256087 (0:01:06:41.359)
Context Switch Count      1142                 LargeStack
UserTime                  00:00:00.531
KernelTime                00:00:01.562
Win32 Start Address 0x300019f0
Start Address 0x7c810685
Stack Init ad570000 Current ad56efcc Base ad570000 Limit ad56a000 Call 0
Priority 10 BasePriority 8 PriorityDecrement 0 DecrementCount 16
ChildEBP RetAddr  Args to Child             
ad56efe4 8050049e 885eb4d8 885eb468 804f9cec nt!KiSwapContext+0x2e (FPO: [Uses EBP] [0,0,4])
ad56eff0 804f9cec 00000000 885eb468 e23790f8 nt!KiSwapThread+0x46 (FPO: [0,0,0])
ad56f018 805987fc 00000000 00000000 acd70d00 nt!KeWaitForSingleObject+0x1c2 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
ad56f0d4 80598a2a ad56f300 ad56f224 ad56f22c nt!NtSecureConnectPort+0x662 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
ad56f100 acd60ebc ad56f300 ad56f224 ad56f22c nt!NtConnectPort+0x24 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong.
ad56f154 8053cbc8 ad56f300 ad56f224 ad56f22c hidsys+0x12ebc
ad56f154 804fd80d ad56f300 ad56f224 ad56f22c nt!KiFastCallEntry+0xf8 (FPO: [0,0] TrapFrame @ ad56f17c)
ad56f1ec ba5e9a05 ad56f300 ad56f224 ad56f22c nt!ZwConnectPort+0x11 (FPO: [8,0,0])
ad56f2dc ba5e3f54 ba5e5da0 00000001 ad56f300 KSecDD!CreateConnection+0xe5 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
ad56f310 ba5e38da 00000001 ad56f320 00000000 KSecDD!CreateClient+0x90 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
ad56f324 ba5e9044 ad56f430 ad56f340 e538b030 KSecDD!IsOkayToExec+0x2c (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
ad56f434 ba5ea4f1 ad56f688 ad56f44c ad56f45c KSecDD!SecpGetLogonSessionData+0x14 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
ad56f444 acd54168 ad56f688 ad56f454 00000000 KSecDD!LsaGetLogonSessionData+0x11 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
ad56f45c acd64d5f ad56f688 ad56f6b8 acd79004 hidsys+0x6168
ad56f6d4 acd6d393 8827a45c 00000004 00000000 hidsys+0x16d5f
ad56f6e8 acd6d939 8827a45c 0000002d ad56f700 hidsys!strcspn+0x58f3
ad56f708 acd77c96 8827a45c 8800c32b ad56f724 hidsys!strcspn+0x5e99
ad56f728 acd77bd4 8827a45c 87caacf4 ad56f79c hidsys!strcspn+0x101f6
ad56f75c acd772db ad56f79c 8827a45c ad56f798 hidsys!strcspn+0x10134
ad56f7cc acd77238 8827a45c 87ffe004 ad56f80c hidsys!strcspn+0xf83b
ad56f7e8 acd65113 886c53b4 ad56f80c 87ffe004 hidsys!strcspn+0xf798
ad56f830 acd59c62 886c53b4 ad56f8c0 ad560000 hidsys+0x17113
ad56f8a8 acd595e5 8ac8d318 89645de0 88df33b8 hidsys+0xbc62
ad56f8d8 804ee0ef 8ac8d318 89645de0 889fe438 hidsys+0xb5e5
ad56f8e8 ba5ff876 89645fdc 8ad115a8 89645de0 nt!IopfCallDriver+0x31 (FPO: [0,0,0])
ad56f934 804ee0ef 8ac8dc80 00000001 89646000 sr!SrCreate+0x150 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
ad56f944 ade7381d 881b6064 881b6008 00000002 nt!IopfCallDriver+0x31 (FPO: [0,0,0])
ad56f96c ade645bb 89645de0 ad56fa20 89645de0 mfehidk!DEVICEDISPATCH::LowerDevicePassThrough+0x48
ad56f990 ade64c32 89645de0 01645fdc 889fe438 mfehidk+0x75bb
ad56fa28 ade72a57 889fe438 89645de0 ad56fa60 mfehidk+0x7c32
ad56fa38 ade72aa7 ad56fa48 8a596eb0 891bc888 mfehidk+0x15a57
ad56fa60 804ee0ef 891bc888 89645de0 89645de0 mfehidk!DEVICEDISPATCH::DispatchPassThrough+0x48
ad56fa70 805778d6 8accebf0 8969afd4 ad56fc18 nt!IopfCallDriver+0x31 (FPO: [0,0,0])
ad56fb50 805b3c2a 8accec08 00000000 8969af30 nt!IopParseDevice+0xa12 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
ad56fbd8 805b010b 00000000 ad56fc18 00000040 nt!ObpLookupObjectName+0x56a (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
ad56fc2c 8056a613 00000000 00000000 00000001 nt!ObOpenObjectByName+0xeb (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
ad56fca8 8056af8a 001247d8 00100020 00124790 nt!IopCreateFile+0x407 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
ad56fd04 8056e773 001247d8 00100020 00124790 nt!IoCreateFile+0x8e (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
ad56fd44 8053cbc8 001247d8 00100020 00124790 nt!NtOpenFile+0x27 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
ad56fd44 7c90eb94 001247d8 00100020 00124790 nt!KiFastCallEntry+0xf8 (FPO: [0,0] TrapFrame @ ad56fd64)


kd> dS ad56f224
ba5e98ec  "\LsaAuthenticationPort"


  1. 安全管理,包括Kerberos、NTLM支持
  2. 证书管理
  3. 用户帐号管理 
  4. EFS (Encrypted File System)中密钥的加解密

那么这个线程是因为什么要连接LsaAuthenticationPort端口呢?中间两个没有符号的模块都是安全软件的驱动程序,它们应该是在执行所谓的On Access检查。是打开文件动作触发起来的。打开的文件是:

kd> dS ad56fc18
e4d58270  "\Device\HarddiskVolume1\PROGRA~1"
e4d582b0  "\COMMON~1\MICROS~1\VBA\VBA6\VBE6"
e4d582f0  ".DLL"



kd> !lpc message 0042b9fd
Searching message 42b9fd in threads ...
Client thread 885eb468 waiting a reply from 42b9fd                         
Searching thread 885eb468 in port rundown queues ...

Server connection port e2da1378  Name: LsaAuthenticationPort
    Handles: 1   References: 144
    Server process  : 8a66c940 (lsass.exe)
    Queue semaphore : 8aa0c978
    Semaphore state 0 (0x0)
    The message queue is empty
    The LpcDataInfoChainHead queue is empty


kd> dt _ETHREAD 885eb468 -y LpcR*
   +0x1c8 LpcReplyChain : _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x87c35bc8 - 0x884446a8 ]
   +0x1f4 LpcReplySemaphore : _KSEMAPHORE
   +0x208 LpcReplyMessage : 0xe4cee348
   +0x228 LpcReceivedMessageId : 0x300019f0
   +0x23c LpcReplyMessageId : 0x42b9fd
   +0x250 LpcReceivedMsgIdValid : 0y0


kd> dt nt!_LPCP_MESSAGE 0xe4cee348  -r
   +0x000 Entry            : _LIST_ENTRY [ 0xe4cee348 - 0xe4cee348 ]
      +0x000 Flink            : 0xe4cee348 _LIST_ENTRY [ 0xe4cee348 - 0xe4cee348 ]
         +0x000 Flink            : 0xe4cee348 _LIST_ENTRY [ 0xe4cee348 - 0xe4cee348 ]
         +0x004 Blink            : 0xe4cee348 _LIST_ENTRY [ 0xe4cee348 - 0xe4cee348 ]
      +0x004 Blink            : 0xe4cee348 _LIST_ENTRY [ 0xe4cee348 - 0xe4cee348 ]
         +0x000 Flink            : 0xe4cee348 _LIST_ENTRY [ 0xe4cee348 - 0xe4cee348 ]
         +0x004 Blink            : 0xe4cee348 _LIST_ENTRY [ 0xe4cee348 - 0xe4cee348 ]
   +0x000 FreeEntry        : _SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY
      +0x000 Next             : 0xe4cee348 _SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY
         +0x000 Next             : 0xe4cee348 _SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY
   +0x004 Reserved0        : 0xe4cee348
   +0x008 SenderPort       : 0xe33d6380
   +0x00c RepliedToThread  : (null)
   +0x010 PortContext      : 0x80030001
   +0x018 Request          : _PORT_MESSAGE
      +0x000 u1               : __unnamed
         +0x000 s1               : __unnamed
         +0x000 Length           : 0xec00bc
      +0x004 u2               : __unnamed
         +0x000 s2               : __unnamed
         +0x000 ZeroInit         : 0xa
      +0x008 ClientId         : _CLIENT_ID
         +0x000 UniqueProcess    : 0x000011ac
         +0x004 UniqueThread     : 0x0000106c
      +0x008 DoNotUseThisField : 8.9208703074531578e-311
      +0x010 MessageId        : 0x42b9fd
      +0x014 ClientViewSize   : 0
      +0x014 CallbackId       : 0


