Option Explicit ' ADPlus version and Date Const VERSION = "6.03.006" Const VERSIONDATE = "12/16/2008" ' ' ' Documentation for ADPlus can be found in debugger.chm '********************************************************************************************* '* '* File: ADPlus.vbs '* Authors: Robert Hensing, Solution Integration Engineering - Versions 1 to 5 '* Israel Burman, Solution Integration Engineering - Versions 6 -> '* '* Purpose: ADPlus is used to automatically generate memory dumps or log files containing '* scripted debug output usefull for troubleshooting N-tier WinDNA / .NET applications. '* Since WinDNA / .NET applications often encompass multiple, interdependent '* processes on one or more machines, when troubleshooting an application hang '* or crash it is often necessary to 'look' at all of the processes at the same time. '* ADPlus allows you to profile an application that may be hanging by taking '* 'snapshots' (memory dumps, or debug log files) of that application and all of '* its processes, all at the same time. Multiple 'snapshots' can then be compared '* or analyzed to build a history or profile of an application over time. '* '* In addition to taking 'snapshots' of hung/non-responsive WinDNA / .NET applications '* ADPlus can be used to troubleshoot applications that are crashing or throwing '* unhandled exceptions which can lead to a crash. '* Usage: '* ADPlus has 3 modes of operation: 'Hang', 'Quick' and 'Crash' mode. '* '* In 'Hang' mode, ADPlus assumes that a process is hung and it will attach a '* debugger to the process(s) specified on the command line with either the '-p' '* or '-pn' or '-iis' switches. After the debugger is attached to the process(s) '* ADPlus will dump the memory of each process to a .dmp file for later analysis '* with a debugger (such as WinDBG). In this mode, processes are paused briefly '* while their memory is being dumped to a file and then resumed. '* '* In '-quick' mode ADPlus assumes that a process is hung and it will attach a '* debugger to the process(s) specified on the command line with either the '-p' '* or '-pn' or '-iis' switches. After the debugger is attached to the process(s) '* ADPlus will create mini dumps for each process, containing commonly requested '* debug information, rather than dumping the entire memory for each process. '* 'Quick' mode is generally faster than 'Hang' mode, but requires symbols to be '* installed on the server where ADPlus is running. '* '* In 'Crash' mode, ADPlus assumes that a process will crash and it will attach '* a debugger to the process(s) specified on the command line with either the '-p' '* or '-pn' or '-iis' switches. After the debugger is attached to the process(s) '* ADPlus will configure the debugger to log 'first chance' access violations '* (AV's) to a text file. When a 'second chance' access violation occurs, the '* processes memory is dumped to a .dmp file for analysis with a debugger such as '* WinDBG. In this mode, a debugger remains attached to the process(s) until the '* process exits or the debugger is exited by pressing CTRL-C in the minimized '* debugger window. When the process crashes, or CTRL-C is pressed, it will '* need to be re-started. '* '* Behavior of ADPlus can be configured through an external configuration file. '* '*********************************************************************************************** '*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '* Run ADPlus without any switches to get usage information '* '* Switches: '-hang', '-quick', '-crash', '-iis', '-p ', '-pn '* '-sc '* '-quiet', '-o , '-notify '* '-c '* '-FullOnFirst', 'MiniOnSecond', 'NoDumpOnFirst', 'NoDumpOnSecond' '* '-do' '* '* '* Required: ('-hang', or '-quick', or '-crash') AND ('-iis' or '-p' or '-pn' or '-sc') '* or '-c' (the config file can include all required parameters) '* '* The -sc switch, if used, must be the last one. '* '* '* Examples: 'ADPlus -hang -iis', Produces memory dumps of IIS and all '* MTS/COM+ packages currently running. '* '* 'ADPlus -crash -p 1896', Attaches the debugger to process with PID '* 1896, and monitors it for 1st and 2nd '* chance access violations (crashes). '* '* 'ADPlus -quick -pn mmc.exe', Attaches the debugger to all instances '* of MMC.EXE and dumps debug information '* about these processes to a text file. '* '* 'ADPlus -?' or 'ADPlus -help': Displays usage information. '*------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '**************************************************************************** ' These are ADPlus's constants. By default, they should all be set to FALSE ' for performance reasons. ' These constants should only be set to TRUE for troubleshooting script problems ' or producing verbose debug information. Setting some of these constant to ' TRUE can have a performance impact on production servers. ' Set DEBUGGING = TRUE to turn on verbose debug output, usefull for ' troubleshooting problems with AD+. Const DEBUGGING = FALSE ' Set g_Debug_Log = FALSE if you do NOT want AD+ to create a log file ' in the InitializeGlobals function. ' Preferable use the external configuration file to configure which exceptions should be logged ' and which ones not, and keep the creation of a log file to log important info. ' ' ADPlus defined structures ' ' After the declaration of all globals you can find documentation about ' some specific fields, such as acceptable values for ExceptionAction.Commands1, etc. ' ' Used to store the list of running processes ' Class RunningProcess public Name ' Process Name (Kept with UCase) public ID ' ProcessID public Package ' Package name if COM+ public Selected ' True/False - if the process was selected for ADPlus End Class ' ' This structure is used to define the available commands that can be ' executed when a given exception happens ' Class ExceptionAction public ExceptionName ' external name without blanks (Access_Violation) public ExceptionCode ' such as av, ii, or hexa values such as "0x80010105" public Commands1 ' Commands for 1st chance exception public Commands2 ' Commands for 2nd chance exception public CustomCommands1 ' CustomCommands for 1st chance exception public CustomCommands2 ' CustomCommands for 2nd chance exception public ReturnAction1 ' GN, GH, Q; GN: Go not handled, GH: Go handled, Q: Quit public ReturnAction2 ' same for second chance (never use GH to avoid recursive dumps) public Comment ' comments to add to the log (lines should be separated with Char(10) End Class ' ' This structure is used to define the available commands that can be ' executed when a given break point is reached ' Class BPAction public AdrType ' BP, BU or BM - for BM we can use wild cards in the address public Address ' same sintax as defined in windbg help for BP public Passes ' same sintax as defined in windbg help for BP public Commands ' Commands to be executed (same as for ExceptionAction.Commands1) public CustomCommands ' CustomCommands to be executed (same as for ExceptionAction.Commands1) public ReturnAction ' G or Q; (G= Go, Q= Quit) End Class ' ' This structure is used to define the set of actions to be taken ' when running in ADPlus ' Class HangAction public Name ' internal friendly name (MiniDump, Stacks, etc.) public Command ' CDB Command - to be defined only if an internal friendly name not available ' used to add additional custom commands public Description ' just a short description to be added to the logs public Selected End Class ' Global variables 'Dim g_MaxApplications not checked anymore Dim g_LastScriptCommand Dim g_AdpLogFile ' file where we log data about this ADPlus execution Dim g_AdpLogBuffer ' string buffer to acumulate data before the log is created Dim g_ExternalConfigurationFileName ' Name of Configuration File Dim g_NoTlist ' if true ADPlus will not use TList (no -pn switch can be used) Dim g_CheckTS ' if checking if it's running from TS when OS prior to XP Dim g_CheckFreeSpace Dim g_RunMode dim g_HelpRequested Dim g_IISMode Dim g_QuietMode Dim g_OSVer Dim g_OSBuildNumber Dim g_ComputerName Dim g_InstallDir ' the directory where ADPlus is being run from Dim g_OutPutDir ' the output directory selected by the user dim g_DumpDir ' the directory where we create the dumps (subdirectory of g_OutPutDir) Dim g_IISVer Dim g_DateTimeStamp Dim g_LocalUserName Dim g_GeneratedScriptName ' if -gs switch was used Dim g_MinFreeSpace ' minimum free space needed on output drive (will be checked) Dim g_Debug_Log ' if CDB should create a log file Dim g_Sympath Dim g_SympathPlus Dim g_Debugger dim g_DebuggerEvent ' used for the -e switch which simply passes its value to the debugger dim g_DumpOnly ' changes default behavior to create only dumps (no call stacks, etc.) dim g_AttachInterval ' seconds for multiple attaches in hang mode dim g_AttachRepeats ' number of repeated attachments Dim g_objFSO ' FileSystemObject dim g_objShell ' Wscript.Shell Redim g_CurrentProcesses(0) Redim g_SelectedProcessNames(0) Redim g_SelectedProcessIDs(0) Redim g_SelectedSpawningCommands(0) ' processes to be spawned by cdb ReDim g_ExceptionActions(0) ReDim g_BPActions(0) ' break point actions ReDim g_HangActions(0) ' actions for hang mode Redim g_PreCommands(0) ' Initialization commands (only for crash mode) Redim g_PostCommands(0) ' Termination commands (only for crash mode) ' Initialization Shell commands ' Shell commands are stored as ["A" or "S"] plus command ' The A or S means Asyncronous or Syncronous Redim g_PreShellCommands(0) ' Termination Shell commands Redim g_PostShellCommands(0) ' Set g_CheckFreeSpace = FALSE if you do NOT want AD+ to check for ' free space before running. Certain RAID drivers may cause problems for ' the free space checking routines and it may be necessary to set this ' to FALSE to allow AD+ to run. Redim g_NotifyList(0) ' The following constants are used by AD+ for launching command shells and for the FileSystemObject. ' These constants should NOT be changed. Const MINIMIZE_NOACTIVATE = 7 Const ACTIVATE_AND_DISPLAY = 1 Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8 Const TristateUseDefault = -2, TristateTrue = -1, TristateFalse = 0 '========================================================= ' ' Documentation related to the defined structures ' '========================================================= ' ' ' Available Commands to be used in ExceptionAction.Commands ' Commands should be separated by ";" ' Ex.: ExceptionAction.Commands1 = "Log;Stack;MiniDump" ' ' NOTE!!! - Commands are case sensitive ' ' Log - adds a log entry related to the exception ' EventLog - adds an avent log related to the exception ' MiniDump - creates a mini dump ' FullDump - creates a full dump ' MiniDumpOver - creates a mini dump and overwrites multiple instances for the same exception ' FullDumpOver - creates a full dump and overwrites multiple instances for the same exception ' Stack - lists the faulting call stack into the log ' Stacks - lists all thread call stacks into the log ' LoadedModules - Lists all loaded modules ' MatchingSymbols - Lists all modules with matching symbols ' Custom_commands - Allows you to add additional commands separated by Chr(10) ' you can add as many commands you need ' Example: "Custom_!lml" & Chr(10) & "!runaway" & Chr(10) & "!locks" ' ' ExceptionName - should not include blanks ' should not include any special character that cannot be part ' of a file name (we use this for the file name) ' Comments - should not include ";" and should not be too long, there is a limit ' for the size of the final command. The size of the final string is 2000 ' characters including all other commands (log, eventlog, dump, etc.) ' ' Hang mode actions ' ' Standard commands available: ' ' MiniDump - creates a mini dump ' FullDump - creates a full dump ' Stacks - lists all thread call stacks into the log ' LoadedModules - Lists all loaded modules ' MatchingSymbols - Lists all modules with matching symbols '###IB??? SHould we include some of these for exceptions? (heap, handle, locks, threadusage) ' Heap - Heap information ' Handle - Handle Information ' Dlls - Dll information ' Locks - Critical section information ' ThreadUsage - Thread cpu information (!runaway) ' ' Executing the main function Main '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: Main ' The following subroutines and functions provide the core functionality for ' ADPlus. All core functionality should be encapsulated in these sub's or functions. '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub Main dim strAux InitializeGlobals strAux = GetArguments() if strAux <> "" Then QuitWithError "Errors found reading external arguments: " & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & strAux & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & "Please see ADPlus.doc for usage information" End If ValidateSettings PrepareToRun ' we are ready to roll If g_CheckFreeSpace = True Then Call CheckAvailableSpace() GetCurrentProcesses DumpSelectedProcesses ShowStatus End Sub ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: InitializeGlobals ' ' Created by iburman on 053002 ' This function has all globals initialization to defaultvalues ' Mostly of what is here was before in the common code ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub InitializeGlobals Dim objFolder Dim strAux ' temporary string Dim i,n Dim WShNetwork AdpTrace "In the InitializeGlobals() function " g_Debug_Log = True g_Debugger = "cdb.exe" g_DebuggerEvent = "" ' g_MaxApplications = 20 g_LastScriptCommand = "Q" g_NoTlist = False g_CheckTS = True set g_AdpLogFile = Nothing g_AdpLogBuffer = "" AdpLog "ADPlus Version: " & VERSION AdpLog "ADPlus Version Date: " & VERSIONDATE g_MinFreeSpace = 10000000 g_CheckFreeSpace = TRUE g_ExternalConfigurationFileName = "" g_RunMode = "" g_DumpDir = "" g_IISMode = false g_QuietMode = false g_HelpRequested = false g_GeneratedScriptName = "" g_Sympath = "" g_SympathPlus = "" g_DumpOnly = False g_AttachInterval = 0 g_AttachRepeats = 1 Set g_objShell = createobject("Wscript.shell") Set g_objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") DetectOSVersion GetDateTimeStamp Set WShNetwork = CreateObject("Wscript.Network") g_ComputerName = WshNetwork.ComputerName AdpLog "ADPlus was run on: " & g_ComputerName set g_CurrentProcesses(0) = new RunningProcess g_CurrentProcesses(0).Name = "" g_CurrentProcesses(0).ID = 0 g_CurrentProcesses(0).Package = "" g_CurrentProcesses(0).Selected = False g_SelectedProcessNames(0) = "" g_SelectedProcessIDs(0) = 0 g_SelectedSpawningCommands(0) = "" g_PreCommands(0) = "" g_PostCommands(0) = "" g_PreShellCommands(0) = "" g_PostShellCommands(0) = "" g_NotifyList(0) = "" g_IISMode = false g_QuietMode = false g_IISVer = "" ' Get the installation directory name, used for verifying required files are present. ' and setting it as the default directory On Error Resume Next g_InstallDir = Left(wscript.scriptfullname,Len(wscript.scriptfullname)-Len(wscript.scriptname)-1) Set objFolder = g_objFSO.GetFolder(g_InstallDir) if err.Number <> 0 Then QuitWithError "Unable to instantiate folder object = Install Directory: " & g_InstallDir End If ' ' The CurrentDirectory property is new to WScript version 5.6 ' If not installed we could start ADPlus from the debuggers folder to avoid the upgrade ' if UCase(g_objFSO.GetAbsolutePathName(".")) <> UCase(g_InstallDir) Then g_objShell.CurrentDirectory = g_InstallDir if err.Number <> 0 Then strAux = "Unable to set CurrentDirectory = Install Directory: " & g_InstallDir & Chr(13) & Chr(10) strAux = strAux & "Your scripting engine's version (wshom.ocx) is probably prior to" & Chr(13) & Chr(10) strAux = strAux & "To avoid this problem simply start ADPlus from the debuggers folder or upgrade the scripting engine" & Chr(13) & Chr(10) strAux = strAux & "You can download Windows Script 5.6 from http://msdn.microsoft.com/downloads" QuitWithError strAux End If End If On Error GoTo 0 AdpLog "Debuggers Installation Directory: " & g_InstallDir g_OutPutDir = g_InstallDir ' defining the default behavior for exceptions ' if you need to add new exceptions change the dimension below ReDim g_ExceptionActions(23) ' ' First element of the array is for special purpose, it's used to store ' the default behavior for a given exception. ' If the user adds a custom exception using the -ce switch, this will be ' the settings for the new exception. ' set g_ExceptionActions(0) = new ExceptionAction g_ExceptionActions(0).ExceptionName = "" g_ExceptionActions(0).ExceptionCode = "" g_ExceptionActions(0).Commands1 = "Log;Time;Stack;MiniDump" g_ExceptionActions(0).Commands2 = "Log;Time;Stack;FullDump;EventLog" g_ExceptionActions(0).CustomCommands1 = "" g_ExceptionActions(0).CustomCommands2 = "" g_ExceptionActions(0).ReturnAction1 = "GN" g_ExceptionActions(0).ReturnAction2 = "GN" g_ExceptionActions(0).Comment = "" ' defining the standard exceptions used in ADPlus n = UBound(g_ExceptionActions) for i=1 to n set g_ExceptionActions(i) = new ExceptionAction g_ExceptionActions(i).ExceptionName = "" g_ExceptionActions(i).ExceptionCode = "" g_ExceptionActions(i).Commands1 = g_ExceptionActions(0).Commands1 g_ExceptionActions(i).Commands2 = g_ExceptionActions(0).Commands2 g_ExceptionActions(i).CustomCommands1 = g_ExceptionActions(0).CustomCommands1 g_ExceptionActions(i).CustomCommands2 = g_ExceptionActions(0).CustomCommands2 g_ExceptionActions(i).ReturnAction1 = g_ExceptionActions(0).ReturnAction1 g_ExceptionActions(i).ReturnAction2 = g_ExceptionActions(0).ReturnAction2 g_ExceptionActions(i).Comment = "" Next ' defining the specifics for each exception g_ExceptionActions(1).ExceptionName = "AccessViolation" g_ExceptionActions(1).ExceptionCode = "av" g_ExceptionActions(2).ExceptionName = "InvalidHandle" g_ExceptionActions(2).ExceptionCode = "ch" g_ExceptionActions(3).ExceptionName = "IllegalInstruction" g_ExceptionActions(3).ExceptionCode = "ii" g_ExceptionActions(4).ExceptionName = "IntegerDivide" g_ExceptionActions(4).ExceptionCode = "dz" g_ExceptionActions(5).ExceptionName = "FloatingDivide" g_ExceptionActions(5).ExceptionCode = "c000008e" g_ExceptionActions(6).ExceptionName = "IntegerOverflow" g_ExceptionActions(6).ExceptionCode = "iov" g_ExceptionActions(7).ExceptionName = "InvalidLockSequence" g_ExceptionActions(7).ExceptionCode = "lsq" g_ExceptionActions(8).ExceptionName = "StackOverflow" g_ExceptionActions(8).ExceptionCode = "sov" g_ExceptionActions(9).ExceptionName = "CPlusPlusEH" g_ExceptionActions(9).ExceptionCode = "eh" g_ExceptionActions(9).Commands1 = "Log;Time;Stack" g_ExceptionActions(10).ExceptionName = "UnknownException" g_ExceptionActions(10).ExceptionCode = "*" g_ExceptionActions(10).Commands1 = "Log;Time;Stack" g_ExceptionActions(11).ExceptionName = "NET_CLR" g_ExceptionActions(11).ExceptionCode = "clr" ' was "e0434f4d" g_ExceptionActions(11).Commands1 = "VOID" ' .Net throws a lot of exceptions '###IB??? think better of how we set this considering that this can be thrown for other reasons than ctl-c ' Do we really want to quit? g_ExceptionActions(12).ExceptionName = "CONTRL_C_OR_Debug_Break" g_ExceptionActions(12).ExceptionCode = "bpe" g_ExceptionActions(12).Commands1 = "Log;Time;EventLog;Stacks;LoadedModules;MatchingSymbols;MiniDump" g_ExceptionActions(12).CustomCommands1 = "!locks;!runaway" g_ExceptionActions(12).Commands2 = "" ' This one never has second chance. g_ExceptionActions(12).ReturnAction1 = "Q" g_ExceptionActions(12).ReturnAction2 = "GN" strAux = "CTRL-C was pressed to stop debugging this process!" strAux = strAux & Chr(10) & "When PageHeap is in use this exception can be an internal exception" g_ExceptionActions(12).Comment = strAux g_ExceptionActions(13).ExceptionName = "Wake_Debugger" g_ExceptionActions(13).ExceptionCode = "wkd" g_ExceptionActions(13).Commands1 = "Log;Time;EventLog;Stacks;LoadedModules;MatchingSymbols;MiniDump" g_ExceptionActions(13).CustomCommands1 = "!locks;!runaway" g_ExceptionActions(13).Commands2 = "" ' we quit at the first chance anyways. g_ExceptionActions(13).ReturnAction1 = "Q" g_ExceptionActions(13).ReturnAction2 = "GN" strAux = "This was added for cases whereby the CTRL-C / debug break exception does not work and the debugger reverts to a non-invasive attach" & Chr(10) & "CTRL-C was pressed to stop debugging this process!" strAux = strAux & Chr(10) & "When PageHeap is in use this exception can be an internal exception" strAux = strAux & Chr(10) & "Exiting the debugger!!!" g_ExceptionActions(13).Comment = strAux g_ExceptionActions(14).ExceptionName = "DLL_Load" g_ExceptionActions(14).ExceptionCode = "ld" g_ExceptionActions(14).Commands1 = "Log" ' "Log;Time;EventLog;Stack" g_ExceptionActions(14).Commands2 = "Log" ' "Log;Time;EventLog;Stack" g_ExceptionActions(15).ExceptionName = "DLL_UnLoad" g_ExceptionActions(15).ExceptionCode = "ud" g_ExceptionActions(15).Commands1 = "Log" ' "Log;Time;EventLog;Stack" g_ExceptionActions(15).Commands2 = "Log" ' "Log;Time;EventLog;Stack" g_ExceptionActions(16).ExceptionName = "Process_Shut_Down" g_ExceptionActions(16).ExceptionCode = "epr" g_ExceptionActions(16).Commands1 = "Log;Time;EventLog;Stacks;FullDump" g_ExceptionActions(16).CustomCommands1 = "!runaway" g_ExceptionActions(16).Commands2 = "" ' we don't get to the second chance anyways, and we need to reduce the size of the final string g_ExceptionActions(16).ReturnAction1 = "VOID" ' epr doesn't allow GN g_ExceptionActions(16).ReturnAction2 = "VOID" strAux = "This process is shutting down!" strAux = strAux & Chr(10) & "This can happen for the following reasons" strAux = strAux & Chr(10) & "1) Someone killed the process with Task Manager or the kill command" strAux = strAux & Chr(10) & "2.) If this process is an MTS or COM+ server package, it could be" strAux = strAux & Chr(10) & "* exiting because an MTS/COM+ server package idle limit was reached." strAux = strAux & Chr(10) & "3.) If this process is an MTS or COM+ server package," strAux = strAux & Chr(10) & "* someone may have shutdown the package via the MTS Explorer or" strAux = strAux & Chr(10) & "* Component Services MMC snap-in." strAux = strAux & Chr(10) & "4.) If this process is an MTS or COM+ server package," strAux = strAux & Chr(10) & "* MTS or COM+ could be shutting down the process because an internal" strAux = strAux & Chr(10) & "* error was detected in the process (MTS/COM+ fail fast condition)." g_ExceptionActions(16).Comment = strAux ' new exceptions added in ADPlus V6 g_ExceptionActions(17).ExceptionName = "Application_hang" g_ExceptionActions(17).ExceptionCode = "aph" g_ExceptionActions(18).ExceptionName = "Ctl_C_Console_app" ' this is the ctl+C from dos g_ExceptionActions(18).ExceptionCode = "cce" g_ExceptionActions(19).ExceptionName = "Data_misaligned" g_ExceptionActions(19).ExceptionCode = "dm" g_ExceptionActions(20).ExceptionName = "Guard_page_violation" g_ExceptionActions(20).ExceptionCode = "gp" g_ExceptionActions(21).ExceptionName = "In_page_IO_error" g_ExceptionActions(21).ExceptionCode = "ip" g_ExceptionActions(22).ExceptionName = "Invalid_system_call" g_ExceptionActions(22).ExceptionCode = "isc" g_ExceptionActions(23).ExceptionName = "Stack_buffer_overflow" g_ExceptionActions(23).ExceptionCode = "sbo" ' Initializing Breakpoints ' ' First element of the array is for special purpose, it's used as a ' template for all defined breakpoints ' Breakpoints are defined using the -bp parameter: ' -bp address;optional_additional_parameters ' optional parameters must be separated by ";" and no blanks and can be any of the following: ' MiniDump, FullDump or NoDump - to indicate if you want a dump (default is NoDump) ' an integer number - indicating the number of passes to ignore ' Q or G - if you want to quit or go after the action; Default is G ' if not including any optional parameters the default behavior is to ' create a log,list the call stack, and return with GO. ' Example: ' -bp "MyModule!MyClass::MyMethod" ' -bp "MyModule!MyClass::MyMethod;MiniDump;Q" ' ' ' set g_BPActions(0) = new BPAction g_BPActions(0).AdrType = "bp" g_BPActions(0).Address = "" g_BPActions(0).Passes = "" g_BPActions(0).Commands = "Log;Stack" g_BPActions(0).CustomCommands = "" g_BPActions(0).ReturnAction = "G" ' Defining default behavior for hang mode ReDim g_HangActions(8) n = UBound(g_HangActions) for i=0 to n set g_HangActions(i) = new HangAction g_HangActions(i).Name = "" g_HangActions(i).Command = "" g_HangActions(i).Description = "" g_HangActions(i).Selected = True Next ' defining the specifics g_HangActions(0).Name = "FullDump" g_HangActions(0).Description = "" g_HangActions(1).Name = "Stacks" g_HangActions(1).Description = "Thread stack backtrace information" g_HangActions(2).Name = "LoadedModules" g_HangActions(2).Description = "Loaded modules" g_HangActions(3).Name = "MatchingSymbols" g_HangActions(3).Description = "Loaded modules with matching symbols" g_HangActions(4).Name = "Heap" g_HangActions(4).Description = "Heap information" g_HangActions(5).Name = "Handle" g_HangActions(5).Description = "Handle information" g_HangActions(6).Name = "Dlls" g_HangActions(6).Description = "DLL Information" g_HangActions(7).Name = "Locks" g_HangActions(7).Description = "Critical section information" g_HangActions(8).Name = "ThreadUsage" g_HangActions(8).Description = "Thread CPU usage information" End Sub '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: GetDateTimeStamp ' This function is responsible for getting the unique Date / Time stamp used for ' creating unique directory / file names. ' To Change the names of the output directories, edit them below. '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetDateTimeStamp() Dim AMorPM Dim Seconds Dim Minutes Dim Hours Dim theDay Dim theMonth AdpTrace "In the GetDateTimeStamp() function . . ." Hours = Hour(Now) Minutes = Minute(Now) Seconds = Second(Now) theDay = Day(Now) theMonth = Month(Now) AMorPM = Right(Now(),2) If Len(Hours) = 1 Then Hours = "0" & Hours If Len(Minutes) = 1 Then Minutes = "0" & Minutes If Len(Seconds) = 1 Then Seconds = "0" & Seconds If Len(theDay) = 1 Then theDay = "0" & theDay If Len(theMonth) = 1 Then theMonth = "0" & theMonth g_DateTimeStamp = "Date_" & theMonth & "-" & theDay & "-" & Year(Now) & "__Time_" & Hours & "-" & Minutes & "-" & Seconds & AMorPM AdpLog "DateTimeStamp: " & g_DateTimeStamp End Function '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: CheckFiles ' This function is responsible for ensuring that all the required files are ' installed in the 'InstallDir'. If files are missing, display an error or ' log an error to the event log if running in quiet mode. '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub CheckFiles() Dim strAux AdpTrace "In the CheckFiles() function " ' all error messages start with the same sentence: strAux = "ADPlus is not configured properly. " 'Make sure CDB.EXE & AD+.vbs are in the right place. If its not it could mean AD+.vbs isn't running from the debuggers directory. If not g_objFSO.FileExists(g_InstallDir & "\cdb.exe") Then strAux = strAux & "Either the file CDB.EXE is missing from " & g_InstallDir & " or ADPlus.vbs is not running from the debuggers installation directory. " strAux = strAux & "Please place ADPlus.vbs in the debuggers installation directory or try re-installing the Debugging Tools for Windows." QuitWithError strAux End If 'Make sure the NT 4.0 debug extensions are installed If g_OSVer = "4.0" Then If not g_objFSO.FileExists(g_InstallDir & "\nt4fre\userexts.dll") Then strAux = strAux & "The file userexts.dll is missing from " & g_InstallDir & "\nt4fre" & ". " strAux = strAux & "Please re-install the Debugging Tools for Windows." QuitWithError strAux End If End If 'Make sure the Windows 2000 debug extensions are installed If CInt(g_OSBuildNumber) = 2195 Then If not g_objFSO.FileExists(g_InstallDir & "\w2kfre\userexts.dll") Then strAux = strAux & "The file userexts.dll is missing from " & g_InstallDir & "\w2kfre" & ". " strAux = strAux & "Please re-install the Debugging Tools for Windows." QuitWithError strAux End If End If '###IB??? Why is this commented out??? 'Make sure the Windows XP debug extensions are installed 'If CInt(g_OSBuildNumber) > 2195 Then 'If not g_objFSO.FileExists(g_InstallDir & "\w2001\userexts.dll") Then ' strAux = strAux & "The file userexts.dll is missing from " & g_InstallDir & "\winxp" & ". " ' strAux = strAux & "Please re-install the Debugging Tools for Windows." ' QuitWithError strAux 'End If If not g_objFSO.FileExists(g_InstallDir & "\dbgeng.dll") Then strAux = strAux & "The file dbgeng.dll is missing from " & g_InstallDir & ". " strAux = strAux & "Please place ADPlus.vbs in the debuggers installation directory or try re-installing the Debugging Tools for Windows." QuitWithError strAux end If If not g_objFSO.FileExists(g_InstallDir & "\dbghelp.dll") then strAux = strAux & "The file dbghelp.dll is missing from " & g_InstallDir & ". " strAux = strAux & "Please place ADPlus.vbs in the debuggers installation directory or try re-installing the Debugging Tools for Windows." QuitWithError strAux end If if g_NoTlist = FALSE Then If not g_objFSO.FileExists(g_InstallDir & "\tlist.exe") then strAux = strAux & "The file tlist.exe is missing from " & g_InstallDir & ". " strAux = strAux & "Please place ADPlus.vbs in the debuggers installation directory or try re-installing the Debugging Tools for Windows." QuitWithError strAux end If end if End Sub '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: CheckAvailableSpace ' ' This was the previous RunTlist function. ' TList is now running in the GetCurrentProcesses function ' ' This function only checks the available space '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub CheckAvailableSpace() Dim DriveObject Dim DriveName Dim strAux ' a temporary string Dim arrAux ' an array of strings AdpTrace "In the CheckAvailableSpace() function " 'Check the output directories drive to ensure there is enough free space for the files. If Left(g_DumpDir,2) <> "\\" Then 'We are not logging to a UNC path. DriveName = Left(g_DumpDir,1) Else ' we are writing to a UNC path - extracting the server name and share name strAux = Right(g_DumpDir, Len(g_DumpDir) - 2) ' removing the first \\ arrAux = Split(strAux, "\", -1) DriveName = "\\" & arrAux(0) & "\" & arrAux(1) End If AdpTrace "Checking for space on drive: " & DriveName On Error Resume Next Set DriveObject = g_objFSO.GetDrive(DriveName) if err.number<>0 Then QuitWithError "Error seting drive object to: " & DriveName & " Error: " & err.number & " - " & err.description End If On Error GoTo 0 If DriveObject.FreeSpace < g_MinFreeSpace Then strAux = "ADPlus has detected that there is not enough free space on the " & DriveName & " drive. " strAux = strAux & "ADPlus requires at least " & g_MinFreeSpace & " of free space. " strAux = strAux & "Please free up some space on that drive and try running ADPlus again." QuitWithError strAux End If End Sub '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: CreateCDBScript ' This function is used to create the CDB scripts used by the debugger. ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function CreateCDBScript(pid, packagename,SpawningCommand) Dim objTextFile Dim strFile Dim strAux Dim strAux1 Dim strAux2 Dim arrAux Dim i,n,j AdpTrace "In the CreateCDBScript() function " ' creating the folder to store the script strFile = g_DumpDir & "\CDBScripts" CreateDirectory(strFile) strFile = g_DumpDir & "\CDBScripts\" & "PID-" & pid & "__" & packagename & ".cfg" ' opening the script file On Error Resume Next Set objTextFile = g_objFSO.CreateTextFile(strFile,True) if err.number<>0 Then QuitWithError "Error creating file: " & strFile & " Error: " & err.number & " - " & err.description End If On Error GoTo 0 ' writing initial information and commands ' common to hang and crash modes If g_Debug_Log = TRUE Then if g_GeneratedScriptName = "" Then objTextFile.Writeline ".logopen " & Chr(34) & g_DumpDir & "\" & "PID-" & pid & "__" & packagename & "__" & g_DateTimeStamp & ".log" & Chr(34) else objTextFile.Writeline ".logopen /t " & Chr(34) & g_DumpDir & "\" & packagename & ".log" & Chr(34) End If End If objTextFile.Writeline "* Created with ADPlus Version " & VERSION & " Version Date " & VERSIONDATE if g_ExternalConfigurationFileName <> "" Then objTextFile.Writeline "*" objTextFile.Writeline "* ------ !!! External Configuration File was used: ----" arrAux = GetStringArray(g_ExternalConfigurationFileName,Chr(10)) n = UBound(arrAux) for i = 1 to n objTextFile.Writeline "* " & arrAux(i) Next objTextFile.Writeline "*" End If objTextFile.Writeline "*" objTextFile.Writeline "* --------- ADPlus was started at: -----------" objTextFile.Writeline ".time" objTextFile.Writeline "* ------------------------------------------------------" objTextFile.Writeline "*" objTextFile.Writeline "*" objTextFile.Writeline "*" objTextFile.Writeline "* --------- ADPlus " & VERSION & " was run on server: --------" objTextFile.Writeline "* Server name: " & g_ComputerName objTextFile.Writeline "* ------------------------------------------------------" objTextFile.Writeline "*" objTextFile.Writeline "*" objTextFile.Writeline "*" objTextFile.Writeline "* ------ OS Version Information displayed below. -------" objTextFile.Writeline "!version" objTextFile.Writeline "* ------------------------------------------------------" objTextFile.Writeline "*" objTextFile.Writeline "*" objTextFile.Writeline "*" ' Part 1 - printing the configuration settings to the debugger log file n = UBound(g_PreCommands) if n>0 or g_PreCommands(0) <> "" Then objTextFile.Writeline "* ------ Initialization Commands ----" For i=0 to n strAux1 = Trim(g_PreCommands(i)) if strAux1 <> "" Then objTextFile.writeline "* " & strAux1 End If Next End If n = UBound(g_PostCommands) if n>0 OR g_PostCommands(0) <> "" Then objTextFile.Writeline "* ------ Termination Commands ----" For i=0 to n strAux1 = Trim(g_PostCommands(i)) if strAux1 <> "" Then objTextFile.writeline "* " & strAux1 End If Next End If ' Spawning a new process (only printing info) if Trim(SpawningCommand) <> "" Then objTextFile.Writeline "* ------ Spawning a new debugee ----" objTextFile.Writeline "* " & SpawningCommand objTextFile.Writeline "* ----------------------------------" End If ' printing specific configurations for each run mode If g_RunMode = "CRASH" Then objTextFile.Writeline "* " objTextFile.Writeline "* ------ Current Actions for Exceptions ----" n = UBound(g_ExceptionActions) For i=0 to n if g_ExceptionActions (i).ExceptionCode <> "" Then objTextFile.writeline "* " & g_ExceptionActions (i).ExceptionName & " [" & g_ExceptionActions (i).ExceptionCode & "] " & " return: " & g_ExceptionActions (i).ReturnAction1 & " " & g_ExceptionActions (i).ReturnAction2 strAux1 = g_ExceptionActions (i).Commands1 & " " & g_ExceptionActions (i).CustomCommands1 objTextFile.writeline "* 1st chance: " & strAux1 strAux2 = g_ExceptionActions (i).Commands2 & " " & g_ExceptionActions (i).CustomCommands2 objTextFile.writeline "* 2nd chance: " & strAux2 End If Next n = UBound(g_BPActions) if n>0 or g_BPActions(0).Address <> "" Then objTextFile.Writeline "* " objTextFile.Writeline "* ------ Current Actions for Breakpoints ----" For i=0 to n if g_BPActions(i).Address <> "" Then objTextFile.writeline "*" & " Type: " & g_BPActions(i).AdrType & " Address: " & g_BPActions(i).Address & " return: " & g_BPActions(i).ReturnAction strAux1 = g_BPActions(i).Commands & " " & g_BPActions(i).CustomCommands objTextFile.writeline "* Actions: " & strAux1 End If Next End If ' printing the last script command objTextFile.Writeline "* " objTextFile.Writeline "* ------ Last Script Command: " & g_LastScriptCommand Else 'We are in hang mode . . . objTextFile.Writeline "* " objTextFile.Writeline "* ------ Current Actions for Hang Mode ----" n = UBound(g_HangActions) For i=0 to n if g_HangActions (i).Selected = True And (g_HangActions (i).Name <> "" or g_HangActions (i).Command <> "") Then strAux1 = "" if g_HangActions (i).Name <> "" Then strAux1 = strAux1 & "Name: " & g_HangActions (i).Name End If if g_HangActions (i).Command <> "" Then strAux1 = strAux1 & "Command: " & g_HangActions (i).Command End If objTextFile.writeline "* " & strAux1 End If Next End If ' Part 2 - Executing commands ' Defining an alias for the output directories strAux1 = "as AdpOutputDir " & g_OutPutDir objTextFile.Writeline strAux1 strAux1 = "as AdpDumpDir " & g_DumpDir objTextFile.Writeline strAux1 ' defining the symbol path if g_Sympath <> "" or g_SympathPlus <> "" Then objTextFile.Writeline "* ------ Defining the symbol path ----" if g_Sympath <> "" Then strAux1 = ".sympath " & g_Sympath objTextFile.Writeline strAux1 End If if g_SympathPlus <> "" Then strAux1 = ".sympath+ " & g_SympathPlus objTextFile.Writeline strAux1 End If strAux1 = ".reload" objTextFile.Writeline strAux1 End If objTextFile.Writeline "* ------ Current symbol path ----" objTextFile.Writeline ".sympath" ' Creating pre-commands n = UBound(g_PreCommands) For i=0 to n strAux1 = Trim(g_PreCommands(i)) if strAux1 <> "" Then objTextFile.Writeline strAux1 End If Next ' commands specific to each run mode If g_RunMode = "CRASH" Then objTextFile.Writeline ".echotimestamps" ' creating commands for all exceptions and breakpoints n = UBound(g_ExceptionActions) For i=0 to n if g_ExceptionActions (i).ExceptionCode <> "" Then strAux2 = CreateExceptionAction(g_ExceptionActions (i), pid, packagename) if Len(strAux2)>=2000 Then AdpLog "Comments truncated for the [" & g_ExceptionActions (i).ExceptionCode & "]" AdpLog "The final cdb command exceeded 2000 characters" g_ExceptionActions (i).Comment = "" strAux2 = CreateExceptionAction(g_ExceptionActions (i), pid, packagename) End If objTextFile.Writeline strAux2 ' checking for size limit for the string if Len(strAux2)>=2000 Then strAux = "The command size for the exception [" & g_ExceptionActions(i).ExceptionName & "] is [" & Len(strAux2) & "] and exceds the allowed limit. You can reduce it's size by using an output directory with a shorter name" QuitWithError strAux End If End If Next ' creating commands for breakpoints n = UBound(g_BPActions) For i=0 to n strAux2 = CreateBPAction(g_BPActions (i), pid, packagename) if Trim(strAux2) <> "" Then objTextFile.Writeline strAux2 ' checking for size limit for the string if Len(strAux2)>=1024 Then strAux = "The command size for the breakpoint [" & g_BPActions(i).Address & "] is [" & Len(strAux) & "] and exceds the allowed limit. You can reduce it's size by using an output directory with a shorter name" QuitWithError strAux End If End If Next Else 'We are in hang mode . . . n = UBound(g_HangActions) for i=0 to n ' converting HangAction.Name into cdb commands strAux = g_HangActions(i).Name if strAux <> "" Then if strAux = "MiniDump" Then g_HangActions(i).Command = ".dump -u /mdi " ' comment g_HangActions(i).Command = g_HangActions(i).Command & "/c " & Chr(34) & "Mini dump in Hang Mode for " & packagename & "_running_on_" & g_ComputerName & Chr(34) g_HangActions(i).Command = g_HangActions(i).Command & " " ' output filename g_HangActions(i).Command = g_HangActions(i).Command & g_DumpDir & "\PID-" & pid & "__" & packagename & "__mini.dmp" elseif strAux = "FullDump" Then g_HangActions(i).Command = ".dump -u /ma " ' comment g_HangActions(i).Command = g_HangActions(i).Command & "/c " & Chr(34) & "Full dump in Hang Mode for " & packagename & "_running_on_" & g_ComputerName & Chr(34) g_HangActions(i).Command = g_HangActions(i).Command & " " ' output filename g_HangActions(i).Command = g_HangActions(i).Command & g_DumpDir & "\PID-" & pid & "__" & packagename & "__full.dmp" elseif strAux = "Stacks" Then g_HangActions(i).Command = "~*kb250" elseif strAux = "LoadedModules" Then g_HangActions(i).Command = "lmv" elseif strAux = "MatchingSymbols" Then g_HangActions(i).Command = "lml" elseif strAux = "Heap" Then g_HangActions(i).Command = "!heap 0 -k" elseif strAux = "Handle" Then g_HangActions(i).Command = "!handle 0 0" elseif strAux = "Dlls" Then g_HangActions(i).Command = "!dlls" elseif strAux = "Locks" Then g_HangActions(i).Command = "!locks" elseif strAux = "ThreadUsage" Then g_HangActions(i).Command = "!runaway" else strAux = "Invalid command name in Hang Mode Actions: [" & g_HangActions(i).Name & "]" QuitWithError strAux End If End if ' executing the command if g_HangActions(i).Command <> "" And g_HangActions(i).Selected=True Then ' creating the comment line strAux = "" if g_HangActions(i).Description <> "" Then strAux = "------ " & g_HangActions(i).Description & " ------" Else if g_HangActions(i).Name <> "" Then strAux = "------ Executing " & g_HangActions(i).Name & " ------" Else strAux = "------ Executing " & g_HangActions(i).Command & " ------" End if End If objTextFile.Writeline "*" objTextFile.Writeline "* " & strAux ' adding the command itself objTextFile.Writeline g_HangActions(i).Command End If Next End If ' part 3 - common closing commands ' creating commands for post commands n = UBound(g_PostCommands) For i=0 to n strAux1 = Trim(g_PostCommands(i)) if strAux1 <> "" Then objTextFile.Writeline strAux1 End If Next ' part 4 - specific closing commands If g_RunMode = "CRASH" Then objTextFile.Writeline "*" objTextFile.Writeline "* ADPlus is monitoring: " & packagename objTextFile.Writeline "* for 1st chance and 2nd chance exceptions as configured above." objTextFile.Writeline "* To change ADPlus configuration please refer to ADPlus.Doc. This file can be found" objTextFile.Writeline "* in the same folder as ADPlus.vbs" objTextFile.Writeline "*" objTextFile.Writeline "g" objTextFile.Writeline "*" ' checking special condition with $t19=99 ' we do this because bpe doesn't accept GH, so we are unable to do induced dumps ' instead of a GH I do a $t19=99 and I check it out here ' DECIDED NOT TO DO THIS as it will work only for the first CTL+C 'objTextFile.Writeline "j (@$t19=99) 'r $t19=0; gh'" ' continuing normal finish objTextFile.Writeline "*" objTextFile.Writeline "*" objTextFile.Writeline "* -------- ADPlus " & VERSION & " finished running at: --------" objTextFile.Writeline ".time" objTextFile.Writeline "* -------------------------------------------------------" 'If the -notify switch was used then send a message to the computer or user specified on the command line 'Note on NT 4.0 LocalUserName will be blank because the Volatile Environment variable can only be quired on Windows 2000 to get the 'local username. So we must send the message from the NotifyTarget on NT 4.0, instead of the locally logged on user. n = UBound(g_NotifyList) for i=0 to n if g_NotifyList(i)<>"" Then If g_OSVer = "4.0" Then objTextFile.Writeline "!net_send " & g_ComputerName & " " & g_NotifyList(i) & " " & g_NotifyList(i) & " ADPlus has finished running in crash mode on " & g_ComputerName & " for the following process: " & packagename & ". This could indicate that a crash has occurred, or that the debugging session was ended manually (CTRL-C was pressed to stop debugging). Please check the application event log on " & g_ComputerName & " for more information." Else objTextFile.Writeline "!net_send " & g_ComputerName & " " & g_NotifyList(i) & " " & g_LocalUserName & " ADPlus has finished running in crash mode on " & g_ComputerName & " for the following process: " & packagename & ". This could indicate that a crash has occurred, or that the debugging session was ended manually (CTRL-C was pressed to stop debugging). Please check the application event log on " & g_ComputerName & " for more information." End If End If Next if UCase(g_Debugger) <> "WINDBG" AND UCase(g_Debugger) <> "WINDBG.EXE" Then objTextFile.Writeline "* -- Ending the script with a QUIT --" objTextFile.Writeline g_LastScriptCommand ' was "q" End If Else 'We are in hang mode . . . ' closing objTextFile.Writeline ".logclose" objTextFile.Writeline "q" End If ' closing the script file objTextFile.Close Set objTextFile = nothing CreateCDBScript = strFile End Function '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: ShowStatus ' This is the code used to display the pop-up summary at the end of ADPlus. '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub ShowStatus() AdpTrace "In the ShowStatus() function " Dim versionFile Dim Arg, objArgs, argString Dim i,j,n Dim strAux1, strAux2 Dim strAux If g_QuietMode = true Then strAux = "ADPlus is now running in " & g_RunMode & " mode with the '-quiet' switch, and was started at: " & g_DateTimeStamp & "." g_objShell.LogEvent 0, strAux Else strAux = "ADPlus is now running in " & g_RunMode & " mode and is logging information for all of the threads in the processes you have chosen to examine. " strAux = strAux & "You will see one minimized command shell window for each of these processes. " strAux = strAux & "ADPlus is finished running when these windows disappear. " strAux = strAux & "After ADPlus completes, please check the " & g_DumpDir & " directory to verify the log files for each process were created!" g_objShell.popup strAux End If End Sub '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: PrintUsage ' This is the code used to print the usage information. '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub PrintUsage() AdpTrace "In the PrintUsage() function " Wscript.Echo "" Wscript.Echo "ADPlus " & VERSION & " Usage Information" Wscript.Echo "" Wscript.Echo " Command line switches" Wscript.Echo "" Wscript.Echo "-Crash Runs ADPlus in Crash mode" Wscript.Echo "-Hang Runs ADPlus in Hang mode" Wscript.Echo "-p Defines a Process ID to be monitored" Wscript.Echo "-pn Defines a process name to be monitored" Wscript.Echo "-sc Defines the application and parameters to be started" Wscript.Echo " in the debugger" Wscript.Echo "-iis All iis related processes will be monitored (inetinfo, dllhost," Wscript.Echo " mtx, etc.)" Wscript.Echo "-o Defines the directory where logs and dumps are" Wscript.Echo " to be placed." Wscript.Echo "-quiet No dialog boxes will be displayed" Wscript.Echo "-notify Will send a message to the destination" Wscript.Echo "" Wscript.Echo "-c Defines a configuration file to be used" Wscript.Echo "" Wscript.Echo "-ce Defines a custom exception to be monitored" Wscript.Echo " -ce 0x80501001" Wscript.Echo "" Wscript.Echo "-bp Sets a breakpoint" Wscript.Echo " Syntax: -bp address;optional_additional_parameters" Wscript.Echo " -bp MyModule!MyClass::MyMethod" Wscript.Echo " -bp MyModule!MyClass::MyMethod;MiniDump" Wscript.Echo "" Wscript.Echo "-y Defines the symbol path to be used" Wscript.Echo "-yp Defines an additional symbol path" Wscript.Echo "" Wscript.Echo "-FullOnFirst Sets ADPlus to create full dumps on first chance exceptions" Wscript.Echo "-FullOnFirstOver Sets ADPlus to create full dumps on first chance exceptions, " Wscript.Echo " overwriting the previous dump" Wscript.Echo "-MiniOnSecond Sets ADPlus to create mini dumps on second chance exceptions" Wscript.Echo "-NoDumpOnFirst Sets ADPlus to not create any dumps on first chance exceptions" Wscript.Echo "-NoDumpOnSecond Sets ADPlus to not create any dumps on second chance exceptions" Wscript.Echo "-do Dump Only - changes default behavior to not include additional info, just a dump" Wscript.Echo "-CTCF Creates a full dump on CTL+C, and quits" Wscript.Echo "-CTCFG Creates a full dump on CTL+C, and resumes execution" Wscript.Echo "-CTCL Creates only a Log on CTL+C, use together with -lc?? commands" Wscript.Echo "-lcq sets the last script command to Q (quit)" Wscript.Echo "-lcg sets the last script command to G (go)" Wscript.Echo "-lcgn sets the last script command to GN (go not handled)" Wscript.Echo "-lcqd sets the last script command to QD (quit and detach)" Wscript.Echo "-lcv sets the last script command to void (no command; waits for user input)" Wscript.Echo "-NoTlist Will not use TList; only -p can be used (-pn and -iis will not work)" Wscript.Echo "-dbg Allows you to select the debugger to be used" Wscript.Echo " cdb, windbg or ntsd (default is cdb)" Wscript.Echo "" Wscript.Echo "" Wscript.Echo "-r for multiple attachments in hang mode" Wscript.Echo "-gs only generates the script file" Wscript.Echo "" Wscript.Echo "" Wscript.Echo "Required: ('-hang', or '-crash') AND ('-iis' or '-p' or '-pn')" Wscript.Echo " If using a config file (-c switch) the required switches above can be " Wscript.Echo " provided in the config file or in the command line" Wscript.Echo "" Wscript.Echo " The -sc switch, if used, must be the last one" Wscript.Echo "" Wscript.Echo "" Wscript.Echo "Examples: 'ADPlus -hang -iis', Produces memory dumps of IIS and all " Wscript.Echo " MTS/COM+ packages currently running." Wscript.ECho "" Wscript.Echo " 'ADPlus -crash -p 1896', Attaches the debugger to process with PID" Wscript.Echo " 1896, and monitors it for 1st and 2nd" Wscript.Echo " chance access violations (crashes)." Wscript.Echo "" Wscript.Echo "" Wscript.Echo " 'ADPlus -?' or 'ADPlus -help': Displays this information." Wscript.Echo "" Wscript.Echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" Wscript.Echo "" Wscript.Echo " HELP and Documentation" Wscript.Echo "" Wscript.Echo " For more detailed information on how to use and config ADPlus please see" Wscript.Echo " the debugger's help file (debugger.chm) under" Wscript.Echo "" Wscript.Echo " Using Debugging Tools for Windows" Wscript.Echo " Crash dumps" Wscript.Echo " User mode dump files" Wscript.Echo " Creating a user mode dump file" Wscript.Echo " ADPlus" Wscript.Echo "" Wscript.Echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" Wscript.Echo "For more information on using ADPlus, please refer to the following KB:" Wscript.Echo "http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/q286/3/50.asp" Wscript.quit 1 End Sub '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: CreateDirectory() ' This is the code used to create a directory on the file system or the network ' It checks to make sure you have proper permissions and displays/logs an error ' if you don't. '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub CreateDirectory(strDirectory) AdpTrace "In the CreateDirectory() function " On Error Resume Next Dim oFile '###IB??? Should we check if it already exists??? Set oFile = g_objFSO.CreateFolder(strDirectory) If err.number = -2147024784 Then 'The disk is full! QuitWithError "Could not create the " & strDirectory & " directory because the drive is full. Please free up some disk space and try running ADPlus again!" ElseIf err.number = 76 Then 'Specified a subdirectory below a share