不知道该书的预备知识要求如何,本人之前学习C,win32汇编,对VB,C++也只是了解一下,相当于只看了一下书本,学得很肤浅,对软件调试有一定的了解,之前有看过看雪出版的加密与解密一书,另外也看过深入理解计算机系统一书 ,不知道对阅读该书是否有帮助,不知还需要哪些其它的知识,可否具体指点一下,谢谢!!!
WANGyu wrote:楼主既然阅读过卡耐基的ZIP,就应该有基础阅读大部分的计算机应用书籍。此外,实践基础和理论基础同样重要,多动手写 + 多动手调,可以帮助你更好的理解《软件调试》中的一些例子。
Raymond wrote:以下是摘自《软件调试》前言的回答: 要读懂和领会本书的内容,笔者希望读者已经具备了以下基础: 1)曾经亲自参与编写程序......"
"卡耐基的ZIP"指的是? 《深入理解计算机系统》不是卡耐基写的啊! --------------------------------------------------------------------- 黑风幻影说《Computer Systems - A Programmer's Perspective》 您“霸占”了半年,但是您不会不知道它和 CMU 的关系吧.. CMU 的邮编是:15-213,同时这也是《Computer Systems》一书的课程号,该书的地位在 CMU 被尊为:“15-213 - The Class That Gives CMU Its Zip!” ZIP可翻译为:“邮编”、“精神”等。 参见如下:Origins of the BookThe book stems from an introductory course that we developed at Carnegie Mellon University in the Fall of 1998, called 15-213: Introduction to Computer Systems (ICS) [7]. The ICS course has been taught every semester since then, each time to about 150 students, mostly sophomores in computer science and computer engineering. It has since become a prerequisite for most upper-level systems courses in the CS and ECE departments at Carnegie Mellon. ......Aside: ICS numerology.The numerology of the ICS course is a little strange. About halfway through the first semester, we realized that the assigned course number (15-213) was also the CMU zip code, hence the motto “15-213: The course that gives CMU its zip!”. By chance, the alpha version of the manuscript was printed on February 13, 2001 (2/13/01). Whe we presented the course at the SIGCSE education conference, the talk was scheduled in Room 213. And the final version of the book has 13 chapters. It’s a good thing we’re not superstitious! End Aside.更多信息请参见 CMU 网站。