!PROCESS 8a66c940 2


        THREAD 88eed4b0  Cid 0558.12c0  Teb: 7ff98000 Win32Thread: 00000000 WAIT: (WrLpcReply) UserMode Non-Alertable
            88eed6a4  Semaphore Limit 0x1

        THREAD 88d115e0  Cid 0558.1144  Teb: 7ff9e000 Win32Thread: 00000000 WAIT: (WrLpcReply) UserMode Non-Alertable
            88d117d4  Semaphore Limit 0x1

        THREAD 88a4e2d0  Cid 0558.1394  Teb: 7ff9b000 Win32Thread: 00000000 WAIT: (WrLpcReply) UserMode Non-Alertable
            88a4e4c4  Semaphore Limit 0x1

        THREAD 883b0020  Cid 0558.0300  Teb: 7ff94000 Win32Thread: 00000000 WAIT: (WrLpcReply) UserMode Non-Alertable
            883b0214  Semaphore Limit 0x1

        THREAD 883e4020  Cid 0558.1210  Teb: 7ff93000 Win32Thread: 00000000 WAIT: (WrLpcReply) UserMode Non-Alertable
            883e4214  Semaphore Limit 0x1

        THREAD 89521590  Cid 0558.14fc  Teb: 7ff9c000 Win32Thread: 00000000 WAIT: (WrLpcReply) UserMode Non-Alertable
            89521784  Semaphore Limit 0x1

        THREAD 8990eba8  Cid 0558.1384  Teb: 7ffdc000 Win32Thread: 00000000 WAIT: (WrLpcReply) UserMode Non-Alertable
            8990ed9c  Semaphore Limit 0x1

        THREAD 884f6a00  Cid 0558.08a0  Teb: 7ff92000 Win32Thread: 00000000 WAIT: (WrLpcReply) UserMode Non-Alertable
            884f6bf4  Semaphore Limit 0x1

        THREAD 89032b40  Cid 0558.1488  Teb: 7ff90000 Win32Thread: 00000000 WAIT: (WrLpcReply) UserMode Non-Alertable
            89032d34  Semaphore Limit 0x1

        THREAD 88eba020  Cid 0558.129c  Teb: 7ff8f000 Win32Thread: 00000000 WAIT: (WrLpcReply) UserMode Non-Alertable
            88eba214  Semaphore Limit 0x1

        THREAD 888de8f8  Cid 0558.0de8  Teb: 7ff8e000 Win32Thread: 00000000 WAIT: (WrLpcReply) UserMode Non-Alertable
            888deaec  Semaphore Limit 0x1

        THREAD 899189d0  Cid 0558.14e8  Teb: 7ff8a000 Win32Thread: 00000000 WAIT: (WrLpcReply) UserMode Non-Alertable
            89918bc4  Semaphore Limit 0x1

        THREAD 8a5563d8  Cid 0558.09b0  Teb: 7ff87000 Win32Thread: 00000000 WAIT: (WrLpcReply) UserMode Non-Alertable
            8a5565cc  Semaphore Limit 0x1

        THREAD 8858f568  Cid 0558.1124  Teb: 7ff85000 Win32Thread: 00000000 WAIT: (WrLpcReply) UserMode Non-Alertable
            8858f75c  Semaphore Limit 0x1

        THREAD 88381da8  Cid 0558.1558  Teb: 7ff84000 Win32Thread: 00000000 WAIT: (WrLpcReply) UserMode Non-Alertable
            88381f9c  Semaphore Limit 0x1

        THREAD 88e30590  Cid 0558.1768  Teb: 7ff88000 Win32Thread: 00000000 WAIT: (WrLpcReply) UserMode Non-Alertable
            88e30784  Semaphore Limit 0x1

        THREAD 8aa00520  Cid 0558.0d4c  Teb: 7ff89000 Win32Thread: 00000000 WAIT: (WrLpcReceive) UserMode Non-Alertable
            8aa0b308  Semaphore Limit 0x7fffffff

        THREAD 8a4fa830  Cid 0558.1224  Teb: 7ff86000 Win32Thread: 00000000 WAIT: (WrLpcReply) UserMode Non-Alertable
            8a4faa24  Semaphore Limit 0x1


kd> !THREAD 888de8f8 
THREAD 888de8f8  Cid 0558.0de8  Teb: 7ff8e000 Win32Thread: 00000000 WAIT: (WrLpcReply) UserMode Non-Alertable
    888deaec  Semaphore Limit 0x1
Waiting for reply to LPC MessageId 003f3a15:
Current LPC port e27d34b0
Not impersonating
DeviceMap                 e10087c0
Owning Process            8a66c940       Image:         lsass.exe
Attached Process          N/A            Image:         N/A
Wait Start TickCount      15245181       Ticks: 552554 (0:02:23:53.656)
Context Switch Count      41            
UserTime                  00:00:00.000
KernelTime                00:00:00.000
Win32 Start Address 0x75738d13
Start Address 0x7c810679
Stack Init ada37000 Current ada36c50 Base ada37000 Limit ada34000 Call 0
Priority 10 BasePriority 9 PriorityDecrement 0 DecrementCount 0
Kernel stack not resident.
ChildEBP RetAddr  Args to Child             
ada36c68 8050049e 888de968 888de8f8 804f9cec nt!KiSwapContext+0x2e (FPO: [Uses EBP] [0,0,4])
ada36c74 804f9cec 888deaec 888deac0 888de8f8 nt!KiSwapThread+0x46 (FPO: [0,0,0])
ada36c9c 805977e9 00000001 00000011 01c9da01 nt!KeWaitForSingleObject+0x1c2 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
ada36d50 8053cbc8 000003d0 01569da0 01569da0 nt!NtRequestWaitReplyPort+0x63d (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
ada36d50 7c90eb94 000003d0 01569da0 01569da0 nt!KiFastCallEntry+0xf8 (FPO: [0,0] TrapFrame @ ada36d64)
WARNING: Frame IP not in any known module. Following frames may
be wrong.
01c9dc18 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0x7c90eb94


kd> !lpc message 003f3a15
Searching message 3f3a15 in threads ...
Client thread 888de8f8 waiting a reply from 3f3a15                         
Searching thread 888de8f8 in port rundown queues ...

Server communication port 0xe265e968
    Handles: 1   References: 1
    The LpcDataInfoChainHead queue is empty
        Connected port: 0xe27d34b0      Server connection port: 0xe2661ef0

Client communication port 0xe27d34b0
    Handles: 1   References: 19
    The LpcDataInfoChainHead queue is empty