that does not exist or path with more than one subdirectory that does not exist! QuitWithError "Could not create the " & strDirectory & " directory. If you are using the '-o' switch and specifying a UNC path, please ensure that the share and any sub-directories below the share you specified actually exist!" ElseIf err.number = 52 Then 'The share does not exist or can not connect to the UNC path. QuitWithError "Could not create the " & strDirectory & " directory. If you are using the '-o' switch and specifying a UNC path, please ensure that the UNC path you specified exists and that you are able to connect to it!" ElseIf err.number <> 0 and err.number <> 58 Then 'Permissions problem QuitWithError "Could not create the " & strDirectory & " directory. Please verify that you have permissions to create this directory and try running ADPlus again!" End If Set oFile = nothing On Error GoTo 0 End Sub '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: DetectScriptEngine() ' This is the used to determine what script engine is currently running the script. ' It will prompt the user to switch the default script engine to cscript.exe if ' the script is running under wscript.exe. '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub DetectScriptEngine () Dim ScriptHost Dim CurrentPathExt Dim EnvObject Dim RegCScript Dim RegPopupType ' This is used to set the pop-up box flags. ' I couldn't find the pre-defined names Dim ProcString Dim ArgIndex Dim ArgObj Dim Result Dim StrShell AdpTrace "In the DetectScriptEngine() function " On Error Resume Next RegPopupType = 32 + 4 AdpLog "Script engine Version: " & WScript.Version & "." & WScript.BuildVersion ScriptHost = WScript.FullName ScriptHost = Right (ScriptHost, Len (ScriptHost) - InStrRev(ScriptHost,"\")) If (UCase (ScriptHost) = "WSCRIPT.EXE") Then ' Create a pop-up box and ask if they want to register cscript as the default host. ' -1 is the time to wait. 0 means wait forever. If g_QuietMode = False Then RegCScript = g_objShell.PopUp ("Wscript.exe is currently your default script interpreter. This script requires the Cscript.exe script interpreter to work properly. Would you like to register Cscript.exe as your default script interpreter for VBscript?", 0, "Register Cscript.exe as default script interpreter?", RegPopupType) Else 'Running in Quiet mode, assume the user would WANT to change their script default script interpreter if they were prompted. RegCscript = 6 End If If (Err.Number <> 0) Then AdpTrace "Error in the DetectScriptEngine (1)" AdpLog "Error in the DetectScriptEngine (1)" WScript.Echo "To run this script using the CScript.exe script interpreter, type: ""CScript.exe " & WScript.ScriptName & """" QuitWithError "Error in the DetectScriptEngine (1)" End If ' Check to see if the user pressed yes or no. Yes is 6, no is 7 If (RegCScript = 6) Then g_objShell.RegWrite "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\VBSFile\Shell\Open\Command\", "%WINDIR%\System32\CScript.exe //nologo ""%1"" %*", "REG_EXPAND_SZ" if err.number<>0 Then QuitWithError "Error writing to registry(1): Error: " & err.number & " - " & err.description End If g_objShell.RegWrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\VBSFile\Shell\Open\Command\", "%WINDIR%\System32\CScript.exe //nologo ""%1"" %*", "REG_EXPAND_SZ" if err.number<>0 Then QuitWithError "Error writing to registry(2): Error: " & err.number & " - " & err.description End If ' Check if PathExt already existed CurrentPathExt = g_objShell.RegRead ("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment\PATHEXT") if Err.Number = &h80070002 Then Err.Clear Set EnvObject = g_objShell.Environment ("PROCESS") CurrentPathExt = EnvObject.Item ("PATHEXT") End If g_objShell.RegWrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment\PATHEXT", CurrentPathExt & ";.VBS", "REG_SZ" If (Err.Number <> 0) Then QuitWithError "Error trying to write the registry settings! The error number was: " & Err.Number & " and the error description was: " & err.description End If ' Default scripting host changed succesfully AdpTrace "Default scripting host changed succesfully" AdpLog "Default scripting host changed succesfully" If g_QuietMode = True Then g_objShell.Logevent 0, "Since ADPlus is running in 'Quiet' mode, the default script interpreter was automatically changed to CScript to ensure compatibility with this script. ADPlus will now open a new command shell window and run ADPlus.vbs again with the argument passsed in on the command line. To change the default script engine back to Wscript, type 'wscript.exe //h:wscript' in a command shell." Else WScript.Echo "Successfully registered Cscript.exe as the default script interpreter! To change the default script engine back to Wscript, type 'wscript.exe //h:wscript' in a command shell." End If Else 'The user does not want the script engine changed and didn't use the '-quiet' switch. WScript.Echo "The default script interpreter was NOT changed to CScript. Press 'OK' to continue running ADPlus with the Cscript.exe script interpreter. NOTE: ADPlus will now open a new command shell to run ADPlus.vbs with the CScript script engine. A new command shell will be opened each time ADPlus is run until the default script interpreter is changed to Cscript.exe." End If On Error GoTo 0 ' Launching a new instance of adplus.vbs ProcString = "Cscript //nologo " & Chr(34) & WScript.ScriptFullName & Chr(34) AdpTrace "In DetectScriptEngine(), the ProcString = " & ProcString Set ArgObj = WScript.Arguments For ArgIndex = 0 To ArgObj.Count - 1 ProcString = ProcString & " " & ArgObj.Item (ArgIndex) Next strShell = "cmd /k " & ProcString ' closing all open files before running a new script AdpTrace "Launching a new instance of adplus.vbs" AdpLog "Launching a new instance of adplus.vbs" CloseAllFiles g_objShell.Run strShell,ACTIVATE_AND_DISPLAY,TRUE WScript.Quit 1 End If End Sub '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: DetectOSVersion ' This function is responsible for determining which operating system we are ' running on and to ensure its NT 4.0 SP4 or higher. '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub DetectOSVersion() AdpTrace "In the DetectOSVersion() function " ' Dim SPLevel Dim Temp, cnt On Error Resume Next g_OSVer = g_objShell.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\CurrentVersion") if err.number<>0 Then QuitWithError "There was an error trying to read the OS version information from the registry! The error number was: " & Err.Number & " and the error description was: " & err.description & " Please check the permissions on the key shown and try running ADPlus again." End If g_OSBuildNumber = g_objShell.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\CurrentBuildNumber") If (Err.Number <> 0) Then QuitWithError "There was an error trying to read the OS version information from the registry! The error number was: " & Err.Number & " and the error description was: " & err.description & " Please check the permissions on the key shown and try running ADPlus again." End If ' Commented out for version 5.0 . . . too many problems trying to detect the SPLevel with various hotfixes for NT4 ' If g_OSVer = "4.0" then ' SPLevel = g_objShell.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\CSDVersion") ' AdpTrace "In DetectOSVersin(), SPLevel = " & SPLevel ' Temp = Split(SPLevel,",") ' If UBound(Temp) <> 0 Then 'The customer must not have a released service pack, make a best effor to get the version. ' 'Wscript.echo " Temp: " & Temp(0) & Temp(1) ' ' For cnt = 0 to UBound(Temp) ' If instr(1,Temp(cnt),"sp",1) <> 0 then ' SPLevel = Right(Temp(cnt), 1) ' 'Wscript.echo "SPlevel = " & SPlevel ' exit for ' else ' 'continue to the next string in the list..... ' End if ' ' Next ' ' Else ' 'Customer has a released version of the service pack, get the SP number. ' SPLevel = Right(SPLevel, 1) ' ' End If ' ' If SPLevel < 4 then ' Wscript.echo "ADPlus.vbs requires NT 4.0 Service Pack 4 or higher, or Windows 2000 in order to run." ' Wscript.quit 1 ' end if ' End if On Error GoTo 0 AdpLog "OS Version: " & g_OSVer AdpLog "OS Build: " & g_OSBuildNumber End sub '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: DetectIISVersion ' This function is responsible for determining which version of IIS we are ' running on. Since the '-iis' switch does not work on IIS 3.0, ADPlus ' checks for IIS 3.0 or lower in the registry and does not allow the switch to be ' used. If the version of IIS is greater than 5.x, ADPlus also does not ' allow the switch to be used as IIS 6.0 was not tested in time for this release. '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub DetectIISVersion() AdpTrace "In the DetectIISVersion() function " Dim IIS4Key Dim IIS3Key IIS4Key = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InetStp\VersionString" IIS3Key = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Inetsrv\CurrentVersion\ServiceName" On Error Resume Next 'Check the IIS 4.0 and 5.x registry key to see if the user is running IIS 4.0 or 5.0 g_IISVer = g_objShell.RegRead(IIS4Key) If err.number = -2147024894 Then 'The key was not found, check for IIS 3.0 err.clear g_IISVer = g_objShell.RegRead(IIS3Key) If err.number = -2147024891 Then 'ADPlus doesn't have permissions to read IIS 3.0's registry version key. QuitWithError "You appear to be running IIS 3.0 or lower, however ADPlus had trouble verifying the IIS version in the registry at the following location: '" & IIS3Key & "', because of a permissions problem. The '-IIS' switch only works on IIS 4.0 or higher. If you are trying to monitor IIS 2.0 or IIS 3.0 please using the '-pn' switch to monitor inetinfo.exe." ElseIf err.number = -2147024894 Then 'IIS 3.0 or higher is not installed. QuitWithError "You have specified the '-iis' switch, however you do not appear to be running a supported version of IIS. The '-iis' switch only works with IIS 4.0 and higher.",,"ADPlus",0 ElseIf err.number = 0 Then 'IIS 3.0 is installed and the version key can be read. QuitWithError "You have specified the '-iis' switch, however you appear to be running " & g_IISVer & ". The '-iis' switch only works with IIS 4.0 and higher.",,"ADPlus",0 Else 'Some other error has occurred accessing the version key's. Display an error and exit gracefully. QuitWithError "There was an error reading the registry. Unable to detect IIS version. The error number was: " & err.number & " and the error description was: " & err.description End If ElseIf err.number = -2147024891 Then 'They are running IIS 4.0 or 5.x (the key was found) but they don't have permissions QuitWithError "You appear to be running IIS 4.0 or higher, however ADPlus had trouble verifying the IIS version in the registry at the following location: '" & IIS4Key & "', because of a permissions problem. The '-IIS' switch only works on IIS 4.0 or higher. If you are trying to monitor IIS 2.0 or IIS 3.0 please using the '-pn' switch to monitor inetinfo.exe." ElseIf err.number <> 0 Then QuitWithError "There was an error reading the registry. Unable to detect IIS version. " & err.number & " " & err.Description End If On Error GoTo 0 ' checking if version is higher than 6 If InStr(g_IISVer,"4") <= 0 And InStr(g_IISVer,"5") <=0 And InStr(g_IISVer,"6") <= 0 Then 'ADPlus has detected a newer version of IIS that has not been tested. Display an error and disable the '-iis' switch to be safe. QuitWithError "You appear to have IIS " & g_IISVer & " installed. This has not been tested with the '-iis' switch. Please run ADPlus again, without the '-iis' switch." End If AdpLog "IIS Version: " & g_IISVer End sub '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: GetArguments ' ' Created by Israel Burman on 5/30/2002 ' ' Reading the parameters provided by the user in the command line ' ' Returns: A string with error messages found during parsing the parameters ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetArguments() AdpTrace "In the GetArguments() function . . ." dim objArgs dim ArgsCount dim strMsgErr dim Lf ' Cr & Line Feed dim strAux ' temporary string dim x ' arguments counter dim i,n strMsgErr = "" Lf = Chr(13) & Chr(10) Set objArgs = Wscript.Arguments ArgsCount = objArgs.count AdpLog " " AdpLog "Command line arguments used were: " strAux = "" if ArgsCount>0 Then For i=0 to ArgsCount-1 strAux = strAux & CStr(objArgs(i)) & " " Next End If AdpLog strAux If ArgsCount > 0 Then x = 0 while x "" Then strMsgErr = strMsgErr & Lf & "Run mode redefined - only one of [-CRASH, -HANG, -QUICK] allowed" End If g_RunMode = "HANG" ElseIf UCase(objArgs(x)) = "-QUICK" Then if g_RunMode <> "" Then strMsgErr = strMsgErr & Lf & "Run mode redefined - only one of [-CRASH, -HANG, -QUICK] allowed" End If g_RunMode = "QUICK" ElseIf UCase(objArgs(x)) = "-CRASH" Then if g_RunMode <> "" Then strMsgErr = strMsgErr & Lf & "Run mode redefined - only one of [-CRASH, -HANG, -QUICK] allowed" End If g_RunMode = "CRASH" ElseIf UCase(objArgs(x)) = "-NOTIFY" Then if x >= ArgsCount-1 Then strMsgErr = strMsgErr & Lf & "Expecting additional parameters in command line" Else x = x + 1 strAux = objArgs(x) If Left(strAux,1) = "-" Then strMsgErr = strMsgErr & Lf & "No computer name or username was specified after the '-notify' switch" Else n = UBound(g_NotifyList) + 1 Redim Preserve g_NotifyList(n) g_NotifyList(n) = objArgs(x) End If End If ElseIf UCase(objArgs(x)) = "-LCQ" Then g_LastScriptCommand = "Q" ElseIf UCase(objArgs(x)) = "-LCG" Then g_LastScriptCommand = "G" ElseIf UCase(objArgs(x)) = "-LCGN" Then g_LastScriptCommand = "GN" ElseIf UCase(objArgs(x)) = "-LCQD" Then g_LastScriptCommand = "QD" ElseIf UCase(objArgs(x)) = "-LCV" Then g_LastScriptCommand = "" ElseIf UCase(objArgs(x)) = "-?" Then g_HelpRequested = True ElseIf UCase(objArgs(x)) = "-HELP" Then g_HelpRequested = True ' Defining a custom exception ElseIf UCase(objArgs(x)) = "-CE" Then if x >= ArgsCount-1 Then strMsgErr = strMsgErr & Lf & "Expecting additional parameters in command line" Else x = x + 1 strAux = objArgs(x) If Left(strAux,1) = "-" Then strMsgErr = strMsgErr & Lf & "No exception code was specified after the '-CE' switch" Else AddException objArgs(x), objArgs(x) End If End If ' Defining a breakpoint ElseIf UCase(objArgs(x)) = "-BP" Then if x >= ArgsCount-1 Then strMsgErr = strMsgErr & Lf & "Expecting additional parameters in command line" Else x = x + 1 strAux = objArgs(x) If Left(strAux,1) = "-" Then strMsgErr = strMsgErr & Lf & "No breakpoint address was specified after the '-BP' switch" Else AddBreakPoint objArgs(x) End If End If ' Defining a file with custom commands ElseIf UCase(objArgs(x)) = "-C" Then if x >= ArgsCount-1 Then strMsgErr = strMsgErr & Lf & "Expecting additional parameters in command line" Else x = x + 1 strAux = objArgs(x) If Left(strAux,1) = "-" Then strMsgErr = strMsgErr & Lf & "No file name or username was specified after the '-C' switch" Else strAux = objArgs(x) ReadCustomCommands strAux End If End If ElseIf UCase(objArgs(x)) = "-CDH" Then strAux = g_InstallDir if Right(strAux,1) <> "\" Then strAux = strAux & "\" End If strAux = strAux & "ADP_Default_Hang.cfg" ReadCustomCommands strAux ElseIf UCase(objArgs(x)) = "-CDC" Then strAux = g_InstallDir if Right(strAux,1) <> "\" Then strAux = strAux & "\" End If strAux = strAux & "ADP_Default_Crash.cfg" ReadCustomCommands strAux ElseIf UCase(objArgs(x)) = "-CDJ" Then strAux = g_InstallDir if Right(strAux,1) <> "\" Then strAux = strAux & "\" End If strAux = strAux & "ADP_Default_JIT.cfg" ReadCustomCommands strAux ElseIf UCase(objArgs(x)) = "-IIS" Then g_IISMode = True ElseIf UCase(objArgs(x)) = "-O" Then if x >= ArgsCount-1 Then strMsgErr = strMsgErr & Lf & "Expecting additional parameters in command line" Else x = x + 1 strAux = objArgs(x) If Left(strAux,1) = "-" Then strMsgErr = strMsgErr & Lf & "No valid directory or UNC path was specified after the '-o' switch." Else g_OutPutDir = objArgs(x) End If End If ElseIf UCase(objArgs(x)) = "-R" Then 'repetition parameters if x >= ArgsCount-1 Then strMsgErr = strMsgErr & Lf & "Expecting additional parameters in command line" Else x = x + 1 strAux = objArgs(x) If Left(strAux,1) = "-" Then strMsgErr = strMsgErr & Lf & "No quantity of repeats was specified after the '-r' switch." Else g_AttachRepeats = objArgs(x) End If End If ' reading the interval in seconds if x >= ArgsCount-1 Then strMsgErr = strMsgErr & Lf & "Expecting additional parameters in command line" Else x = x + 1 strAux = objArgs(x) If Left(strAux,1) = "-" Then strMsgErr = strMsgErr & Lf & "No interval was specified after the '-r' switch." Else g_AttachInterval = objArgs(x) End If End If ElseIf UCase(objArgs(x)) = "-P" Then if x >= ArgsCount-1 Then strMsgErr = strMsgErr & Lf & "Expecting additional parameters in command line" Else x = x + 1 strAux = objArgs(x) If Left(strAux,1) = "-" Then strMsgErr = strMsgErr & Lf & "No process ID was specified after the '-p' switch." Else AddProcessID objArgs(x) End If End If ElseIf UCase(objArgs(x)) = "-PN" Then if x >= ArgsCount-1 Then strMsgErr = strMsgErr & Lf & "Expecting additional parameters in command line" Else x = x + 1 strAux = objArgs(x) If Left(strAux,1) = "-" Then strMsgErr = strMsgErr & Lf & "No process name was specified after the '-pn' switch." Else AddProcessName objArgs(x) End If End If ElseIf UCase(objArgs(x)) = "-E" Then if x >= ArgsCount-1 Then strMsgErr = strMsgErr & Lf & "Expecting additional parameters in command line" Else x = x + 1 strAux = objArgs(x) If Left(strAux,1) = "-" Then strMsgErr = strMsgErr & Lf & "No process name was specified after the '-e' switch." Else x = x + 1 ' this is simply passed to the debugger g_DebuggerEvent = objArgs(x) End If End If ElseIf UCase(objArgs(x)) = "-SC" Then ' spawn command ' the rest of the line is the command if x >= ArgsCount-1 Then strMsgErr = strMsgErr & Lf & "Expecting additional parameters in command line" Else strAux = "" for i = x+1 to ArgsCount-1 strAux = strAux & objArgs(i) & " " Next End If AddSpawningCommand strAux AdpLog " " AdpLog " *** Warning *** " AdpLog " The -sc switch was used. This must be the last switch in the command line" AdpLog " If you used other switches following -sc, they were all ignored." AdpLog " *** End of warning ***" AdpLog " " x = ArgsCount ' to end the loop on x ElseIf UCase(objArgs(x)) = "-FULLONFIRST" Then n = UBound(g_ExceptionActions) For i=0 to n if IsExceptionSpecial(g_ExceptionActions(i).ExceptionCode) = False Then g_ExceptionActions(i).Commands1 = ReplaceDumpType(g_ExceptionActions(i).Commands1,"FullDump") End If Next ElseIf UCase(objArgs(x)) = "-FULLONFIRSTOVER" Then n = UBound(g_ExceptionActions) For i=0 to n if IsExceptionSpecial(g_ExceptionActions(i).ExceptionCode) = False Then g_ExceptionActions(i).Commands1 = ReplaceDumpType(g_ExceptionActions(i).Commands1,"FullDumpOver") End If Next ElseIf UCase(objArgs(x)) = "-MINIONSECOND" Then n = UBound(g_ExceptionActions) For i=0 to n if IsExceptionSpecial(g_ExceptionActions(i).ExceptionCode) = False Then g_ExceptionActions(i).Commands2 = ReplaceDumpType(g_ExceptionActions(i).Commands2,"MiniDump") End If Next ElseIf UCase(objArgs(x)) = "-NODUMPONFIRST" Then n = UBound(g_ExceptionActions) For i=0 to n if IsExceptionSpecial(g_ExceptionActions(i).ExceptionCode) = False Then g_ExceptionActions(i).Commands1 = ReplaceDumpType(g_ExceptionActions(i).Commands1,"NoDump") End If Next ElseIf UCase(objArgs(x)) = "-NODUMPONSECOND" Then n = UBound(g_ExceptionActions) For i=0 to n if IsExceptionSpecial(g_ExceptionActions(i).ExceptionCode) = False Then g_ExceptionActions(i).Commands2 = ReplaceDumpType(g_ExceptionActions(i).Commands2,"NoDump") End If Next ElseIf UCase(objArgs(x)) = "-CTCF" Then n = UBound(g_ExceptionActions) For i=0 to n if g_ExceptionActions(i).ExceptionCode = "bpe" Then g_ExceptionActions(i).Commands1 = ReplaceDumpType(g_ExceptionActions(i).Commands1,"FullDump") End If Next ElseIf UCase(objArgs(x)) = "-CTCFG" Then n = UBound(g_ExceptionActions) For i=0 to n if g_ExceptionActions(i).ExceptionCode = "bpe" Then g_ExceptionActions(i).Commands1 = ReplaceDumpType(g_ExceptionActions(i).Commands1,"FullDump") g_ExceptionActions(i).ReturnAction1 = "GH" ' the above gets ignored; I need to set $t19=99 'g_ExceptionActions(i).CustomCommands1 = "r $t19=99" ' I make the last script command empty; users will have to do a GN manually g_LastScriptCommand = "" End If Next ElseIf UCase(objArgs(x)) = "-CTCL" Then n = UBound(g_ExceptionActions) For i=0 to n if g_ExceptionActions(i).ExceptionCode = "bpe" Then g_ExceptionActions(i).Commands1 = "Log" g_ExceptionActions(i).ReturnAction1 = "GH" ' users should set g_LastScriptCommand accordingly End If Next ElseIf UCase(objArgs(x)) = "-NOTLIST" Then g_NoTlist = True ElseIf UCase(objArgs(x)) = "-NOTSCHECK" Then g_CheckTS = False ElseIf UCase(objArgs(x)) = "-GS" Then if x >= ArgsCount-1 Then strMsgErr = strMsgErr & Lf & "Expecting additional parameters in command line" Else x = x + 1 strAux = objArgs(x) If Left(strAux,1) = "-" Then strMsgErr = strMsgErr & Lf & "No script name was specified after the '-gs' switch." Else g_GeneratedScriptName = objArgs(x) End If End If ElseIf UCase(objArgs(x)) = "-Y" Then if x >= ArgsCount-1 Then strMsgErr = strMsgErr & Lf & "Expecting additional parameters in command line" Else x = x + 1 strAux = objArgs(x) If Left(strAux,1) = "-" Then strMsgErr = strMsgErr & Lf & "No symbol path was specified after the '-y' switch." Else g_Sympath = objArgs(x) End If End If ElseIf UCase(objArgs(x)) = "-YP" Then if x >= ArgsCount-1 Then strMsgErr = strMsgErr & Lf & "Expecting additional parameters in command line" Else x = x + 1 strAux = objArgs(x) If Left(strAux,1) = "-" Then strMsgErr = strMsgErr & Lf & "No symbol path was specified after the '-yp' switch." Else if g_SympathPlus <> "" Then g_SympathPlus = g_SympathPlus & ";" End If g_SympathPlus = g_SympathPlus & objArgs(x) End If End If ElseIf UCase(objArgs(x)) = "-DBG" Then if x >= ArgsCount-1 Then strMsgErr = strMsgErr & Lf & "Expecting additional parameters in command line" Else x = x + 1 strAux = objArgs(x) If Left(strAux,1) = "-" Then strMsgErr = strMsgErr & Lf & "No debugger was specified after the '-dbg' switch." Else g_Debugger = objArgs(x) End If End If Else strMsgErr = strMsgErr & Lf & "Invalid command line parameter: [" & objArgs(x) & "]" End If x = x + 1 Wend Else 'No arguments were typed, display the usage info . . . g_HelpRequested = TRUE End If GetArguments = strMsgErr AdpTrace "Exiting GetArguments() function . . ." End FUnction '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: GetCurrentProcesses ' ' This function is responsible for running tlist.exe -v to get a list of all running processes ' Reads the Process_List.txt file created by tlist and populates the ' g_CurrentProcesses array ' Created by Israel Burman on 5/30/2002 ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub GetCurrentProcesses() Dim objTextFile Dim FileName Dim PCount ' process counter Dim ArraySize ' UBound for g_CurrentProcesses Dim StrLength Dim strPackageName Dim i,k Dim strAux ' a temporary string Dim arrAux ' an array of strings Dim Lf ' Cr & Line Feed AdpTrace "In the GetCurrentProcesses() function " if g_NoTlist Then AdpTrace "g_NoTlist = True; TLIst not executed " AdpLog "g_NoTlist = True; TLIst not executed " Exit Sub End If Lf = Chr(13) & Chr(10) FileName = g_DumpDir & "\Process_List.txt" ' running tlist strAux = "cmd /c " & "tlist.exe" & " -v >" & Chr(34) & g_DumpDir & "\Process_List.txt" & Chr(34) ' we run tlist syncronously g_objShell.Run strAux,MINIMIZE_NOACTIVATE,TRUE 'Per the scripting team's advice, sleep for .5 second prior to calling this function. Wscript.sleep 500 ' Checking if we can find Process_List.txt i = 0 While not g_objFSO.FileExists(FileName) Wscript.sleep 1000 i = i +1 If i = 10 Then strAux = "The file Process_List.txt could not be found in the " & g_DumpDir & " directory after waiting for 10 seconds." strAux = strAux & Lf & "This could indicate that there was a problem running tlist.exe or that the file could not be read using the Scripting.FileSystemObject." strAux = strAux & Lf & "Please see the -NoTlist switch or re-register scrrun.dll and try running ADPlus again." QuitWithError strAux End If Wend ' The file was found. Let's give tlist some time to finish ' we do this as an added safety check ' It's really not necessary because tlist was run syncronous Set objTextFile = g_objFSO.OpenTextFile(FileName,ForReading,TristateUseDefault) i = 0 ' if the file is still empty it will be positioned at the end and we wait for 10 seconds While objTextFile.AtEndOfStream 'Close the text file to let it finish writing and to get a new copy . . . objTextFile.Close wscript.sleep 1000 i = i +1 If i = 10 Then strAux = "The file Process_List.txt was never closed (finished writing) by tlist.exe in the " & g_DumpDir & " directory after waiting for 10 seconds." strAux = strAux & Lf & "This could indicate that there was a problem running tlist.exe or that the file could not be read using the Scripting.FileSystemObject." strAux = strAux & Lf & "Please try running tlist.exe manually from the " & g_InstallDir & " directory or re-register scrrun.dll and try running ADPlus again." QuitWithError strAux End If 'Open the text file again before looping . . . Set objTextFile = g_objFSO.OpenTextFile(FileName,ForReading,TristateUseDefault) Wend ' if we got here then tlist is done ' The File objTextFile remains open from the previous loop ArraySize = 50 Redim g_CurrentProcesses(ArraySize) PCount = 0 While not objTextFile.AtEndofStream strAux = objTextFile.ReadLine If instr(strAux, "Command Line:") = 0 and (instr(strAux, " 32 ") > 0 or instr(strAux, " 64 ") > 0) then if PCount > ArraySize Then ArraySize = ArraySize + 50 Redim Preserve g_CurrentProcesses(ArraySize) End If ' parsing PID, PNAME and PackageName if existing ' removing the initial part we dont need [group] 0 32 ' [group] was introduced in win7 strAux = LTrim(strAux) StrLength = Len(strAux) If instr(strAux, "[") = 1 then k = instr(strAux, "]") strAux = Right(strAux, StrLength - k) strAux = LTrim(strAux) StrLength = Len(strAux) End If ' removing the first four chars; they are always "0 32" (it used to be only 2 chars - it didn't have the 32) strAux = Right(strAux, StrLength - 4) 'strAux = Right(strAux, StrLength - 2) strAux = LTrim(strAux) arrAux= split(strAux," ",-1,1) set g_CurrentProcesses(PCount) = new RunningProcess ' Process Names are kept with UCase g_CurrentProcesses(PCount).Name = UCase(trim(arrAux(1))) g_CurrentProcesses(PCount).ID = trim(arrAux(0)) g_CurrentProcesses(PCount).Package = "" g_CurrentProcesses(PCount).Selected = False ' checking if there is a package name strPackageName = "" i = InStr(strAux, "Mts:") If i>0 Then 'Get the package name for the MTS / COM+ package i = i + 4 ' to point to the first position of the package name strPackageName = Trim(Mid(strAux,i,Len(strAux)-i+1)) End If ' if we didn't get a package name, check if it is IIS 6 if g_CurrentProcesses(PCount).Name = "W3WP.EXE" Then ' read the next line if not objTextFile.AtEndofStream Then strAux = objTextFile.ReadLine ' check the command line for the -ap parameter If InStr(strAux, "-ap") Then arrAux = split(strAux, "-ap", -1, 1) strPackageName = trim(arrAux(1)) End If End If End If strPackageName = trim(strPackageName) 'Sanitize the package name because we use it in a file name if strPackageName <> "" Then strPackageName=CleanStringForFileName(strPackageName) End If g_CurrentProcesses(PCount).Package = Trim(strPackageName) PCount = PCount + 1 End If Wend ' releasing the excess of memory allocated Redim Preserve g_CurrentProcesses(PCount-1) objTextFile.Close AdpTrace "Exit GetCurrentProcesses() function " End Sub '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: AddSpawningCommand ' ' Adds a Spawning Command to the g_SelectedSpawningCommands array ' ' SpawningCommand should include the full path to the image and the ' related command line arguments ' ' Created by Israel Burman on 8/23/2002 ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub AddSpawningCommand(SpawningCommand) Dim i,n AdpTrace "In the AddSpawningCommand() function " if Trim(SpawningCommand) = "" Then Exit Sub n = UBound(g_SelectedSpawningCommands) ' the last item is always empty; we use it and redim the array g_SelectedSpawningCommands(n) = SpawningCommand n = n + 1 Redim Preserve g_SelectedSpawningCommands(n) g_SelectedSpawningCommands(n) = "" End Sub '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: AddProcessName ' ' Adds a process name to the g_SelectedProcessNames array ' ' Created by Israel Burman on 5/30/2002 ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub AddProcessName(ProcessName) Dim i,n dim strAux AdpTrace "In the AddProcessName() function " strAux = UCase(Trim(ProcessName)) if strAux = "" Then Exit Sub n = UBound(g_SelectedProcessNames) ' checking for redefinition for i=0 to n if g_SelectedProcessNames(i) = strAux Then Exit Sub Next ' the last item is always empty; we use it and redim the array g_SelectedProcessNames(n) = strAux n = n + 1 Redim Preserve g_SelectedProcessNames(n) g_SelectedProcessNames(n) = "" End Sub '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: AddProcessID ' ' Adds a process name to the g_SelectedProcessIDs array ' ' Created by Israel Burman on 5/30/2002 ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub AddProcessID(ProcessID) Dim i,n AdpTrace "In the AddProcessID() function " if ProcessID <= 0 Then Exit Sub n = UBound(g_SelectedProcessIDs) ' checking for redefinition for i=0 to n if g_SelectedProcessIDs(i) = ProcessID Then Exit Sub Next ' the last item is always empty; we use it and redim the array g_SelectedProcessIDs(n) = ProcessID n = n + 1 Redim Preserve g_SelectedProcessIDs(n) g_SelectedProcessIDs(n) = 0 End Sub '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: SelectProcesses ' ' Sets RunningProcess.Selected for all elements in the g_CurrentProcesses array ' ' Created by Israel Burman on 5/30/2002 ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub SelectProcesses() Dim i,n,j,m Dim lFound Dim strMissingPIDs Dim strMissingPNames Dim PID Dim PName Dim strAux AdpTrace "In the SelectProcesses() function " strMissingPIDs = "" strMissingPNames = "" if g_NoTlist Then ' No TLIst was used; I will create a list of running processes based on ' the selected process ids. n = UBound(g_SelectedProcessIDs) if n>0 Then Redim g_CurrentProcesses(n) for i=0 to n set g_CurrentProcesses(i) = new RunningProcess g_CurrentProcesses(i).ID = g_SelectedProcessIDs(i) g_CurrentProcesses(i).Name = "PID" & g_SelectedProcessIDs(i) g_CurrentProcesses(i).Package = "" g_CurrentProcesses(i).Selected = False Next End If End If m = UBound(g_CurrentProcesses) ' Searching by process ID n = UBound(g_SelectedProcessIDs) for i=0 to n PID = g_SelectedProcessIDs(i) if PID>0 Then lFound = 0 for j = 0 to m if g_CurrentProcesses(j).ID = PID Then g_CurrentProcesses(j).Selected = True lFound = lFound + 1 End If Next if lFound<=0 Then strMissingPIDs = strMissingPIDs & PID & ";" End If End If Next ' Searching by process name n = UBound(g_SelectedProcessNames) for i=0 to n PName = g_SelectedProcessNames(i) if PName<>"" Then lFound = 0 if InStr(1,PName,"*") <= 0 Then for j = 0 to m if g_CurrentProcesses(j).Name = PName Then g_CurrentProcesses(j).Selected = True lFound = lFound + 1 End If Next Else for j = 0 to m if CompareWildProcessName(PName,g_CurrentProcesses(j).Name) = 0 Then g_CurrentProcesses(j).Selected = True lFound = lFound + 1 End If Next End If if lFound<=0 Then strMissingPNames = strMissingPNames & PName & ";" End If End If Next ' if -gs switch used, counts as a process as well if g_GeneratedScriptName <> "" Then lFound = lFound + 1 End If ' decide what to do if there are missing processes If strMissingPNames<>"" Or strMissingPIDs<>"" Then if g_IISMode = True Then ' checking if inetinfo was found lFound = 0 m = UBound(g_CurrentProcesses) for i=0 to m if g_CurrentProcesses(i).Name = "INETINFO.EXE" Then lFound = lFound + 1 Next if lFound <= 0 Then strAux = "You selected the -IIS switch and IIS is currently not running" QuitWithError strAux End If Else ' we didn't find processes requested by the user strAux = "The following requested processes are not executing:" if strMissingPNames <> "" Then strAux = strAux & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & strMissingPNames if strMissingPIDs <> "" Then strAux = strAux & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & strMissingPIDs QuitWithError strAux End If End If End Sub '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: DumpSelectedProcesses ' ' Prepares CDB to dump all selected processes ' This function replaces the old DumpIIS and DumpAnyProc ' ' Created by Israel Burman on 5/30/2002 ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub DumpSelectedProcesses() dim i,n, lAttachment 'dim ProcessCount we don't check g_MaxApplications anymore dim strAux dim strShell dim strPackageName dim strAttachMode AdpTrace "In the DumpSelectedProcesses() function " ' Adding processes for -IIS switch if g_IISMode = True Then AddProcessName "Inetinfo.exe" AddProcessName "dllhost.exe" ' iis5 AddProcessName "w3wp.exe" ' iis6 AddProcessName "aspnet_wp.exe" AddProcessName "mtx.exe" ' nt4 AddProcessName "dllhst3g.exe" ' dllhost for 3gb End If ' Decide which processes to dump SelectProcesses n = UBound(g_CurrentProcesses) ' checking g_MaxApplications 'if g_MaxApplications > 0 Then 'ProcessCount = 0 'for i=0 to n 'if g_CurrentProcesses(i).Selected = True Then ProcessCount = ProcessCount + 1 'Next ' adding the process to spawn 'ProcessCount = ProcessCount + UBound(g_SelectedSpawningCommands) 'if