Server connection port e2661ef0  Name: ntsvcs
    Handles: 1   References: 432
    Server process  : 8a7f8da0 (services.exe)
    Queue semaphore : 8aa06248
    Semaphore state 263 (0x107)
        Messages in queue:
        0000 e5581b60 - Busy  Id=0045b168  From: 0518.0194  Context=82ee0000  [e2661f00 . e11b5ea0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00009b01 001b0241 ae579b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ae579b60
        0000 e11b5ea0 - Busy  Id=0045b16b  From: 0720.1078  Context=80630041  [e5581b60 . e1b3e358]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 0000ab01 000f0241 00000000 ac2aab01 00000000 8a7f8da0
        0000 e1b3e358 - Busy  Id=0045b17f  From: 0720.05b8  Context=80630041  [e11b5ea0 . e40f3398]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00002b01 000f0241 acbe2b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 acbe2b60
        0000 e40f3398 - Busy  Id=0045b192  From: 0720.1160  Context=80630041  [e1b3e358 . e2ea3a18]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00002b01 000f0241 acbe2b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 acbe2b60
        0000 e2ea3a18 - Busy  Id=0045b199  From: 075c.0f5c  Context=805d0044  [e40f3398 . e482d540]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00006b01 000f0241 00000000 ac2a6b01 00000000 8a7f8da0
        0000 e482d540 - Busy  Id=0045b1af  From: 0720.1050  Context=80630041  [e2ea3a18 . e5227820]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00005b01 000f0241 ae675b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ae675b60
        0000 e5227820 - Busy  Id=0045b1c3  From: 0720.132c  Context=80630041  [e482d540 . e4c3a698]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00005b01 000f0241 ae675b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ae675b60
        0000 e4c3a698 - Busy  Id=0045b1d9  From: 0720.02b8  Context=80630041  [e5227820 . e51d6a48]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 0000ab01 000f0241 00000000 ac2aab01 00000000 8a7f8da0
        0000 e51d6a48 - Busy  Id=0045b1f9  From: 0720.08cc  Context=80630041  [e4c3a698 . e4af6698]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 0000ab01 000f0241 00000000 ac2aab01 00000000 8a7f8da0
        0000 e4af6698 - Busy  Id=0045b20c  From: 0720.14a8  Context=80630041  [e51d6a48 . e410f2e0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 0000ab01 000f0241 00000000 ac2aab01 00000000 8a7f8da0
        0000 e410f2e0 - Busy  Id=0045b21f  From: 0720.0340  Context=80630041  [e4af6698 . e4046a18]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00005b01 000f0241 ae675b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ae675b60
        0000 e4046a18 - Busy  Id=0045b22e  From: 0720.0e9c  Context=80630041  [e410f2e0 . e3d18258]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00005b01 000f0241 ae675b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ae675b60
        0000 e3d18258 - Busy  Id=0045b23f  From: 0720.14b4  Context=80630041  [e4046a18 . e551fa18]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00009b01 000f0241 ae579b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ae579b60
        0000 e551fa18 - Busy  Id=0045b240  From: 01cc.03ac  Context=8020001a  [e3d18258 . e3a73ea0]
                   Length=00e800d0  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00019b01 003b0241 ae579b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ae579b60
        0000 e3a73ea0 - Busy  Id=0045b250  From: 0720.16bc  Context=80630041  [e551fa18 . e22cdea0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00009b01 000f0241 ae579b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ae579b60
        0000 e22cdea0 - Busy  Id=0045b25e  From: 0720.07dc  Context=80630041  [e3a73ea0 . e3baa008]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00009b01 000f0241 ae579b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ae579b60
        0000 e3baa008 - Busy  Id=0045b26e  From: 0720.0e64  Context=80630041  [e22cdea0 . e4a1ea18]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00002b01 000f0241 acbe2b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 acbe2b60
        0000 e4a1ea18 - Busy  Id=0045b27c  From: 0720.0ed0  Context=80630041  [e3baa008 . e4ed8b28]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00005b01 000f0241 ae675b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ae675b60
        0000 e4ed8b28 - Busy  Id=0045b28b  From: 0720.03fc  Context=80630041  [e4a1ea18 . e1bde3e0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 0000ab01 000f0241 00000000 ac2aab01 00000000 8a7f8da0
        0000 e1bde3e0 - Busy  Id=0045b299  From: 0720.0468  Context=80630041  [e4ed8b28 . e4351ea0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00002b01 000f0241 acbe2b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 acbe2b60
        0000 e4351ea0 - Busy  Id=0045b2ac  From: 0720.1428  Context=80630041  [e1bde3e0 . e4e37b98]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00009b01 000f0241 ae579b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ae579b60
        0000 e4e37b98 - Busy  Id=0045b2bb  From: 0720.09ac  Context=80630041  [e4351ea0 . e21fcea0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00005b01 000f0241 ae675b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ae675b60
        0000 e21fcea0 - Busy  Id=0045b2ce  From: 0720.0eb0  Context=80630041  [e4e37b98 . e514f698]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00009b01 000f0241 ae579b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ae579b60
        0000 e514f698 - Busy  Id=0045b2dc  From: 0720.1088  Context=80630041  [e21fcea0 . e4c9ca18]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00002b01 000f0241 acbe2b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 acbe2b60
        0000 e4c9ca18 - Busy  Id=0045b2ef  From: 0720.029c  Context=80630041  [e514f698 . e4a668d0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00009b01 000f0241 ae579b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ae579b60
        0000 e4a668d0 - Busy  Id=0045b2ff  From: 0720.11e0  Context=80630041  [e4c9ca18 . e4c4b5e0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00005b01 000f0241 ae675b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ae675b60
        0000 e4c4b5e0 - Busy  Id=0045b30f  From: 0720.0270  Context=80630041  [e4a668d0 . e4c831b0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00002b01 000f0241 acbe2b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 acbe2b60
        0000 e4c831b0 - Busy  Id=0045b311  From: 1634.11bc  Context=82ef003e  [e4c4b5e0 . e1c45358]
                   Length=00600048  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00002b01 000a0241 acbe2b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 acbe2b60
        0000 e1c45358 - Busy  Id=0045b323  From: 0720.0a2c  Context=80630041  [e4c831b0 . e3bd3a78]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00005b01 000f0241 ae675b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ae675b60
        0000 e3bd3a78 - Busy  Id=0045b334  From: 0720.0adc  Context=80630041  [e1c45358 . e41a93f8]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00009b01 000f0241 ae579b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ae579b60
        0000 e41a93f8 - Busy  Id=0045b347  From: 0164.0c00  Context=8011000d  [e3bd3a78 . e3150a18]
                   Length=00680050  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00019b01 00060241 ae579b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ae579b60
        0000 e3150a18 - Busy  Id=0045b34f  From: 0720.0970  Context=80630041  [e41a93f8 . e4d34a98]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00009b01 000f0241 ae579b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ae579b60
        0000 e4d34a98 - Busy  Id=0045b35d  From: 0720.00f8  Context=80630041  [e3150a18 . e4853908]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00005b01 000f0241 ae675b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ae675b60
        0000 e4853908 - Busy  Id=0045b370  From: 0720.0b1c  Context=80630041  [e4d34a98 . e1fcaa18]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00005b01 000f0241 ae675b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ae675b60
        0000 e1fcaa18 - Busy  Id=0045b37e  From: 0720.16d4  Context=80630041  [e4853908 . e234c740]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00009b01 000f0241 ae579b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ae579b60
        0000 e234c740 - Busy  Id=0045b394  From: 0720.16fc  Context=80630041  [e1fcaa18 . e53344a8]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00009b01 000f0241 ae579b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ae579b60
        0000 e53344a8 - Busy  Id=0045b3a8  From: 0720.11f8  Context=80630041  [e234c740 . e24b4280]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00002b01 000f0241 acbe2b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 acbe2b60
        0000 e24b4280 - Busy  Id=0045b3bb  From: 0720.123c  Context=80630041  [e53344a8 . e4ffa390]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00002b01 000f0241 acbe2b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 acbe2b60
        0000 e4ffa390 - Busy  Id=0045b3d5  From: 0720.0b24  Context=80630041  [e24b4280 . e316b528]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00005b01 000f0241 ae675b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ae675b60
        0000 e316b528 - Busy  Id=0045b3e5  From: 0720.1748  Context=80630041  [e4ffa390 . e4e46828]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00006b01 000f0241 00000000 ac2a6b01 00000000 8a7f8da0
        0000 e4e46828 - Busy  Id=0045b3f3  From: 0720.157c  Context=80630041  [e316b528 . e3dab5a0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00009b01 000f0241 ae579b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ae579b60
        0000 e3dab5a0 - Busy  Id=0045b407  From: 0720.1678  Context=80630041  [e4e46828 . e565f9e0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00006b01 000f0241 00000000 ac2a6b01 00000000 8a7f8da0
        0000 e565f9e0 - Busy  Id=0045b416  From: 0720.09d4  Context=80630041  [e3dab5a0 . e3e514d0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00002b01 000f0241 acbe2b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 acbe2b60
        0000 e3e514d0 - Busy  Id=0045b424  From: 0720.1530  Context=80630041  [e565f9e0 . e3b27238]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00009b01 000f0241 ae579b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ae579b60
        0000 e3b27238 - Busy  Id=0045b432  From: 0720.0648  Context=80630041  [e3e514d0 . e3354178]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00006b01 000f0241 00000000 ac2a6b01 00000000 8a7f8da0
        0000 e3354178 - Busy  Id=0045b441  From: 0720.1294  Context=80630041  [e3b27238 . e4222008]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00002b01 000f0241 acbe2b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 acbe2b60
        0000 e4222008 - Busy  Id=0045b44f  From: 0720.1784  Context=80630041  [e3354178 . e50755e8]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00009b01 000f0241 ae579b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ae579b60
        0000 e50755e8 - Busy  Id=0045b45d  From: 0720.1378  Context=80630041  [e4222008 . e43fc350]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00006b01 000f0241 00000000 ac2a6b01 00000000 8a7f8da0
        0000 e43fc350 - Busy  Id=0045b46d  From: 0720.124c  Context=80630041  [e50755e8 . e48634f8]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00002b01 000f0241 acbe2b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 acbe2b60
        0000 e48634f8 - Busy  Id=0045b47b  From: 0720.111c  Context=80630041  [e43fc350 . e49e6db8]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00009b01 000f0241 ae579b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ae579b60
        0000 e49e6db8 - Busy  Id=0045b489  From: 0720.0634  Context=80630041  [e48634f8 . e3e48880]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00006b01 000f0241 00000000 ac2a6b01 00000000 8a7f8da0
        0000 e3e48880 - Busy  Id=0045b49c  From: 0720.1714  Context=80630041  [e49e6db8 . e3ea38e0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00002b01 000f0241 acbe2b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 acbe2b60
        0000 e3ea38e0 - Busy  Id=0045b4af  From: 0720.1654  Context=80630041  [e3e48880 . e5378a18]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00009b01 000f0241 ae579b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ae579b60
        0000 e5378a18 - Busy  Id=0045b4c3  From: 0720.1190  Context=80630041  [e3ea38e0 . e424cea0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00006b01 000f0241 00000000 ac2a6b01 00000000 8a7f8da0
        0000 e424cea0 - Busy  Id=0045b4d2  From: 0720.0c44  Context=80630041  [e5378a18 . e4b9b530]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00002b01 000f0241 acbe2b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 acbe2b60
        0000 e4b9b530 - Busy  Id=0045b4e0  From: 0720.0dcc  Context=80630041  [e424cea0 . e4b94690]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00009b01 000f0241 ae579b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ae579b60
        0000 e4b94690 - Busy  Id=0045b4f3  From: 0720.16ac  Context=80630041  [e4b9b530 . e4a75ea0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 0000ab01 000f0241 00000000 ac2aab01 00000000 8a7f8da0
        0000 e4a75ea0 - Busy  Id=0045b502  From: 0720.11e8  Context=80630041  [e4b94690 . e4357698]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 0000ab01 000f0241 00000000 ac2aab01 00000000 8a7f8da0
        0000 e4357698 - Busy  Id=0045b512  From: 0720.1008  Context=80630041  [e4a75ea0 . e480e388]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 0000ab01 000f0241 00000000 ac2aab01 00000000 8a7f8da0
        0000 e480e388 - Busy  Id=0045b521  From: 0720.0964  Context=80630041  [e4357698 . e489ca98]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00002b01 000f0241 acbe2b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 acbe2b60
        0000 e489ca98 - Busy  Id=0045b52f  From: 0720.0bb4  Context=80630041  [e480e388 . e4b2c548]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00002b01 000f0241 acbe2b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 acbe2b60
        0000 e4b2c548 - Busy  Id=0045b537  From: 0164.15cc  Context=8011000d  [e489ca98 . e1baec60]
                   Length=00880070  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00002b01 00080241 acbe2b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 acbe2b60
        0000 e1baec60 - Busy  Id=0045b53f  From: 0720.12ec  Context=80630041  [e4b2c548 . e39f8ea0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00009b01 000f0241 ae579b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ae579b60
        0000 e39f8ea0 - Busy  Id=0045b54d  From: 0720.07e0  Context=80630041  [e1baec60 . e3139430]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00002b01 000f0241 acbe2b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 acbe2b60
        0000 e3139430 - Busy  Id=0045b55b  From: 0720.14c8  Context=80630041  [e39f8ea0 . e416aea0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00009b01 000f0241 ae579b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ae579b60
        0000 e416aea0 - Busy  Id=0045b569  From: 0720.15fc  Context=80630041  [e3139430 . e1c55a18]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00006b01 000f0241 00000000 ac2a6b01 00000000 8a7f8da0
        0000 e1c55a18 - Busy  Id=0045b580  From: 0720.040c  Context=80630041  [e416aea0 . e3c5a008]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00002b01 000f0241 acbe2b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 acbe2b60
        0000 e3c5a008 - Busy  Id=0045b593  From: 0720.07cc  Context=80630041  [e1c55a18 . e3e8ea18]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00009b01 000f0241 ae579b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ae579b60
        0000 e3e8ea18 - Busy  Id=0045b5a6  From: 0720.0cfc  Context=80630041  [e3c5a008 . e1083008]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00006b01 000f0241 00000000 ac2a6b01 00000000 8a7f8da0
        0000 e1083008 - Busy  Id=0045b5b7  From: 0720.1150  Context=80630041  [e3e8ea18 . e52cb538]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00002b01 000f0241 acbe2b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 acbe2b60
        0000 e52cb538 - Busy  Id=0045b5cb  From: 0720.0258  Context=80630041  [e1083008 . e5212ea0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00009b01 000f0241 ae579b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ae579b60
        0000 e5212ea0 - Busy  Id=0045b5d9  From: 0720.13b4  Context=80630041  [e52cb538 . e4b82a18]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00006b01 000f0241 00000000 ac2a6b01 00000000 8a7f8da0
        0000 e4b82a18 - Busy  Id=0045b5e8  From: 0720.1524  Context=80630041  [e5212ea0 . e4b92508]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00002b01 000f0241 acbe2b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 acbe2b60
        0000 e4b92508 - Busy  Id=0045b5f6  From: 0720.11c4  Context=80630041  [e4b82a18 . e4eebea0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00009b01 000f0241 ae579b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ae579b60
        0000 e4eebea0 - Busy  Id=0045b604  From: 0720.0b28  Context=80630041  [e4b92508 . e1b822f8]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00006b01 000f0241 00000000 ac2a6b01 00000000 8a7f8da0
        0000 e1b822f8 - Busy  Id=0045b613  From: 0720.0f00  Context=80630041  [e4eebea0 . e3fff4d8]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00002b01 000f0241 acbe2b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 acbe2b60
        0000 e3fff4d8 - Busy  Id=0045b621  From: 0720.0e58  Context=80630041  [e1b822f8 . e544ca18]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00002b01 000f0241 acbe2b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 acbe2b60
        0000 e544ca18 - Busy  Id=0045b63b  From: 0720.0704  Context=80630041  [e3fff4d8 . e3e035d8]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00009b01 000f0241 ae579b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ae579b60
        0000 e3e035d8 - Busy  Id=0045b668  From: 0720.09c0  Context=80630041  [e544ca18 . e4ceba18]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00002b01 000f0241 acbe2b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 acbe2b60
        0000 e4ceba18 - Busy  Id=0045b682  From: 0720.073c  Context=80630041  [e3e035d8 . e4d484d8]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00006b01 000f0241 00000000 ac2a6b01 00000000 8a7f8da0
        0000 e4d484d8 - Busy  Id=0045b690  From: 0720.12bc  Context=80630041  [e4ceba18 . e54f5a28]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00009b01 000f0241 ae579b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ae579b60
        0000 e54f5a28 - Busy  Id=0045b74e  From: 0720.1148  Context=80630041  [e4d484d8 . e2379b78]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00002b01 000f0241 acbe2b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 acbe2b60
        0000 e2379b78 - Busy  Id=0045b78c  From: 0720.1680  Context=80630041  [e54f5a28 . e4071a18]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00006b01 000f0241 00000000 ac2a6b01 00000000 8a7f8da0
        0000 e4071a18 - Busy  Id=0045b7d5  From: 0720.0eb8  Context=80630041  [e2379b78 . e50644f0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00009b01 000f0241 ae579b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ae579b60
        0000 e50644f0 - Busy  Id=0045b7ee  From: 0720.0554  Context=80630041  [e4071a18 . e50b35b0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00002b01 000f0241 acbe2b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 acbe2b60
        0000 e50b35b0 - Busy  Id=0045b7fc  From: 0720.17c4  Context=80630041  [e50644f0 . e5724a18]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00006b01 000f0241 00000000 ac2a6b01 00000000 8a7f8da0
        0000 e5724a18 - Busy  Id=0045b816  From: 0720.1140  Context=80630041  [e50b35b0 . e3f64698]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00009b01 000f0241 ae579b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ae579b60
        0000 e3f64698 - Busy  Id=0045b829  From: 0720.0e40  Context=80630041  [e5724a18 . e38d77b0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00002b01 000f0241 acbe2b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 acbe2b60
        0000 e38d77b0 - Busy  Id=0045b837  From: 0720.04c0  Context=80630041  [e3f64698 . e4b48008]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00005b01 000f0241 ae675b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ae675b60
        0000 e4b48008 - Busy  Id=0045b848  From: 0720.1450  Context=80630041  [e38d77b0 . e55024a0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00005b01 000f0241 ae675b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ae675b60
        0000 e55024a0 - Busy  Id=0045b85c  From: 0720.17e0  Context=80630041  [e4b48008 . e24577b8]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 0000ab01 000f0241 00000000 ac2aab01 00000000 8a7f8da0
        0000 e24577b8 - Busy  Id=0045b870  From: 0720.14d0  Context=80630041  [e55024a0 . e5236a20]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 0000ab01 000f0241 00000000 ac2aab01 00000000 8a7f8da0
        0000 e5236a20 - Busy  Id=0045b87f  From: 0720.0cec  Context=80630041  [e24577b8 . e4c71ea0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 0000ab01 000f0241 00000000 ac2aab01 00000000 8a7f8da0
        0000 e4c71ea0 - Busy  Id=0045b88d  From: 0720.13d8  Context=80630041  [e5236a20 . e4e55da0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00002b01 000f0241 acbe2b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 acbe2b60
        0000 e4e55da0 - Busy  Id=0045b89b  From: 0720.0db4  Context=80630041  [e4c71ea0 . e38ead18]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00005b01 000f0241 ae675b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ae675b60
        0000 e38ead18 - Busy  Id=0045b8b1  From: 0720.1430  Context=80630041  [e4e55da0 . e233da98]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00005b01 000f0241 ae675b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ae675b60
        0000 e233da98 - Busy  Id=0045b8c5  From: 0720.1214  Context=80630041  [e38ead18 . e1ffc550]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 0000ab01 000f0241 00000000 ac2aab01 00000000 8a7f8da0
        0000 e1ffc550 - Busy  Id=0045b8d4  From: 0720.0ed4  Context=80630041  [e233da98 . e4a646b0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 0000ab01 000f0241 00000000 ac2aab01 00000000 8a7f8da0
        0000 e4a646b0 - Busy  Id=0045b8e7  From: 0720.1320  Context=80630041  [e1ffc550 . e359ca98]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e359ca98 - Busy  Id=0045b8f7  From: 0720.0814  Context=80630041  [e4a646b0 . e4d5f608]
                   Length=00700058  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00002b01 00000241 acbe2b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 acbe2b60
        0000 e4d5f608 - Busy  Id=0045b8f8  From: 0720.0680  Context=80630041  [e359ca98 . e3567870]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e3567870 - Busy  Id=0045b90c  From: 0720.1640  Context=80630041  [e4d5f608 . e4c7bea0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00001000 00000001
        0000 e4c7bea0 - Busy  Id=0045b91a  From: 0720.0978  Context=80630041  [e3567870 . e499e2b8]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00001000 00000001
        0000 e499e2b8 - Busy  Id=0045b929  From: 0720.0140  Context=80630041  [e4c7bea0 . e4cb6550]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00001000 00000001
        0000 e4cb6550 - Busy  Id=0045b943  From: 0720.1004  Context=80630041  [e499e2b8 . e48cf8e8]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00001000 00000001
        0000 e48cf8e8 - Busy  Id=0045b957  From: 0720.026c  Context=80630041  [e4cb6550 . e493b358]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00001000 00000001
        0000 e493b358 - Busy  Id=0045b966  From: 0720.16c0  Context=80630041  [e48cf8e8 . e49796a8]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00001000 00000001
        0000 e49796a8 - Busy  Id=0045b98b  From: 0720.06f4  Context=80630041  [e493b358 . e23186b0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00001000 00000001
        0000 e23186b0 - Busy  Id=0045b999  From: 0720.0130  Context=80630041  [e49796a8 . e24ad938]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00001000 00000001
        0000 e24ad938 - Busy  Id=0045b9a7  From: 0720.140c  Context=80630041  [e23186b0 . e481b5d8]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00001000 00000001
        0000 e481b5d8 - Busy  Id=0045b9b8  From: 0720.0808  Context=80630041  [e24ad938 . e4bc0418]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00001000 00000001
        0000 e4bc0418 - Busy  Id=0045b9c6  From: 0720.17dc  Context=80630041  [e481b5d8 . e358f990]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00001000 00000001
        0000 e358f990 - Busy  Id=0045b9d4  From: 0720.0a18  Context=80630041  [e4bc0418 . e4c616c0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00001000 00000001
        0000 e4c616c0 - Busy  Id=0045b9e2  From: 0720.03e0  Context=80630041  [e358f990 . e4a33a20]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e4a33a20 - Busy  Id=0045b9f5  From: 0720.11b4  Context=80630041  [e4c616c0 . e3c4f620]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e3c4f620 - Busy  Id=0045ba03  From: 0720.1170  Context=80630041  [e4a33a20 . e50b46c8]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e50b46c8 - Busy  Id=0045ba11  From: 0720.0160  Context=80630041  [e3c4f620 . e385cea0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000003 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e385cea0 - Busy  Id=0045ba24  From: 0720.081c  Context=80630041  [e50b46c8 . e50fa570]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000003 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e50fa570 - Busy  Id=0045ba34  From: 0720.1200  Context=80630041  [e385cea0 . e4faeea0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e4faeea0 - Busy  Id=0045ba45  From: 0720.0f4c  Context=80630041  [e50fa570 . e50b9008]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000003 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e50b9008 - Busy  Id=0045ba57  From: 0720.1130  Context=80630041  [e4faeea0 . e3588a98]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000003 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e3588a98 - Busy  Id=0045ba69  From: 0720.1120  Context=80630041  [e50b9008 . e3e4ba18]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e3e4ba18 - Busy  Id=0045ba78  From: 0720.11c8  Context=80630041  [e3588a98 . e3c7c620]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000003 00000001 00000000 00000000
        0000 e3c7c620 - Busy  Id=0045ba92  From: 0720.04ac  Context=80630041  [e3e4ba18 . e1b84a98]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e1b84a98 - Busy  Id=0045baa5  From: 0720.1128  Context=80630041  [e3c7c620 . e4890498]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e4890498 - Busy  Id=0045bab3  From: 0720.1648  Context=80630041  [e1b84a98 . e4cfd4e8]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00050023 01080098
        0000 e4cfd4e8 - Busy  Id=0045bac2  From: 0720.0ea0  Context=80630041  [e4890498 . e4fffa30]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e4fffa30 - Busy  Id=0045bad6  From: 0720.0550  Context=80630041  [e4cfd4e8 . e4222600]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 001402f8 001402f8 00000000 6d69a4d3
        0000 e4222600 - Busy  Id=0045bae4  From: 0720.1458  Context=80630041  [e4fffa30 . e533a4d8]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e533a4d8 - Busy  Id=0045baf8  From: 0720.0320  Context=80630041  [e4222600 . e5281af0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e5281af0 - Busy  Id=0045bb08  From: 0720.06f0  Context=80630041  [e533a4d8 . e5335a18]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e5335a18 - Busy  Id=0045bb17  From: 0720.0310  Context=80630041  [e5281af0 . e381d768]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e381d768 - Busy  Id=0045bb25  From: 0720.1338  Context=80630041  [e5335a18 . e512d2f8]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e512d2f8 - Busy  Id=0045bb33  From: 0720.00e4  Context=80630041  [e381d768 . e3148698]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e3148698 - Busy  Id=0045bb4a  From: 0720.1500  Context=80630041  [e512d2f8 . e400daf0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e400daf0 - Busy  Id=0045bb58  From: 0720.0fc4  Context=80630041  [e3148698 . e5304548]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e5304548 - Busy  Id=0045bb70  From: 0720.0b34  Context=80630041  [e400daf0 . e3e519a0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e3e519a0 - Busy  Id=0045bb7f  From: 0720.0ad8  Context=80630041  [e5304548 . e27f7560]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e27f7560 - Busy  Id=0045bc0c  From: 0720.1774  Context=80630041  [e3e519a0 . e3278910]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e3278910 - Busy  Id=0045bc24  From: 0720.11d8  Context=80630041  [e27f7560 . e49de4d0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e49de4d0 - Busy  Id=0045bc35  From: 0720.17c8  Context=80630041  [e3278910 . e3ce74e8]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e3ce74e8 - Busy  Id=0045bc43  From: 0720.12a0  Context=80630041  [e49de4d0 . e5365698]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e5365698 - Busy  Id=0045bc51  From: 0720.0ccc  Context=80630041  [e3ce74e8 . e36b48d8]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e36b48d8 - Busy  Id=0045bc5f  From: 0720.01ac  Context=80630041  [e5365698 . e2323698]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e2323698 - Busy  Id=0045bc76  From: 0720.15ac  Context=80630041  [e36b48d8 . e4ce7570]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e4ce7570 - Busy  Id=0045bc8a  From: 0720.179c  Context=80630041  [e2323698 . e4c3b6b8]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e4c3b6b8 - Busy  Id=0045bc99  From: 0720.1074  Context=80630041  [e4ce7570 . e429fc98]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e429fc98 - Busy  Id=0045bd09  From: 0720.10c8  Context=80630041  [e4c3b6b8 . e41f5840]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e41f5840 - Busy  Id=0045bd18  From: 0720.015c  Context=80630041  [e429fc98 . e51ceea0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e51ceea0 - Busy  Id=0045bd26  From: 0720.0bd4  Context=80630041  [e41f5840 . e55ca670]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e55ca670 - Busy  Id=0045bd3b  From: 0720.1610  Context=80630041  [e51ceea0 . e4831a18]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e4831a18 - Busy  Id=0045bd4d  From: 0720.0884  Context=80630041  [e55ca670 . e3f1c2d0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e3f1c2d0 - Busy  Id=0045bd5b  From: 0720.1770  Context=80630041  [e4831a18 . e55328d8]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e55328d8 - Busy  Id=0045bd6e  From: 0720.0f84  Context=80630041  [e3f1c2d0 . e50c0008]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e50c0008 - Busy  Id=0045bd82  From: 0720.0db0  Context=80630041  [e55328d8 . e51e6698]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e51e6698 - Busy  Id=0045bd96  From: 0720.1310  Context=80630041  [e50c0008 . e508dc00]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e508dc00 - Busy  Id=0045bda4  From: 0720.10f8  Context=80630041  [e51e6698 . e551c698]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e551c698 - Busy  Id=0045bdb3  From: 0720.0bc8  Context=80630041  [e508dc00 . e4efe698]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e4efe698 - Busy  Id=0045bdc2  From: 0720.1064  Context=80630041  [e551c698 . e5494008]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e5494008 - Busy  Id=0045bddb  From: 0720.09b4  Context=80630041  [e4efe698 . e1cf78d0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e1cf78d0 - Busy  Id=0045bdec  From: 0720.1704  Context=80630041  [e5494008 . e311c538]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e311c538 - Busy  Id=0045bdfb  From: 0720.1804  Context=80630041  [e1cf78d0 . e4b8baf0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e4b8baf0 - Busy  Id=0045be0c  From: 0720.1808  Context=80630041  [e311c538 . e2330570]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e2330570 - Busy  Id=0045be1a  From: 0720.180c  Context=80630041  [e4b8baf0 . e1a8fea0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e1a8fea0 - Busy  Id=0045be3b  From: 0720.1814  Context=80630041  [e2330570 . e5733698]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e5733698 - Busy  Id=0045be49  From: 0720.1818  Context=80630041  [e1a8fea0 . e4e1a418]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e4e1a418 - Busy  Id=0045be60  From: 0720.181c  Context=80630041  [e5733698 . e23efa18]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e23efa18 - Busy  Id=0045be6f  From: 0720.1820  Context=80630041  [e4e1a418 . e4f37ea0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e4f37ea0 - Busy  Id=0045be82  From: 0720.1828  Context=80630041  [e23efa18 . e4111ea0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e4111ea0 - Busy  Id=0045be92  From: 0720.182c  Context=80630041  [e4f37ea0 . e244c6d8]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000201 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e244c6d8 - Busy  Id=0045bea2  From: 0720.1830  Context=80630041  [e4111ea0 . e3d2ea18]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e3d2ea18 - Busy  Id=0045beb0  From: 0720.1834  Context=80630041  [e244c6d8 . e5732578]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e5732578 - Busy  Id=0045bf45  From: 0720.1860  Context=80630041  [e3d2ea18 . e22f1698]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e22f1698 - Busy  Id=0045bfba  From: 0720.1864  Context=80630041  [e5732578 . e3c90528]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e3c90528 - Busy  Id=0045bfdc  From: 0720.1868  Context=80630041  [e22f1698 . e3c903c0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e3c903c0 - Busy  Id=0045bfef  From: 0720.186c  Context=80630041  [e3c90528 . e432cea0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e432cea0 - Busy  Id=0045c002  From: 0720.1870  Context=80630041  [e3c903c0 . e5692550]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e5692550 - Busy  Id=0045c011  From: 0720.1874  Context=80630041  [e432cea0 . e3bfb0b0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e3bfb0b0 - Busy  Id=0045c01f  From: 0720.1878  Context=80630041  [e5692550 . e1cb4ea0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e1cb4ea0 - Busy  Id=0045c038  From: 0720.187c  Context=80630041  [e3bfb0b0 . e5207b60]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e5207b60 - Busy  Id=0045c055  From: 0720.1880  Context=80630041  [e1cb4ea0 . e1ca0698]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e1ca0698 - Busy  Id=0045c064  From: 0720.1884  Context=80630041  [e5207b60 . e4a31598]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e4a31598 - Busy  Id=0045c077  From: 0720.1888  Context=80630041  [e1ca0698 . e4285c98]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e4285c98 - Busy  Id=0045c09b  From: 0720.188c  Context=80630041  [e4a31598 . e4b48a78]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e4b48a78 - Busy  Id=0045c0b0  From: 0720.189c  Context=80630041  [e4285c98 . e3eedea0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e3eedea0 - Busy  Id=0045c0ca  From: 0720.18a0  Context=80630041  [e4b48a78 . e52de4d8]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e52de4d8 - Busy  Id=0045c10d  From: 0720.18b0  Context=80630041  [e3eedea0 . e2468c00]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e2468c00 - Busy  Id=0045c122  From: 0720.18b4  Context=80630041  [e52de4d8 . e5486460]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e5486460 - Busy  Id=0045c138  From: 0720.18b8  Context=80630041  [e2468c00 . e432b698]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e432b698 - Busy  Id=0045c151  From: 0720.18bc  Context=80630041  [e5486460 . e2265718]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e2265718 - Busy  Id=0045c161  From: 0720.18c0  Context=80630041  [e432b698 . e4eaf558]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e4eaf558 - Busy  Id=0045c175  From: 0720.18c4  Context=80630041  [e2265718 . e3d1a5b8]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e3d1a5b8 - Busy  Id=0045c186  From: 0720.18c8  Context=80630041  [e4eaf558 . e51e9ea0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e51e9ea0 - Busy  Id=0045c19b  From: 0720.18cc  Context=80630041  [e3d1a5b8 . e508d370]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e508d370 - Busy  Id=0045c1a9  From: 0720.18d0  Context=80630041  [e51e9ea0 . e4b31af0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e4b31af0 - Busy  Id=0045c1b8  From: 0720.18d8  Context=80630041  [e508d370 . e52c5b60]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e52c5b60 - Busy  Id=0045c1cd  From: 0720.18dc  Context=80630041  [e4b31af0 . e4bf1560]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e4bf1560 - Busy  Id=0045c1db  From: 0720.18e0  Context=80630041  [e52c5b60 . e33f1aa0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e33f1aa0 - Busy  Id=0045c439  From: 0720.190c  Context=80630041  [e4bf1560 . e51fd5e0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e51fd5e0 - Busy  Id=0045c448  From: 0720.1910  Context=80630041  [e33f1aa0 . e4dcc8c8]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e4dcc8c8 - Busy  Id=0045c457  From: 0720.1914  Context=80630041  [e51fd5e0 . e4e3baf0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e4e3baf0 - Busy  Id=0045c468  From: 0720.1918  Context=80630041  [e4dcc8c8 . e2521658]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e2521658 - Busy  Id=0045c476  From: 0720.191c  Context=80630041  [e4e3baf0 . e3de4ea0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e3de4ea0 - Busy  Id=0045c484  From: 0720.1920  Context=80630041  [e2521658 . e50bfea0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e50bfea0 - Busy  Id=0045c4a3  From: 0720.1928  Context=80630041  [e3de4ea0 . e3fcaaf0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e3fcaaf0 - Busy  Id=0045c4b1  From: 0720.192c  Context=80630041  [e50bfea0 . e22ac698]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e22ac698 - Busy  Id=0045c4bf  From: 0720.1930  Context=80630041  [e3fcaaf0 . e5621570]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e5621570 - Busy  Id=0045c4e5  From: 0720.1938  Context=80630041  [e22ac698 . e10b69a8]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e10b69a8 - Busy  Id=0045c4f3  From: 0720.193c  Context=80630041  [e5621570 . e41ac528]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e41ac528 - Busy  Id=0045c500  From: 0720.1940  Context=80630041  [e10b69a8 . e1c46a30]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e1c46a30 - Busy  Id=0045c512  From: 0720.1944  Context=80630041  [e41ac528 . e4aed578]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e4aed578 - Busy  Id=0045c522  From: 0720.1948  Context=80630041  [e1c46a30 . e416c4a8]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e416c4a8 - Busy  Id=0045c530  From: 0720.194c  Context=80630041  [e4aed578 . e43d2698]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e43d2698 - Busy  Id=0045c53f  From: 0720.1950  Context=80630041  [e416c4a8 . e50c0618]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e50c0618 - Busy  Id=0045c54d  From: 0720.1954  Context=80630041  [e43d2698 . e233b698]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e233b698 - Busy  Id=0045c55a  From: 0720.1958  Context=80630041  [e50c0618 . e3661a98]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e3661a98 - Busy  Id=0045c568  From: 0720.195c  Context=80630041  [e233b698 . e495bd88]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e495bd88 - Busy  Id=0045c578  From: 0720.1960  Context=80630041  [e3661a98 . e2e77ea0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e2e77ea0 - Busy  Id=0045c58f  From: 0720.1964  Context=80630041  [e495bd88 . e3550a18]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e3550a18 - Busy  Id=0045c59f  From: 0720.1968  Context=80630041  [e2e77ea0 . e36c8a98]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e36c8a98 - Busy  Id=0045c5c0  From: 0720.196c  Context=80630041  [e3550a18 . e50de598]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e50de598 - Busy  Id=0045c5d6  From: 0720.1970  Context=80630041  [e36c8a98 . e56614a0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e56614a0 - Busy  Id=0045c5e4  From: 0720.1974  Context=80630041  [e50de598 . e5539008]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e5539008 - Busy  Id=0045c5f8  From: 0720.1978  Context=80630041  [e56614a0 . e3e04008]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e3e04008 - Busy  Id=0045c60a  From: 0720.197c  Context=80630041  [e5539008 . e22ac530]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e22ac530 - Busy  Id=0045c61e  From: 0720.1980  Context=80630041  [e3e04008 . e5366b60]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e5366b60 - Busy  Id=0045c630  From: 0720.1994  Context=80630041  [e22ac530 . e381f590]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e381f590 - Busy  Id=0045c63f  From: 0720.1998  Context=80630041  [e5366b60 . e4e76a18]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e4e76a18 - Busy  Id=0045c65d  From: 0720.19a0  Context=80630041  [e381f590 . e4eb04e0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e4eb04e0 - Busy  Id=0045c66d  From: 0720.19a4  Context=80630041  [e4e76a18 . e380ea18]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e380ea18 - Busy  Id=0045c681  From: 0720.19a8  Context=80630041  [e4eb04e0 . e4c1a540]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e4c1a540 - Busy  Id=0045c699  From: 0720.19ac  Context=80630041  [e380ea18 . e3e9a698]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e3e9a698 - Busy  Id=0045c6c0  From: 0720.19b0  Context=80630041  [e4c1a540 . e3d03938]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e3d03938 - Busy  Id=0045c6de  From: 0720.19b8  Context=80630041  [e3e9a698 . e4ffaea0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e4ffaea0 - Busy  Id=0045c707  From: 0720.19c0  Context=80630041  [e3d03938 . e510e660]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e510e660 - Busy  Id=0045c71a  From: 0720.19c4  Context=80630041  [e4ffaea0 . e2431a18]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e2431a18 - Busy  Id=0045c72d  From: 0720.19c8  Context=80630041  [e510e660 . e4b52590]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e4b52590 - Busy  Id=0045c73c  From: 0720.19cc  Context=80630041  [e2431a18 . e4c9daf0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e4c9daf0 - Busy  Id=0045c74f  From: 0720.19d0  Context=80630041  [e4b52590 . e400a718]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e400a718 - Busy  Id=0045c762  From: 0720.19d4  Context=80630041  [e4c9daf0 . e41d7810]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 0000bd01 000f0241 0144bdc4 01449650 0144bdfc 0144d93c
        0000 e41d7810 - Busy  Id=0045c772  From: 0720.19d8  Context=80630041  [e400a718 . e25137d8]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e25137d8 - Busy  Id=0045c781  From: 0720.19dc  Context=80630041  [e41d7810 . e26ddb60]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e26ddb60 - Busy  Id=0045c794  From: 0720.19e0  Context=80630041  [e25137d8 . e4b52428]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e4b52428 - Busy  Id=0045c7a2  From: 0720.19e4  Context=80630041  [e26ddb60 . e41d74d8]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e41d74d8 - Busy  Id=0045c7b1  From: 0720.19e8  Context=80630041  [e4b52428 . e43efaf0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e43efaf0 - Busy  Id=0045c7bf  From: 0720.19ec  Context=80630041  [e41d74d8 . e43bc4d8]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e43bc4d8 - Busy  Id=0045c7d5  From: 0720.18f0  Context=80630041  [e43efaf0 . e4f2b598]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e4f2b598 - Busy  Id=0045c7e5  From: 0720.18f4  Context=80630041  [e43bc4d8 . e50de430]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e50de430 - Busy  Id=0045c7f6  From: 0720.18f8  Context=80630041  [e4f2b598 . e12ad950]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e12ad950 - Busy  Id=0045c80d  From: 0720.18e4  Context=80630041  [e50de430 . e4cc4008]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e4cc4008 - Busy  Id=0045c81d  From: 0720.1908  Context=80630041  [e12ad950 . e56b2ea0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e56b2ea0 - Busy  Id=0045c82d  From: 0720.1618  Context=80630041  [e4cc4008 . e4b618d8]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e4b618d8 - Busy  Id=0045c83b  From: 0720.0a8c  Context=80630041  [e56b2ea0 . e3d6f948]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e3d6f948 - Busy  Id=0045c84f  From: 0720.1984  Context=80630041  [e4b618d8 . e53d6900]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e53d6900 - Busy  Id=0045c863  From: 0720.199c  Context=80630041  [e3d6f948 . e23cc698]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000f0241 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e23cc698 - Busy  Id=0045cce9  From: 04f4.09c4  Context=83080049  [e53d6900 . e5464418]
                   Length=00200008  Type=00000005 (LPC_PORT_CLOSED)
                   Data: 39871c70 01c989bd
        0000 e5464418 - Busy  Id=0045cd6a  From: 139c.0ed8  Context=82d20020  [e23cc698 . e3ea1698]
                   Length=0094007c  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00001901 00080241 7c97c080 00090280 000bae60 000000d8
        0000 e3ea1698 - Busy  Id=0045cd91  From: 0820.1a10  Context=00000139  [e5464418 . e3d6e470]
                   Length=011800e8  Type=0000000a (LPC_CONNECTION_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e3d6e470 - Busy  Id=0045d01e  From: 0164.0f54  Context=800d0009  [e3ea1698 . e5743ea0]
                   Length=00480030  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00009b01 000f0241 ae579b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ae579b60
        0000 e5743ea0 - Busy  Id=0045d049  From: 02a8.12d0  Context=8024000f  [e3d6e470 . e540c358]
                   Length=007c0064  Type=00000001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 0000ef01 001c0241 8a695ba8 7ff91000 adfa2b90 c0601ff8
        0000 e540c358 - Busy  Id=0045d96b  From: 1c1c.1c20  Context=802b0007  [e5743ea0 . e1b84930]
                   Length=011800e8  Type=0000000a (LPC_CONNECTION_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e1b84930 - Busy  Id=0045e6b0  From: 1c8c.1c90  Context=80030001  [e540c358 . e2661f00]
                   Length=011800e8  Type=0000000a (LPC_CONNECTION_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    The message queue contains 262 messages