ProcessCount > g_MaxApplications Then 'strAux = "There are " & ProcessCount & " processes selected to be monitored. The current limit is " & g_MaxApplications 'strAux = strAux & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & "Please see ADPlus help on how to change this limitation" 'QuitWithError strAux 'End If 'End If AdpTrace "In the DumpSelectedProcesses() function - before PreShellCommands " ' Executing the PreShellCommands n = UBound(g_PreShellCommands) for i=0 to n if g_PreShellCommands(i) <> "" Then ' First char is A or S (Asyncronous or Syncronous) strAux = Right(g_PreShellCommands(i),Len(g_PreShellCommands(i))-1) if Left(g_PreShellCommands(i),1) = "S" Then AdpLog "Runnig Shell Syncronous: " & strAux g_objShell.Run strAux,MINIMIZE_NOACTIVATE,TRUE else AdpLog "Runnig Shell Asyncronous: " & strAux g_objShell.Run strAux,MINIMIZE_NOACTIVATE,FALSE End If End If Next ' Dumping all processes AdpTrace "Starting to attach the debugger to each process" AdpLog "Starting to attach the debugger to each process" ' preparing for repeat attachments If g_RunMode = "HANG" Then if g_AttachInterval <= 0 Then g_AttachRepeats = 1 g_AttachInterval = 0 End If if g_AttachRepeats <= 0 Then g_AttachRepeats = 1 else g_AttachInterval = 0 g_AttachRepeats = 1 end if for lAttachment = 1 to g_AttachRepeats n = UBound(g_CurrentProcesses) for i=0 to n if g_CurrentProcesses(i).Selected = True Then strPackageName = g_CurrentProcesses(i).Name if g_CurrentProcesses(i).Package <> "" Then strPackageName = strPackageName & "_" & g_CurrentProcesses(i).Package End If Wscript.Echo "Attaching the debugger to: " & strPackageName Wscript.Echo " (Process ID: " & g_CurrentProcesses(i).ID & ")" AdpTrace "Attaching to " & g_CurrentProcesses(i).ID & " - " & strPackageName AdpLog "Attaching to " & g_CurrentProcesses(i).ID & " - " & strPackageName ' command line to launch cdb strShell = g_Debugger ' "cdb.exe" If g_RunMode = "HANG" Then strShell = strShell & " -pv" ' to attach non invasive End If if g_DebuggerEvent <> "" Then strShell = strShell & " -e " & g_DebuggerEvent End If 'strShell = strShell & " -p " & g_CurrentProcesses(i).ID & " -c $<" & Chr(34) & CreateCDBScript(g_CurrentProcesses(i).ID, strPackageName,"") & Chr(34) strShell = strShell & " -p " & g_CurrentProcesses(i).ID & " -c " & Chr(34) & "$<" & CreateCDBScript(g_CurrentProcesses(i).ID, strPackageName,"") & Chr(34) g_objShell.Run strShell,MINIMIZE_NOACTIVATE,FALSE End If Next if ((g_AttachInterval > 0) and (g_AttachRepeats-lAttachment > 0)) Then Wscript.Echo "sleeping " & lAttachment & " " & g_AttachRepeats wscript.sleep g_AttachInterval*1000 End If Next ' spawning new processes (only crash mode) If g_RunMode = "CRASH" Then n = UBound(g_SelectedSpawningCommands) if n > 0 Then for i=0 to n if Trim(g_SelectedSpawningCommands(i))<>"" Then strPackageName = "Spawned" & i Wscript.Echo "Spawning: " & strPackageName AdpTrace "Spawning: " & g_SelectedSpawningCommands(i) AdpLog "Spawning: " & g_SelectedSpawningCommands(i) ' command line to launch cdb strShell = g_Debugger ' "cdb.exe" if g_DebuggerEvent <> "" Then strShell = strShell & " -e " & g_DebuggerEvent End If 'strShell = strShell & " -c $<" & Chr(34) & CreateCDBScript(0, strPackageName,g_SelectedSpawningCommands(i)) & Chr(34) strShell = strShell & " -c " & Chr(34) & "$<" & CreateCDBScript(0, strPackageName,g_SelectedSpawningCommands(i)) & Chr(34) strShell = strShell & " " & g_SelectedSpawningCommands(i) g_objShell.Run strShell,MINIMIZE_NOACTIVATE,FALSE End If Next End If End If ' Creating the script for the -gs switch if g_GeneratedScriptName <> "" Then strPackageName = g_GeneratedScriptName Wscript.Echo "Creating a CDB script: " & strPackageName AdpTrace "Creating a CDB script: " & strPackageName AdpLog "Creating a CDB script: " & strPackageName i = 0 strAux = CreateCDBScript(i, strPackageName,"") End If ' Executing the PostShellCommands AdpTrace "In the DumpSelectedProcesses() function - before PostShellCommands " n = UBound(g_PostShellCommands) for i=0 to n if g_PostShellCommands(i) <> "" Then ' First char is A or S (Asyncronous or Syncronous) strAux = Right(g_PostShellCommands(i),Len(g_PostShellCommands(i))-1) if Left(g_PostShellCommands(i),1) = "S" Then AdpLog "Runnig Shell Syncronous: " & strAux g_objShell.Run strAux,MINIMIZE_NOACTIVATE,TRUE else AdpLog "Runnig Shell Asyncronous: " & strAux g_objShell.Run strAux,MINIMIZE_NOACTIVATE,FALSE End If End If Next End Sub '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: AdpTrace ' ' Prints out debugging (tracing) information ' ' Created by Israel Burman on 5/30/2002 ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub AdpTrace(strTrace) If DEBUGGING = TRUE Then Wscript.echo "*trace: " & strTrace End If End Sub '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: AdpLog ' ' Prints out logging information ' ' Created by Israel Burman on 5/30/2002 ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub AdpLog(strLog) If g_AdpLogFile is Nothing Then g_AdpLogBuffer = g_AdpLogBuffer & strLog & Chr(13) & Chr(10) Else ' if there is content in the buffer, flush it if g_AdpLogBuffer<> "" Then g_AdpLogFile.Write g_AdpLogBuffer g_AdpLogBuffer = "" End If g_AdpLogFile.Writeline strLog End If End Sub '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: CreateDebugCommand ' ' This function is used to create the CDB commands for a given exception ' ' Created by Israel Burman on 5/30/2002 ' ' Input: ' Action - an instance of the ExceptionAction class ' pid - the process id ' packagename ' FirstSecond - should be 1st or 2nd - indicates if the command is for 1st chance or 2nd. ' ' Output: A string defining the debugger comands to be executed ' Ex.: ".dump -u /mdi /c MyComments OutputFileName;" ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function CreateDebugCommand(Action, pid, packagename, FirstSecond ) Dim strCmd ' commands for the debugger Dim strCommands ' string of keywords (ExceptionAction.Commands1/2) Dim arrCommands ' array of commands (resulting from parsing ExceptionAction.Commands1/2) Dim strAux ' just an intermediate auxiliary string Dim strTmp ' a temporary string variable Dim arrAux ' an intermediate array of strings Dim i,n,j Dim bLogs ' boolean indicating if Log keyword was included Dim UCaseCmd Dim CompName ' g_ComputerName replacing blanks with underscore CompName = Replace(g_ComputerName, " ", "_") strCmd = "" ' converting the string with the key words into an array of key words if FirstSecond = "1st" Then strCommands = Action.Commands1 Else strCommands = Action.Commands2 End If arrCommands = GetStringArray(strCommands,";") n = UBound(arrCommands) If n>0 then ' Trim all commands For i = 1 to n arrCommands(i) = Trim(arrCommands(i)) Next bLogs = FALSE For i=1 to n if UCase(arrCommands(i)) = "LOG" Then bLogs = TRUE Exit For End If Next ' Incluing each command into the final string ' Adding a Log and Comments to the log if bLogs Then strCmd = strCmd & ".echo ---;" strCmd = strCmd & ".echo --- " & FirstSecond & " chance " & Action.ExceptionName & " exception ----;" strCmd = strCmd & ".echo ---------------------------------------------------------------;" if Action.Comment <> "" Then arrAux = GetStringArray(Action.Comment,Chr(10)) for j = 1 to UBound(arrAux) strCmd = strCmd & ".echo " & arrAux(j) & ";" Next strCmd = strCmd & ".echo ---------------------------------------------------------------;" End If End If For i=1 to n UCaseCmd = UCase(arrCommands(i)) if UCaseCmd = "LOG" Then ' already considered Elseif UCaseCmd = "VOID" Then ' nothing to do Elseif UCaseCmd = "EVENTLOG" Then strAux = "ADPlus detected a " & FirstSecond & " chance " & Action.ExceptionName & " exception in process " & packagename strAux = strAux & " and has taken the following actions at the time of the crash: " & strCommands & ". The output directory is " & g_DumpDir ' strAux can include ";" and Chr(10) separators from the Custom_ command ' and we need to take these out and replace them with blanks strAux = Replace(strAux , ";", " ") strAux = Replace(strAux , Chr(10), " ") strCmd = strCmd & "!elog_str" & " " & strAux & ";" Elseif UCaseCmd = "STACK" Then strCmd = strCmd & ".echo;.echo Faulting stack below ---;~#kvn250;.echo;" Elseif UCaseCmd = "STACKS" Then strCmd = strCmd & ".echo;.echo All thread stacks below ---;~*kvn250;.echo;" Elseif UCaseCmd = "LOADEDMODULES" Then strCmd = strCmd & ".echo;.echo Listing loaded modules ---;lmv;" Elseif UCaseCmd = "MATCHINGSYMBOLS" Then strCmd = strCmd & ".echo;.echo Modules with matching symbols ---;lml;" Elseif UCaseCmd = "TIME" Then strCmd = strCmd & ".echo;.echo Occurrence happened at: ;.time;" ' eliminated Elseif Left(UCaseCmd,7) = "CUSTOM_" Then 'strAux = Right(arrCommands(i),Len(arrCommands(i))-7) 'arrAux = GetStringArray(strAux,Chr(10)) 'for j = 1 to UBound(arrAux) ' strCmd = strCmd & ".echo;.echo Executing command " & arrAux(j) & ";" ' strCmd = strCmd & arrAux(j) & ";" 'Next ' note: in .dump the /c can go between double quotes but here it's part of a sxe so the .dump by itself is already ' between quotes, therefore we can not use it for the /c. We use CompName to replace blanks with underscore in g_ComputerName Elseif UCaseCmd = "MINIDUMP" Then strCmd = strCmd & ".dump -u /mdi " strCmd = strCmd & "/c " & FirstSecond & "_chance_" & Action.ExceptionName & "_exception_in_" & packagename & "_running_on_" & CompName ' output filename strAux = g_DumpDir & "\" & "PID-" & pid & "__" & packagename strAux = strAux & "__" & FirstSecond & "_chance_" & Action.ExceptionName strAux = strAux & "__mini.dmp" strCmd = strCmd & " " & strAux strCmd = strCmd & ";" Elseif UCaseCmd = "FULLDUMP" Then strCmd = strCmd & ".dump -u /ma " strCmd = strCmd & "/c " & FirstSecond & "_chance_" & Action.ExceptionName & "_exception_in_" & packagename & "_running_on_" & CompName ' output filename strAux = g_DumpDir & "\" & "PID-" & pid & "__" & packagename strAux = strAux & "__" & FirstSecond & "_chance_" & Action.ExceptionName strAux = strAux & "__full.dmp" strCmd = strCmd & " " & strAux strCmd = strCmd & ";" Elseif UCaseCmd = "MINIDUMPOVER" Then strCmd = strCmd & ".dump -o /mdi " strCmd = strCmd & "/c " & FirstSecond & "_chance_" & Action.ExceptionName & "_exception_in_" & packagename & "_running_on_" & CompName ' output filename strAux = g_DumpDir & "\" & "PID-" & pid & "__" & packagename strAux = strAux & "__" & g_DateTimeStamp strAux = strAux & "__" & FirstSecond & "_chance_" & Action.ExceptionName strAux = strAux & "__mini.dmp" strCmd = strCmd & " " & strAux strCmd = strCmd & ";" Elseif UCaseCmd = "FULLDUMPOVER" Then strCmd = strCmd & ".dump -o /ma " strCmd = strCmd & "/c " & FirstSecond & "_chance_" & Action.ExceptionName & "_exception_in_" & packagename & "_running_on_" & CompName ' output filename strAux = g_DumpDir & "\" & "PID-" & pid & "__" & packagename strAux = strAux & "__" & g_DateTimeStamp strAux = strAux & "__" & FirstSecond & "_chance_" & Action.ExceptionName strAux = strAux & "__full.dmp" strCmd = strCmd & " " & strAux strCmd = strCmd & ";" Else if arrCommands(i) <> "" Then strAux = "Invalid keyword in Commands for exception [" & Action.ExceptionCode & "]: " & arrCommands(i) QuitWithError strAux End If End If Next End If ' Adding the custom actions if FirstSecond = "1st" Then strAux = Action.CustomCommands1 Else strAux = Action.CustomCommands2 End If if UCase(strAux) = "VOID" Then strAux = "" if strAux <> "" Then strCmd = strCmd & ".echo;.echo Executing custom commands; " ' using .printf will only work if I don't use @ in front of the string ' for breakpoints I use printf 'strTmp = " Executing custom commands: " & strAux 'strCmd = strCmd & ".echo;" & InternalPrintf(strTmp) & ";.echo;" strCmd = strCmd & strAux & ";" End If CreateDebugCommand = strCmd End Function '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: CreateExceptionAction ' This function is used to create a CDB command of type SXE to instruct the debugger ' what to do for a given exception. ' ' Created by Israel Burman on 5/30/2002 ' ' Input: ' Action - an instance of the ExceptionAction class ' pid - the process id ' packagename ' ' Output: A string defining the sxe command for the debugger ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function CreateExceptionAction(Action, pid, packagename) Dim rt1,rt2 Dim ac1,ac2 Dim sx Dim strAux rt1 = Action.ReturnAction1 rt2 = Action.ReturnAction2 if UCase(Trim(rt1)) = "VOID" Then rt1 = "" End If if UCase(Trim(rt2)) = "VOID" Then rt2 = "" End If '#IB021203 ac1 = CreateDebugCommand(Action, pid, packagename, "1st") ac2 = CreateDebugCommand(Action, pid, packagename, "2nd") sx = "sxe" ' for dll unload I use sxn to get the name of the module being unloaded if Action.ExceptionCode = "ud" Then sx = "sxn" if ac1= "" or ac2="" Then sx = "sxi" strAux = sx if Trim(ac1) <> "" Then strAux = strAux & " -c @" & Chr(34) & ac1 & " " & rt1 & Chr(34) End If if Trim(ac2) <> "" Then strAux = strAux & " -c2 @" & Chr(34) & ac2 & " " & rt2 & Chr(34) End If CreateExceptionAction = strAux & " " & Action.ExceptionCode 'CreateExceptionAction = sx & " -c @" & Chr(34) & ac1 & " " & rt1 & Chr(34) & " -c2 @" & Chr(34) & ac2 & " " & rt2 & Chr(34) & " " & Action.ExceptionCode ' replaced on 10/18/2003 (v6.02.015) Now we need to put a @ before all strings sxe = -c @"..." ' CreateExceptionAction = sx & " -c " & Chr(34) & ac1 & " " & rt1 & Chr(34) & " -c2 " & Chr(34) & ac2 & " " & rt2 & Chr(34) & " " & Action.ExceptionCode ' CreateExceptionAction = "sxe -c " & Chr(34) & CreateDebugCommand(Action, pid, packagename, "1st") & " " & rt1 & Chr(34) & " -c2 " & Chr(34) & CreateDebugCommand(Action, pid, packagename, "2nd") & " " & rt2 & Chr(34) & " " & Action.ExceptionCode End Function '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: QuitWithError ' Terminates the script due to an error ' ' Created by Israel Burman on 5/30/2002 ' ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub QuitWithError(ErrMsg) ' if a log file already exists we log the error ' if it doesn't exist we append the current log buffer to the error message ' logging the error if g_AdpLogBuffer = "" Then AdpLog "*** ERROR *** " AdpLog "*** ERROR *** " AdpLog "*** ERROR *** " AdpLog ErrMsg else ErrMsg = "*** ERROR *** " & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & ErrMsg & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & "Log data below:" & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & g_AdpLogBuffer End If If g_QuietMode = True Then g_objShell.Logevent 1, ErrMsg Wscript.echo ErrMsg ' this goes into the console, not a dialog box, so it's ok with quite mode Wscript.Quit (512) Else Wscript.echo ErrMsg WScript.Quit (512) End If End Sub '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: GetStringArray ' converts a string containing a sequence of commands ' separated by a separator into an array of strings ' ' NOTE!!! - I'm creating my own function instead of using the ' already existing Split function from the script engine, so I have ' more control on what to do with empty substrings, or if the last char is a separator ' ' ATTENTION!!! ' The UBound will be equal to number of elements ' substrings will be placed in indexes 1 to n ' if UBound = 0 there are no sub-strings in the string ' ' Created by Israel Burman on 5/30/2002 ' ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetStringArray(strSource, strSeparator) ' strSource a string to be parsed ' strSeparator the separator to be used when parsing strSource Dim i1,i2 ' initial and end position of a sub-string Dim nc ' number of commands (sub strings) detected Dim ic ' current command dim strTemp ' internal copy of strSource Dim Length ' strTemp length ' converts a string containing a sequence of commands ' separated by a separator into an array of strings nc = 0 strTemp = Trim(strSource) Length = Len(strTemp) ' first and last character should not be a separator while Left(strTemp,1) = strSeparator strTemp = Right(strTemp,Length-1) strTemp = Trim(strTemp) Length = Len(strTemp) wend while Right(strTemp,1) = strSeparator strTemp = Left(strTemp,Length-1) strTemp = Trim(strTemp) Length = Len(strTemp) wend if Length>0 Then nc = 1 ' We have at least one sub-string ' counting the internal separators i1 = 1 ' used here as initial position for search i2 = 1 ' used here as the position where the next ";" was found While i2>0 i2 = InStr(i1, strTemp, strSeparator) if i2 > 0 Then nc = nc + 1 i1 = i2 + 1 ' next starting search position End If wend ' preparing the output array ' The UBound will be equal to nc ' substrings will be placed in indexes 1 to nc ' if nc = 0 there are no sub-strings in the string ReDim arrStrings(nc) if nc >0 then i1 = 1 ' used here as initial position for search ' 02/11/2003 ' was i2 = 1 but it doesn't get if the string has only one char i2 = 0 ' used here as the position where the next ";" was found ic = 1 ' current