    Messages in LpcDataInfoChainHead:
        0000 e430c3e0 - Busy  Id=003270dc  From: 0558.12c0  Context=80080005  [e2661f70 . e4d87650]
                   Length=0044002c  Type=00380001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000b0242 7c97c080 00090250 00091fa8 000000d8
        0000 e4d87650 - Busy  Id=0032717c  From: 0558.1144  Context=80080005  [e430c3e0 . e1d98008]
                   Length=0044002c  Type=00380001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000b0242 4fcf7a97 ff6972b6 7d8b9c42 00000001
        0000 e1d98008 - Busy  Id=00328ac6  From: 0558.1394  Context=80080005  [e4d87650 . e3af6c00]
                   Length=0044002c  Type=00380001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000b0242 12345678 abcd1234 230100ef fbcf6745
        0000 e3af6c00 - Busy  Id=0033e440  From: 0558.05d4  Context=80080005  [e1d98008 . e54504e8]
                   Length=0044002c  Type=00380001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000b0242 438703f2 c5a09c89 3d8a5080 00000001
        0000 e54504e8 - Busy  Id=00341184  From: 0558.1210  Context=80080005  [e3af6c00 . e52d3ea0]
                   Length=0044002c  Type=00380001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000b0242 12345678 abcd1234 230100ef fbcf6745
        0000 e52d3ea0 - Busy  Id=0034fd11  From: 0558.0300  Context=80080005  [e54504e8 . e4ed1848]
                   Length=0044002c  Type=00380001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000b0242 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e4ed1848 - Busy  Id=00368557  From: 0558.14fc  Context=80080005  [e52d3ea0 . e23e5390]
                   Length=0044002c  Type=00380001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00003b01 000b0242 ad1b3b44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ad1b3b60
        0000 e23e5390 - Busy  Id=00374946  From: 0558.1384  Context=80080005  [e4ed1848 . e427cd90]
                   Length=0044002c  Type=00380001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000b0242 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e427cd90 - Busy  Id=003bf823  From: 0558.08a0  Context=80080005  [e23e5390 . e3babc78]
                   Length=0044002c  Type=00380001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00007d01 000b0242 88da5375 3045464d acb47b58 ade71ce3
        0000 e3babc78 - Busy  Id=003c80a8  From: 0558.1488  Context=80080005  [e427cd90 . e4dd8ea0]
                   Length=0044002c  Type=00380001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00007d01 000b0242 88da5375 3045464d acb47b58 ade71ce3
        0000 e4dd8ea0 - Busy  Id=003d6f76  From: 0558.129c  Context=80080005  [e3babc78 . e231ee58]
                   Length=0044002c  Type=00380001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 0000cb01 000b0242 ae80cb44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ae80cb60
        0000 e231ee58 - Busy  Id=003f3a15  From: 0558.0de8  Context=80080005  [e4dd8ea0 . e38f8008]
                   Length=0044002c  Type=00380001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000b0242 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e38f8008 - Busy  Id=004227f8  From: 0558.14e8  Context=80080005  [e231ee58 . e3105a20]
                   Length=0044002c  Type=00380001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 0000cb01 000b0242 ae80cb44 ade74eb0 895f3670 ae80cb60
        0000 e3105a20 - Busy  Id=00422b4d  From: 0558.09b0  Context=80080005  [e38f8008 . e43fb110]
                   Length=0044002c  Type=00380001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000b0242 12345678 abcd1234 230100ef fbcf6745
        0000 e43fb110 - Busy  Id=0042b9fe  From: 0558.1124  Context=80080005  [e3105a20 . e3c44298]
                   Length=0044002c  Type=00380001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000b0242 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        0000 e3c44298 - Busy  Id=0042ed0e  From: 0558.1558  Context=80080005  [e43fb110 . e3c48c70]
                   Length=0044002c  Type=00380001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000b0242 00000000 00000000 00010002 0208000e
        0000 e3c48c70 - Busy  Id=00435990  From: 0558.1768  Context=80080005  [e3c44298 . e4cc3c18]
                   Length=0044002c  Type=00380001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000b0242 00000000 00000000 00000000 c06007f0
        0000 e4cc3c18 - Busy  Id=0043db48  From: 0558.1224  Context=80080005  [e3c48c70 . e2661f70]
                   Length=0044002c  Type=00380001 (LPC_REQUEST)
                   Data: 00000001 000b0242 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    The LpcDataInfoChainHead queue contains 18 messages
    Threads in RunDown queue :     0xe430c218    0xe4d87488    0xe1d97e40    0xe3af6a38    0xe5450320    0xe52d3cd8    0xe4ed1680    0xe23e51c8    0xe427cbc8    0xe3babab0    0xe4dd8cd8    0xe231ec90    0xe38f7e40    0xe3105858    0xe43faf48    0xe3c440d0    0xe3c48aa8    0xe4cc3a50



kd> !THREAD 884444e0
THREAD 884444e0  Cid 0544.0e5c  Teb: 7ff95000 Win32Thread: 00000000 WAIT: (Executive) KernelMode Non-Alertable
    884446d4  Semaphore Limit 0x1
Waiting for reply to LPC MessageId 00327179:
Pending LPC Reply Message:
    e3364398: [e3364398,e3364398]
IRP List:
    89166008: (0006,0220) Flags: 00000884  Mdl: 00000000
Not impersonating
DeviceMap                 e10087c0
Owning Process            8a7f8da0       Image:         services.exe
Attached Process          N/A            Image:         N/A
Wait Start TickCount      15746429       Ticks: 51306 (0:00:13:21.656)
Context Switch Count      63846            
UserTime                  00:00:02.406
KernelTime                00:00:11.234
Win32 Start Address 0x003270dc
LPC Server thread working on message Id 3270dc
Start Address 0x7c810679
Stack Init acb0c000 Current acb0afcc Base acb0c000 Limit acb09000 Call 0
Priority 10 BasePriority 9 PriorityDecrement 0 DecrementCount 0
ChildEBP RetAddr  Args to Child             
acb0afe4 8050049e 88444550 884444e0 804f9cec nt!KiSwapContext+0x2e (FPO: [Uses EBP] [0,0,4])
acb0aff0 804f9cec 00000000 884444e0 e5178868 nt!KiSwapThread+0x46 (FPO: [0,0,0])
acb0b018 805987fc 00000000 00000000 acd70d00 nt!KeWaitForSingleObject+0x1c2 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
acb0b0d4 80598a2a acb0b300 acb0b224 acb0b22c nt!NtSecureConnectPort+0x662 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
acb0b100 acd60ebc acb0b300 acb0b224 acb0b22c nt!NtConnectPort+0x24 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong.
acb0b154 8053cbc8 acb0b300 acb0b224 acb0b22c hidsys+0x12ebc
acb0b154 804fd80d acb0b300 acb0b224 acb0b22c nt!KiFastCallEntry+0xf8 (FPO: [0,0] TrapFrame @ acb0b17c)
acb0b1ec ba5e9a05 acb0b300 acb0b224 acb0b22c nt!ZwConnectPort+0x11 (FPO: [8,0,0])
acb0b2dc ba5e3f54 ba5e5da0 00000001 acb0b300 KSecDD!CreateConnection+0xe5 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
acb0b310 ba5e38da 00000001 acb0b320 00000000 KSecDD!CreateClient+0x90 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
acb0b324 ba5e9044 acb0b430 acb0b340 e27ac030 KSecDD!IsOkayToExec+0x2c (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
acb0b434 ba5ea4f1 acb0b688 acb0b44c acb0b45c KSecDD!SecpGetLogonSessionData+0x14 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
acb0b444 acd54168 acb0b688 acb0b454 00000000 KSecDD!LsaGetLogonSessionData+0x11 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
acb0b45c acd64d5f acb0b688 acb0b6b8 acd79004 hidsys+0x6168
acb0b6d4 acd6d393 8811fe04 00000004 00000000 hidsys+0x16d5f
acb0b6e8 acd6d939 8811fe04 0000002d acb0b700 hidsys!strcspn+0x58f3
acb0b708 acd77c96 8811fe04 87d55ce2 acb0b724 hidsys!strcspn+0x5e99
acb0b728 acd77bd4 8811fe04 894aabb4 acb0b79c hidsys!strcspn+0x101f6
acb0b75c acd772db acb0b79c 8811fe04 acb0b798 hidsys!strcspn+0x10134
acb0b7cc acd77238 8811fe04 87d35004 acb0b80c hidsys!strcspn+0xf83b
acb0b7e8 acd65113 8815a00c acb0b80c 87d35004 hidsys!strcspn+0xf798
acb0b830 acd59c62 8815a00c acb0b8c0 acb00000 hidsys+0x17113
acb0b8a8 acd595e5 8ac8d318 89166008 88df33b8 hidsys+0xbc62
acb0b8d8 804ee0ef 8ac8d318 89166008 8ac69150 hidsys+0xb5e5
acb0b8e8 ba5ff876 89166204 8ad115a8 89166008 nt!IopfCallDriver+0x31 (FPO: [0,0,0])
acb0b934 804ee0ef 8ac8dc80 00000001 89166228 sr!SrCreate+0x150 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
acb0b944 ade7381d 88e31064 88e31008 00000002 nt!IopfCallDriver+0x31 (FPO: [0,0,0])
acb0b96c ade645bb 89166008 acb0ba20 89166008 mfehidk!DEVICEDISPATCH::LowerDevicePassThrough+0x48
acb0b990 ade64c32 89166008 01166204 8ac69150 mfehidk+0x75bb
acb0ba28 ade72a57 8ac69150 89166008 acb0ba60 mfehidk+0x7c32
acb0ba38 ade72aa7 acb0ba48 8a596eb0 891bc888 mfehidk+0x15a57
acb0ba60 804ee0ef 891bc888 89166008 89166008 mfehidk!DEVICEDISPATCH::DispatchPassThrough+0x48
acb0ba70 805778d6 8accebf0 88e1f864 acb0bc18 nt!IopfCallDriver+0x31 (FPO: [0,0,0])
acb0bb50 805b3c2a 8accec08 00000000 88e1f7c0 nt!IopParseDevice+0xa12 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
acb0bbd8 805b010b 00000000 acb0bc18 00000040 nt!ObpLookupObjectName+0x56a (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
acb0bc2c 8056a613 00000000 00000000 00000001 nt!ObOpenObjectByName+0xeb (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
acb0bca8 8056af8a 017cf6d0 00100100 017cf68c nt!IopCreateFile+0x407 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
acb0bd04 8056e773 017cf6d0 00100100 017cf68c nt!IoCreateFile+0x8e (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
acb0bd44 8053cbc8 017cf6d0 00100100 017cf68c nt!NtOpenFile+0x27 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
acb0bd44 7c90eb94 017cf6d0 00100100 017cf68c nt!KiFastCallEntry+0xf8 (FPO: [0,0] TrapFrame @ acb0bd64)


kd> dS acb0b224
ba5e98ec  "\LsaAuthenticationPort"


kd> dS acb0bc18
e1219ac8  "\Device\HarddiskVolume1\WINDOWS\"
e1219b08  "System32\config\SecEvent.Evt"


kd> !lpc message 00327179
Searching message 327179 in threads ...
Client thread 884444e0 waiting a reply from 327179                         
Searching thread 884444e0 in port rundown queues ...

Server connection port e2da1378  Name: LsaAuthenticationPort
    Handles: 1   References: 144
    Server process  : 8a66c940 (lsass.exe)
    Queue semaphore : 8aa0c978
    Semaphore state 0 (0x0)
    The message queue is empty
    The LpcDataInfoChainHead queue is empty


LPC Server thread working on message Id 3270dc


kd> !lpc message 3270dc
Searching message 3270dc in threads ...
    Server thread 884444e0 is working on message 3270dc                        
Client thread 88eed4b0 waiting a reply from 3270dc                         
Searching thread 88eed4b0 in port rundown queues ...

Server communication port 0xe265e968
    Handles: 1   References: 1
    The LpcDataInfoChainHead queue is empty
        Connected port: 0xe27d34b0      Server connection port: 0xe2661ef0

Client communication port 0xe27d34b0
    Handles: 1   References: 19
    The LpcDataInfoChainHead queue is empty

Server connection port e2661ef0  Name: ntsvcs
    Handles: 1   References: 432
    Server process  : 8a7f8da0 (services.exe)
    Queue semaphore : 8aa06248
    Semaphore state 263 (0x107)


kd> !thread 88eed4b0
THREAD 88eed4b0  Cid 0558.12c0  Teb: 7ff98000 Win32Thread: 00000000 WAIT: (WrLpcReply) UserMode Non-Alertable
    88eed6a4  Semaphore Limit 0x1
Waiting for reply to LPC MessageId 003270dc:
Current LPC port e27d34b0
Not impersonating
DeviceMap                 e10087c0
Owning Process            8a66c940       Image:         lsass.exe
Attached Process          N/A            Image:         N/A
Wait Start TickCount      11653439       Ticks: 4144296 (0:17:59:14.625)
Context Switch Count      27            
UserTime                  00:00:00.000
KernelTime                00:00:00.000
Win32 Start Address 0x75738d13
Start Address 0x7c810679
Stack Init ae04b000 Current ae04ac50 Base ae04b000 Limit ae048000 Call 0
Priority 9 BasePriority 9 PriorityDecrement 0 DecrementCount 16
Kernel stack not resident.
ChildEBP RetAddr  Args to Child             
ae04ac68 8050049e 88eed520 88eed4b0 804f9cec nt!KiSwapContext+0x2e (FPO: [Uses EBP] [0,0,4])
ae04ac74 804f9cec 88eed6a4 88eed678 88eed4b0 nt!KiSwapThread+0x46 (FPO: [0,0,0])
ae04ac9c 805977e9 00000001 00000011 00000001 nt!KeWaitForSingleObject+0x1c2 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
ae04ad50 8053cbc8 000003d0 000be8a8 000be8a8 nt!NtRequestWaitReplyPort+0x63d (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
ae04ad50 7c90eb94 000003d0 000be8a8 000be8a8 nt!KiFastCallEntry+0xf8 (FPO: [0,0] TrapFrame @ ae04ad64)
WARNING: Frame IP not in any known module. Following frames may be wrong.
015ef2f8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0x7c90eb94



很多用户态挂死都与LPC有关,尽管这不是问题的根源。Vista和Server 2008引入了ALPC来改进旧的LPC,以帮助缓解这个的问题。Undocumented Windows NT中很好的介绍了LPC,http://www.windowsitlibrary.com/Content/356/08/2.html








posted on 2009年2月8日 18:08 由 Raymond

# re: 调试笔记:LPC循环等待挂死 @ 2009年2月10日 8:22



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