sub-string While i2 "" Then if UBound(g_SelectedProcessNames)>0 or UBound(g_SelectedProcessIDs)>0 or UBound(g_SelectedSpawningCommands)>0 or g_IISMode = TRUE Then strErr = "Using the -gs switch; No process selection allowed." QuitWithError strErr End If g_NoTlist = TRUE g_CheckTS = FALSE g_CheckFreeSpace = FALSE End If if UBound(g_SelectedSpawningCommands) > 0 Then if g_RunMode <> "CRASH" Then strAux = "Spawning processes can only be used in CRASH mode" QuitWithError strAux End If End If if g_IISMode = False Then if UBound(g_SelectedProcessNames) <=0 and UBound(g_SelectedProcessIDs) <= 0 and UBound(g_SelectedSpawningCommands) <= 0 and g_GeneratedScriptName = "" Then strAux = "No process was selected" strAux = strAux & Lf & "Provide a Process ID using the -p switch or" strAux = strAux & Lf & "provide a Process Name using the -pn switch or" strAux = strAux & Lf & "use the -IIS switch." strAux = strAux & Lf & "For more information run ADPlus -Help" QuitWithError strAux End If End If if g_NoTlist Then if g_IISMode = True OR UBound(g_SelectedProcessNames) > 0 Then strAux = "NoTList was selected; No IIS and no -pn are allowed" strAux = strAux & Lf & "Please use only Process IDs or spawning processes" QuitWithError strAux End If End If If InStr(1,g_OutPutDir,"\\",1) Then g_OutputDir = g_OutPutDir & "\" & g_ComputerName End If ' Checking _NT_SYMBOL_PATH Set SysEnv = g_objShell.Environment("SYSTEM") Set UserEnv = g_objShell.Environment("USER") If SysEnv("_NT_SYMBOL_PATH") <> "" Then Sympath = SysEnv("_NT_SYMBOL_PATH") ElseIf UserEnv("_NT_SYMBOL_PATH") <> "" Then Sympath = UserEnv("_NT_SYMBOL_PATH") Else if g_Sympath = "" And g_SympathPlus = "" Then AdpLog " WARNING! An '_NT_SYMBOL_PATH' environment variable is not set, as a result ADPlus will be forced to use 'export' symbols (if present) to resolve function names in the stack trace information for each thread listed in the log file for the processes being debugged. To resolve this warning, please copy the appropriate symbols to a directory on the server and then create an environment variable with a name of '_NT_SYMBOL_PATH' and a value containing the path to the proper symbols (i.e. c:\winnt\symbols) before running ADPlus in quick or crash modes again. NOTE: After creating the '_NT_SYMBOL_PATH' system environment variable you will need to close the current command shell and open a new one before running ADPlus again." If g_QuietMode = False Then g_objShell.Popup "WARNING! An '_NT_SYMBOL_PATH' environment variable is not set, as a result ADPlus will be forced to use 'export' symbols (if present) to resolve function names in the stack trace information for each thread listed in the log file for the processes being debugged. To resolve this warning, please copy the appropriate symbols to a directory on the server and then create an environment variable with a name of '_NT_SYMBOL_PATH' and a value containing the path to the proper symbols (i.e. c:\winnt\symbols) before running ADPlus in quick or crash modes again. NOTE: After creating the '_NT_SYMBOL_PATH' system environment variable you will need to close the current command shell and open a new one before running ADPlus again.",,"ADPlus",0 Else Wscript.echo "WARNING! An '_NT_SYMBOL_PATH' environment variable is not set." Wscript.echo "Please check the application event log or the ADPlus-report.txt" Wscript.echo "for more details." Wscript.echo "" g_objShell.LogEvent 1, "WARNING! An '_NT_SYMBOL_PATH' environment variable is not set, as a result ADPlus will be forced to use 'export' symbols (if present) to resolve function names in the stack trace information for each thread listed in the log file for the processes being debugged. To resolve this warning, please copy the appropriate symbols to a directory on the server and then create an environment variable with a name of '_NT_SYMBOL_PATH' and a value containing the path to the proper symbols (i.e. c:\winnt\symbols) before running ADPlus in quick or crash modes again. NOTE: After creating the '_NT_SYMBOL_PATH' system environment variable you will need to close the current command shell and open a new one before running ADPlus again." End If End If End If n = UBound(g_ExceptionActions) For i=0 to n if g_ExceptionActions(i).ExceptionCode<> "" And Trim(g_ExceptionActions(i).ExceptionName)="" Then strErr = "ExceptionCode [" & g_ExceptionActions(i).ExceptionCode & "] doesn't have an ExceptionName" QuitWithError strErr End If ' replacing blanks in ExceptionName g_ExceptionActions(i).ExceptionName = Replace( g_ExceptionActions(i).ExceptionName, " ", "_") ' Replacing ";" in Comments g_ExceptionActions(i).Comment = Replace( g_ExceptionActions(i).Comment, ";", ".") Next ' for backward compatibility we check for QuickMode If g_RunMode = "QUICK" Then 'this is the same as HangMode just that the dump is a mini dump g_RunMode = "HANG" n = UBound(g_HangActions) for i = 0 to n if g_HangActions(i).Name = "FullDump" Then g_HangActions(i).Name = "MiniDump" Next End if ' we do this to avoid the final sxe command to excede the 2000 limit ' custom configuration could have defined Commands2 for the process shut down ' exception which will create a very long command due to the long comments. ' We don't need commands2 because we quit at first chance n = UBound(g_ExceptionActions) 'For i=0 to n ' if g_ExceptionActions(i).ExceptionCode = "epr" Then ' g_ExceptionActions(i).Commands2 = "" ' End If 'Next ' Cleaning up script name if g_GeneratedScriptName <> "" Then g_GeneratedScriptName = CleanStringForFileName(g_GeneratedScriptName) End If AdpLog "Selected debugger: " & g_Debugger AdpTrace "Exiting ValidateSettings() function . . ." End Sub '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: PrepareToRun ' ' Initializes globals that depend on settings ' Checks some conditions (iis version, etc.) ' Creates all required directories and files ' ' Created by Israel Burman on 5/30/2002 ' ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub PrepareToRun() Dim i,n, j Dim strErr Dim strAux Dim objArgs Dim arrAux Dim SysEnv, UserEnv, VolatileEnv Dim TermServDeviceDesc Dim TermServKey AdpTrace "In the PrepareToRun() function " CheckFiles 'Initializing Globals that depend on settings If g_IISMode = True Then DetectIISVersion() End If ' check if the output directory exists If not g_objFSO.FolderExists(g_OutPutDir) Then CreateDirectory(g_OutPutDir) End If if g_RunMode = "CRASH" Then g_DumpDir = g_OutPutDir & "\Crash_Mode__" & g_DateTimeStamp Else g_DumpDir = g_OutPutDir & "\Hang_Mode__" & g_DateTimeStamp End If if g_GeneratedScriptName <> "" Then g_DumpDir = g_OutPutDir & "\" & g_GeneratedScriptName End If On Error Resume Next Call CreateDirectory(g_DumpDir) if err.Number <> 0 Then QuitWithError "Unable to create Dump Directory: " & g_DumpDir & " Error: " & err.number & " - " & err.Description End If AdpLog "Output Directory: " & g_DumpDir Set g_AdpLogFile = g_objFSO.CreateTextFile(g_DumpDir & "\ADPlus_report.txt",True) if err.Number <> 0 Then QuitWithError "Unable to create History File: " & g_DumpDir & "\ADPlus_report.txt" & " Error: " & err.number & " - " & err.Description End If 'IB###??? Check if there is some restriction with VolatileEnv in nt4 ' I saw some comment like this where we make the -notify ' the Set VolatileEnv was inside the if, therefore it was not defined for the ' user name when xp. This never failed before because we had on error resume next Set VolatileEnv = g_objShell.Environment("PROCESS") '###IB??? g_LOcalUserName should go to INitializeGlobals after we have the question above cleared 'Get the locally logged on users name for use with the !Net_send command g_LocalUserName = VolatileEnv("USERNAME") 'If not running on Windows XP, check to see if the user account is running inside of a terminal server session. 'If so, and the -crash switch is being used, display an error since 'crash' mode doesn't work inside of a terminal 'server session on NT 4.0 or Windows 2000. 'If the server doesn't have terminal services installed, we can assume they aren't running AD+ in a TS session 'so check for that first. 'I have not tested this on NT 4.0 TSE so I'm not sure if this code will work properly on NT 4.0 TSE boxes. If CInt(g_OSBuildNumber) <= 2195 Then TermServKey = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\Root\RDPDR\0000\DeviceDesc" err.clear TermServDeviceDesc = g_objShell.RegRead(TermServKey) If err.number <> -2147024894 Then 'The TS RDPDR key was found, Terminal services is installed, check to make sure the user isn't in a TS session. If (UCase(VolatileEnv("SESSIONNAME")) <> "CONSOLE" and VolatileEnv("SESSIONNAME") <> "") and (g_RunMode = "CRASH") Then If g_IISMode = True Then QuitWithError "ADPlus has detected that you are attempting to run in 'Crash' mode, but this account is currently logged into terminal server session ID: " & UCase(VolatileEnv("SESSIONNAME")) & ". 'Crash' mode (invoked via the '-crash' switch) will not work inside a terminal server session. To run ADPlus in 'Crash' mode, please log in locally at the console." Else ' if not iis it's possible that the user is trying to debug a process that was started in the TS session which is fine ' so we just warn if user selected -NoTsCheck if g_CheckTS Then QuitWithError "ADPlus has detected that you are attempting to run in 'Crash' mode from a terminal server session. This will not work unless you are selecting a process that is running in the same session. If this is the case, please use the NoTsCheck switch, otherwise please log in locally at the console." else AdpLog "ADPlus is running in a Terminal Server session. This will work only if you are trying to attach to a process started in the same session." End If End If End If End If End If On Error GoTo 0 ' printing out all settings to the history file AdpLog " " If g_NoTlist = true Then AdpLog "ADPlus was run with the '-NoTlist' switch." End If If g_QuietMode = true Then AdpLog "ADPlus was run with the '-quiet' switch." End If If g_IISMode = True Then AdpLog "ADPlus was run with the '-IIS' switch." End If AdpLog " " AdpLog "g_Debug_Log = " & g_Debug_Log AdpLog "g_CheckFreeSpace = " & g_CheckFreeSpace if g_GeneratedScriptName <> "" Then AdpLog "-gs switch used; Script Name: " & g_GeneratedScriptName End If ' loging settings if g_ExternalConfigurationFileName <> "" Then AdpLog " " AdpLog " ------ !!! External Configuration File was used: ----" arrAux = GetStringArray(g_ExternalConfigurationFileName,Chr(10)) n = UBound(arrAux) for i = 1 to n AdpLog " " & arrAux(i) Next AdpLog " " End If n = UBound(g_PreShellCommands) if n>0 or g_PreShellCommands(0) <> "" Then AdpLog " ------ Pre Shell Commands ----" For i=0 to n strAux = Trim(g_PreShellCommands(i)) if strAux <> "" Then if Left(strAux,1) = "A" Then AdpLog "Async: " & Right(strAux,Len(strAux)-1) Else AdpLog "Sync: " & Right(strAux,Len(strAux)-1) End If End If Next End If n = UBound(g_PostShellCommands) if n>0 or g_PostShellCommands(0) <> "" Then AdpLog " ------ Post Shell Commands ----" For i=0 to n strAux = Trim(g_PostShellCommands(i)) if strAux <> "" Then if Left(strAux,1) = "A" Then AdpLog "Async: " & Right(strAux,Len(strAux)-1) Else AdpLog "Sync: " & Right(strAux,Len(strAux)-1) End If End If Next End If n = UBound(g_PreCommands) if n>0 or g_PreCommands(0) <> "" Then AdpLog " ------ Initialization Commands ----" For i=0 to n strAux = Trim(g_PreCommands(i)) if strAux <> "" Then AdpLog strAux End If Next End If n = UBound(g_PostCommands) if n>0 or g_PostCommands(0) <> "" Then AdpLog " ------ Termination Commands ----" For i=0 to n strAux = Trim(g_PostCommands(i)) if strAux <> "" Then AdpLog strAux End If Next End If if g_RunMode = "CRASH" Then AdpLog " ------ Current Actions for Exceptions ----" n = UBound(g_ExceptionActions) For i=0 to n if g_ExceptionActions (i).ExceptionCode <> "" Then AdpLog " " & g_ExceptionActions (i).ExceptionName & " [" & g_ExceptionActions (i).ExceptionCode & "] " & " return: " & g_ExceptionActions (i).ReturnAction1 & " " & g_ExceptionActions (i).ReturnAction2 strAux = g_ExceptionActions (i).Commands1 ' eliminating Chr(10) separators strAux = Replace(strAux,Chr(10)," ") AdpLog " 1st chance: " & strAux strAux = g_ExceptionActions (i).Commands2 ' eliminating Chr(10) separators strAux = Replace(strAux,Chr(10)," ") AdpLog " 2nd chance: " & strAux End If Next n = UBound(g_BPActions) if n>0 or g_BPActions(0).Address <> "" Then AdpLog " ------ Current Actions for Breakpoints ----" For i=0 to n if g_BPActions(i).Address <> "" Then AdpLog " Type: " & g_BPActions(i).AdrType & " Address: " & g_BPActions(i).Address & " return: " & g_BPActions(i).ReturnAction strAux = g_BPActions(i).Commands ' eliminating Chr(10) separators strAux = Replace(strAux,Chr(10)," ") AdpLog " Actions: " & strAux End If Next End If Else AdpLog " ------ Current Actions for Hang Mode ----" n = UBound(g_HangActions) For i=0 to n if g_HangActions (i).Selected = True And (g_HangActions (i).Name <> "" or g_HangActions (i).Command <> "") Then strAux = "" if g_HangActions (i).Name <> "" Then strAux = strAux & "Name: " & g_HangActions (i).Name End If if g_HangActions (i).Command <> "" Then strAux = strAux & "Command: " & g_HangActions (i).Command End If End If AdpLog " " & strAux Next End If End Sub '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: CreateBPAction ' This function is used to create a CDB command of type BP to instruct the debugger ' what to do for a given breakpoint. ' ' Created by Israel Burman on 5/30/2002 ' ' Input: ' Action - an instance of the BPAction class ' pid - the process id ' packagename ' ' Output: A string defining the BP command for the debugger ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function CreateBPAction(Action, pid, packagename) Dim strCmd ' commands for the debugger Dim strCommands ' string of keywords (BPAction.Commands) Dim arrCommands ' array of commands (resulting from parsing strCommands) Dim strAux ' just an intermediate auxiliary string Dim strTmp ' a temporary string variable Dim arrAux ' an intermediate array of strings Dim i,n,j Dim bLogs ' boolean indicating if Log keyword was included Dim EscapedCrashDir ' CrashDir replacing \ with \\ Dim BPAddrForFlnm ' BP Address used for file name (taking special characters off) Dim UCaseCmd Dim CompName ' g_ComputerName replacing blanks with underscore CompName = Replace(g_ComputerName, " ", "_") strCmd = "" ' converting the string with the key words into an array of key words strCommands = Action.Commands arrCommands = GetStringArray(strCommands,";") n = UBound(arrCommands) If n>0 Then ' no commands selected 'CreateBPAction = "" 'Exit Function 'End If ' Trim all commands For i = 1 to n arrCommands(i) = Trim(arrCommands(i)) Next bLogs = FALSE For i=1 to n if UCase(arrCommands(i)) = "LOG" Then bLogs = TRUE Exit For End If Next ' Incluing each command into the final string ' in bp we need to replace \ with \\ in filenames EscapedCrashDir = Replace( g_DumpDir, "\", "\\") if Trim(Action.Address)="" Then CreateBPAction = "" Exit Function End If ' Adding a Log and Comments to the log if bLogs Then strCmd = strCmd & ".echo ---;" strCmd = strCmd & ".echo --- Breakpoint " & Action.Address & " encountered ----;" End If ' Also, to add the BP Address to a file name I need to eliminate special characters ' When using BM we can have * and ? BPAddrForFlnm = Action.Address BPAddrForFlnm = Replace(BPAddrForFlnm,"!","_") BPAddrForFlnm = Replace(BPAddrForFlnm,":","_") BPAddrForFlnm = Replace(BPAddrForFlnm,"*","_") BPAddrForFlnm = Replace(BPAddrForFlnm,"?","_") For i=1 to n UCaseCmd = UCase(arrCommands(i)) if UCaseCmd = "LOG" Then ' already considered Elseif UCaseCmd = "VOID" Then ' nothing to do Elseif UCaseCmd = "EVENTLOG" Then strAux = "ADPlus detected a BreakPoint at " & Action.Address & " in process " & packagename strAux = strAux & " and has taken the following actions at that time: " & strCommands & ". The output directory is " & g_DumpDir ' strAux can include ";" and Chr(10) separators from the Custom_ command ' and we need to take these out and replace them with blanks strAux = Replace(strAux , ";", " ") strAux = Replace(strAux , Chr(10), " ") strCmd = strCmd & "!elog_str" & " " & strAux & ";" Elseif UCaseCmd = "STACK" Then strCmd = strCmd & ".echo;.echo Current stack below ---;~.kvn250;" Elseif UCaseCmd = "STACKS" Then strCmd = strCmd & ".echo;.echo All thread stacks below ---;~*kvn250;" Elseif UCaseCmd = "LOADEDMODULES" Then strCmd = strCmd & ".echo;.echo Listing loaded modules ---;lmv;" Elseif UCaseCmd = "MATCHINGSYMBOLS" Then strCmd = strCmd & ".echo;.echo Modules with matching symbols ---;lml;" Elseif UCaseCmd = "TIME" Then strCmd = strCmd & ".echo;.echo Occurrence happened at: ;.time;" ' eliminated Elseif Left(UCaseCmd,7) = "CUSTOM_" Then 'strAux = Right(arrCommands(i),Len(arrCommands(i))-7) 'arrAux = GetStringArray(strAux,Chr(10)) 'for j = 1 to UBound(arrAux) ' ' eliminated the .echo below to allow complex conditional breakpoints ' 'strCmd = strCmd & ".echo;.echo Executing command " & arrAux(j) & ";" ' strCmd = strCmd & arrAux(j) & ";" 'Next ' Dump commands ' NOTE!!! ' In BP commands we need to use \\ for every \ as the debuger considers here ' C controls characters like \n, \", etc. ' Therefore we use here the EscapedCrashDir variable, defined earlier in this function ' Elseif UCaseCmd = "MINIDUMP" Then strCmd = strCmd & ".dump -u /mdi " strCmd = strCmd & "/c " & "Breakpoint_" & BPAddrForFlnm & "_in_" & packagename & "_running_on_" & CompName ' output filename strAux = EscapedCrashDir & "\\" & "PID-" & pid & "__" & packagename strAux = strAux & "_Breakpoint_" & BPAddrForFlnm strAux = strAux & "__mini.dmp" strCmd = strCmd & " " & strAux strCmd = strCmd & ";" Elseif UCaseCmd = "FULLDUMP" Then strCmd = strCmd & ".dump -u /ma " strCmd = strCmd & "/c " & "Breakpoint_" & BPAddrForFlnm & "_in_" & packagename & "_running_on_" & CompName ' output filename strAux = EscapedCrashDir & "\\" & "PID-" & pid & "__" & packagename strAux = strAux & "_Breakpoint_" & BPAddrForFlnm strAux = strAux & "__full.dmp" strCmd = strCmd & " " & strAux strCmd = strCmd & ";" Elseif UCaseCmd = "MINIDUMPOVER" Then strCmd = strCmd & ".dump -o /mdi " strCmd = strCmd & "/c " & "Breakpoint_" & BPAddrForFlnm & "_in_" & packagename & "_running_on_" & CompName ' output filename strAux = EscapedCrashDir & "\\" & "PID-" & pid & "__" & packagename strAux = strAux & "__" & g_DateTimeStamp strAux = strAux & "_Breakpoint_" & BPAddrForFlnm strAux = strAux & "__mini.dmp" strCmd = strCmd & " " & strAux strCmd = strCmd & ";" Elseif UCaseCmd = "FULLDUMPOVER" Then strCmd = strCmd & ".dump -o /ma " strCmd = strCmd & "/c " & "Breakpoint_" & BPAddrForFlnm & "_in_" & packagename & "_running_on_" & CompName ' output filename strAux = EscapedCrashDir & "\\" & "PID-" & pid & "__" & packagename strAux = strAux & "__" & g_DateTimeStamp strAux = strAux & "_Breakpoint_" & BPAddrForFlnm strAux = strAux & "__full.dmp" strCmd = strCmd & " " & strAux strCmd = strCmd & ";" Else if UCaseCmd<> "" Then strAux = "Invalid keyword in Commands for breakpoint [" & Action.Address & "]: " & arrCommands(i) QuitWithError strAux End If End If Next End If strAux = Action.CustomCommands if UCase(strAux) = "VOID" Then strAux = "" if strAux <> "" Then 'strCmd = strCmd & ".echo;.echo Executing custom commands; " ' using .printf will only work if I don't use @ in front of the string ' i use it here because I dont use @ but cannot use it with exceptions strTmp = " Executing custom commands: " & strAux strCmd = strCmd & ".echo;" & InternalPrintf(strTmp) & ";.echo;" strCmd = strCmd & strAux & ";" End If if UCase(Action.ReturnAction) <> "VOID" Then strCmd = strCmd & Action.ReturnAction End If strAux = Action.AdrType & " " & Action.Address & " " if Trim(Action.Passes) <> "" Then strAux = strAux & Action.Passes & " " strAux = strAux & Chr(34) & strCmd & Chr(34) CreateBPAction = strAux End Function '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: AddBreakPoint ' ' Adds a breakpoint to the g_BPActions array ' ' Input: a string with the following syntax ' ' "address;optional_additional_parameters" ' optional parameters must be separated by ";" and no blanks and can be any of the following: ' MiniDump, FullDump or NoDump - to indicate if you want a dump (default is NoDump) ' an integer number - indicating the number of passes to ignore ' Q or G - if you want to quit or go after the action; Defualt is G ' if not including any optional parameters the default behavior is to ' create a log,list the call stack, and return with GO. ' Example: ' -bp MyModule!MyClass::MyMethod;MiniDump;Q ' ' Created by Israel Burman on 5/30/2002 ' ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub AddBreakPoint(strVal) dim i,j,n dim BPIndex ' index of the new bp in the g_BPActions array Dim strCommands ' string of keywords (BPAction.Commands) Dim arrCommands ' array of commands (resulting from parsing strCommands) Dim DumpType ' optional dump type selected Dim strAux ' temporary string Dim i1,i2 if Trim(strVal) = "" then Exit Sub strCommands = strVal arrCommands = GetStringArray(strCommands,";") BPIndex = UBound(g_BPActions) + 1 Redim Preserve g_BPActions(BPIndex) ' creating the new element of the array set g_BPActions(BPIndex) = new BPAction g_BPActions(BPIndex).Address = Trim(arrCommands(1)) g_BPActions(BPIndex).Passes = "" ' using the default template g_BPActions(BPIndex).AdrType = g_BPActions(0).AdrType g_BPActions(BPIndex).Commands = g_BPActions(0).Commands g_BPActions(BPIndex).CustomCommands = g_BPActions(0).CustomCommands g_BPActions(BPIndex).ReturnAction = g_BPActions(0).ReturnAction ' checking for optional parameters n = UBound(arrCommands) if n<=1 Then Exit Sub DumpType = "" for i=2 to n strAux = UCase(Trim(arrCommands(i))) if strAux = "G" Then g_BPActions(BPIndex).ReturnAction = "G" Elseif strAux = "Q" Then g_BPActions(BPIndex).ReturnAction = "Q" Elseif strAux = "QD" Then g_BPActions(BPIndex).ReturnAction = "QD" Elseif strAux = "MINIDUMP" Then DumpType = "MiniDump" Elseif strAux = "FULLDUMP" Then DumpType = "FullDump" Elseif strAux = "NODUMP" Then DumpType = "NoDump" Elseif strAux = "BU" Then g_BPActions(BPIndex).AdrType = "bu" Elseif strAux = "BM" Then g_BPActions(BPIndex).AdrType = "bm" Elseif IsNumeric(strAux) Then g_BPActions(BPIndex).Passes = strAux Else if strAux <> "" Then strAux = "Invalid option in -bp parameter [" & strVal & "]: " & arrCommands(i) QuitWithError strAux End If End If Next ' setting the dump type if requested if DumpType <> "" Then g_BPActions(BPIndex).Commands = ReplaceDumpType(g_BPActions(BPIndex).Commands, DumpType) End If End Sub '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: AddException ' ' Adds an exception to the g_ExceptionActions array ' The new exception will be configured with default parameters taken from ' g_ExceptionActions(0) ' ' Input: Exception Code and Exception Name ' if exception name = "" will use the exception code for the name ' ' ' Created by Israel Burman on 5/30/2002 ' ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub AddException(strCode, strName) dim n if Trim(strCode) = "" then Exit Sub n = UBound(g_ExceptionActions) + 1 Redim Preserve g_ExceptionActions(n) ' creating the new element of the array set g_ExceptionActions(n) = new ExceptionAction g_ExceptionActions(n).Comment = "" g_ExceptionActions(n).ExceptionCode = Trim(strCode) if Trim(strName)<> "" Then g_ExceptionActions(n).ExceptionName = Trim(strName) else g_ExceptionActions(n).ExceptionName = g_ExceptionActions(n).ExceptionCode End If ' using the default template g_ExceptionActions(n).Commands1 = g_ExceptionActions(0).Commands1 g_ExceptionActions(n).Commands2 = g_ExceptionActions(0).Commands2 g_ExceptionActions(n).CustomCommands1 = g_ExceptionActions(0).CustomCommands1 g_ExceptionActions(n).CustomCommands2 = g_ExceptionActions(0).CustomCommands2 g_ExceptionActions(n).ReturnAction1 = g_ExceptionActions(0).ReturnAction1 g_ExceptionActions(n).ReturnAction2 = g_ExceptionActions(0).ReturnAction2 End Sub '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: ReplaceDumpType ' ' Replaces the selected dump type in a string of commands ' ' Input: ' strCmd - the original commands string ' strDumpType - the desired dump type ' MiniDump, FullDump, MiniDumpOver, FullDumpOver, or NoDump (if no dump desired) ' Return: ' The new commands string ' ' Created by Israel Burman on 5/30/2002 ' ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function ReplaceDumpType(strCmd, strDumpType) dim strOut dim strAux dim i1,i2 if strDumpType="" Then ReplaceDumpType = strCmd Exit Function End If strAux = strCmd ' Checking if there is already a dump type selected i1 = InStr(1,strAux,"Dump") if i1>0 Then i1 = i1 -4 ' because the full word is MiniDump or FullDump not just Dump ' finding the end of the word i2 = InStr(i1,strAux,";") if i2 <=0 then i2 = Len(strAux) ' taking out the current selection strAux = Left(strAux,i1-1) & Right(strAux, Len(strAux) - i2) End If ' adding the new selection if strDumpType <> "NoDump" Then strAux = strDumpType & ";" & strAux End If ReplaceDumpType = strAux End Function '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: ReadCustomCommands ' ' Reads a file with a customization script ' Extracts each of the main sections from the config file and ' calls the related function that is going to parse it ' ' ' Created by Israel Burman on 5/30/2002 ' ' ' This are the main sections of a config file ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub ReadCustomCommands(strFlnmOrg) dim strFlnm dim strTotal dim strAdPlus dim strAux dim p1,p2 ' positions in a string Dim CfgFile ' the file to read AdpTrace "In the ReadCustomCommands() function " strFlnm = strFlnmOrg while strFlnm <> "" if g_ExternalConfigurationFileName <> "" Then g_ExternalConfigurationFileName = g_ExternalConfigurationFileName & Chr(10) End If g_ExternalConfigurationFileName = g_ExternalConfigurationFileName & strFlnm If not g_objFSO.FileExists(strFlnm) Then strAux = "Configuration file not found: " & strFlnm QuitWithError strAux End If On Error Resume Next set CfgFile = g_objFSO.OpenTextFile( strFlnm,ForReading ) if err.Number<>0 Then strAux = "Error opening config file: " & strFlnm strAux = strAux & " Error: " & err.Number & " - " & err.Description QuitWithError strAux End If strTotal = CfgFile.ReadAll() CfgFile.Close() strFlnm = "" On Error GoTo 0 strAdPlus = XMLGetTagText(1, strTotal, "ADPlus", p1,p2, TRUE) if strAdPlus = "" Then Exit Sub strAux = XMLGetTagText(1, strAdPlus, "Settings", p1,p2, TRUE) ReadCustomSettings strAux strAux = XMLGetTagText(1, strAdPlus, "PreCommands", p1,p2, TRUE) ReadCustomPreCommands strAux strAux = XMLGetTagText(1, strAdPlus, "PostCommands", p1,p2, TRUE) ReadCustomPostCommands strAux strAux = XMLGetTagText(1, strAdPlus, "BreakPoints", p1,p2, TRUE) ReadCustomBreakPoints strAux strAux = XMLGetTagText(1, strAdPlus, "Exceptions", p1,p2, TRUE) ReadCustomExceptions strAux strAux = XMLGetTagText(1, strAdPlus, "HangActions", p1,p2, TRUE) ReadCustomHangActions strAux strFlnm = Trim(XMLGetTagText(1, strAdPlus, "LinkConfig", p1,p2, TRUE)) Wend End Sub '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: XMLFindTagDelimiter ' ' Locates a given tag in a given string ' Can locate open or closing delimiter ' Locates the first instance of the tag we are looking for ' ' Input: ' StartPosition - position to start the search (1 to Len) ' strOrigin - the string to be searched ' strTag - the tag to be looked for (without the <>) ' OPenClose = 1 for OPen tag and 2 for Closing tag ' ' Return ' If searching for the open tag, returns the position of the closing ">" ' If searching for the closing tag, returns the position of the opening "<" ' ' ' Created by Israel Burman on 5/30/2002 ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function XMLFindTagDelimiter(StartPosition, strOrigin, strTag, OpenClose) dim OpenTag1 ' Position of the "<" for the tag we are looking for dim OpenTag2 ' Position of the related ">" dim Position1 ' Position of the "<" for a generic tag dim Position2 ' Position of the ">" for a generic tag dim UCaseTag ' the tag we are looking for with UCase dim strAux ' temporary string ' ' ' ' this is an internal tag ' ' ' AdpTrace "In the XMLFindTagDelimiter() function " if StartPosition<=0 Then StartPosition = 1 if StartPosition > Len(strOrigin) Then XMLFindTagDelimiter = 0 Exit Function End If UCaseTag = UCase(Trim(strTag)) if OpenClose = 2 then UCaseTag = "/" & UCaseTag ' searching for the open tag OpenTag1 = 0 OpenTag2 = 0 Position1 = InStr(StartPosition,strOrigin,"<") while Position1>0 Position2 = InStr(Position1+1,strOrigin,">") if Position2 <= 0 Then strAux = "Unbalanced < > in XML string (config file)" QuitWithError strAux End If strAux = Mid(strOrigin,Position1 + 1,Position2-Position1-1 ) strAux = Replace(strAux, Chr(10), " ") strAux = Replace(strAux, Chr(13), " ") strAux = UCase(Trim(strAux)) if strAux = UCaseTag Then ' we found the tag OpenTag1 = Position1 OpenTag2 = Position2 ' changing Position1 so we exit the while Position1 = 0 Else ' continue searching the rest of the string Position1 = InStr(Position2,strOrigin,"<") End If Wend if OpenClose = 1 Then XMLFindTagDelimiter = OpenTag2 else XMLFindTagDelimiter = OpenTag1 End If End Function '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: XMLGetTagText ' ' Extracts the text for an XML Tag from a given string ' Only the first instance of this tag is extracted ' ' Input: ' StartPosition - where to start the search ' strOrigin - the string to be searched ' strTag - the tag to be looked for (without the <>) ' Linearize - TRUE/FALSE - eliminates Chr(10) and Chr(13) and Chr(9) - Tab and trims. ' ' Output: ' returns the text inside the tags ' FirstColumn, LastColumn - position of first and last char of the text ' ' ' ' Created by Israel Burman on 5/30/2002 ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function XMLGetTagText(StartPosition, strOrigin, strTag, ByRef FirstColumn, ByRef LastColumn, Linearize) dim OpenTag ' Position of the ">" for the tag we are looking for dim CloseTag ' position of the "<" for the closing tag () ' we need some logic to take into account internal equivalent tags dim OpensFound ' counter for equivalent open tags found dim ClosesFound ' same for equivalent closes found dim SearchClosePos ' Position to start searching for the closing tag dim SearchOpenPos ' Position to start searching for new opening tags dim Position ' a generic position dim TotalLen' length of strOrigin dim strAux ' temporary string ' ' ' ' this is an internal tag ' ' AdpTrace "In the XMLGetTagText() function " FirstColumn = 0 LastColumn = 0 TotalLen = Len(strOrigin) ' searching for the open tag OpenTag = XMLFindTagDelimiter(StartPosition, strOrigin, strTag, 1) if OpenTag <= 0 Then XMLGetTagText = "" Exit Function End If OpensFound = 1 ClosesFound = 0 SearchClosePos = OpenTag + 1 SearchOpenPos = OpenTag + 1 While OpensFound <> ClosesFound CloseTag = XMLFindTagDelimiter(SearchClosePos, strOrigin, strTag, 2) if CloseTag <=0 Then strAux = "No matching closing tag in XML string [" & strTag & "]. Check missing closing tag or use of invalid characters like '<' or '>' inside the tag." QuitWithError strAux End If ClosesFound = ClosesFound + 1 SearchClosePos = CloseTag + 1 ' checking if there is an internal equivalent open before this position Position = XMLFindTagDelimiter(SearchOpenPos, strOrigin, strTag, 1) if Position >0 and Position < CloseTag Then ' we found an internal open OpensFound = OpensFound + 1 SearchOpenPos = Position + 1 End If wend ' We have an open and matching close FirstColumn = OpenTag + 1 LastColumn = CloseTag - 1 strAux = Mid(strOrigin , OpenTag + 1, CloseTag - OpenTag - 1) if Linearize Then strAux = Replace(strAux, Chr(13), " ") strAux = Replace(strAux, Chr(10), " ") strAux = Replace(strAux, Chr(9), " ") strAux = Trim(strAux) End If XMLGetTagText = strAux End Function '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: XMLFindFirstTag ' ' Locates the first open tag in a string ' ' Input: ' StartPosition - position to start the search (1 to Len) ' strOrigin - the string to be searched ' ' Return ' The found tag (without <>) ' ' Created by Israel Burman on 5/30/2002 ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function XMLFindFirstTag(StartPosition, strOrigin) dim Position1 ' Position of the "<" for a generic tag dim Position2 ' Position of the ">" for a generic tag dim strAux ' temporary string AdpTrace "In the XMLFindFirstTag() function " Position1 = InStr(StartPosition, strOrigin, "<") while Position1 > 0 Position2 = InStr(Position1+1,strOrigin,">") if Position2 <= 0 Then strAux = "Unbalanced < > in XML string (config file)" QuitWithError strAux End If strAux = Mid(strOrigin,Position1 + 1,Position2-Position1-1 ) strAux = Replace(strAux, Chr(10), " ") strAux = Replace(strAux, Chr(13), " ") strAux = Trim(strAux) if Left(strAux,1) <> "/" And Left(strAux,1)<> "!" Then ' we found the tag XMLFindFirstTag = strAux Exit function End If ' continue searching the rest of the string Position1 = InStr(Position2,strOrigin,"<") wend ' nothing found XMLFindFirstTag = "" End Function '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: ReadCustomPreCommands ' ' Parses PreCommands from a string ' ' Input: ' strOrigin - the string to be searched ' ' ' sometext ' Something( todo ) ' Something( todo ) ' ' ' ' Created by Israel Burman on 5/30/2002 ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub ReadCustomPreCommands(strOrigin) dim Position ' current working position dim Position1 ' begining position of some tag text dim Position2 ' related ending position dim TotalLen ' size of strOrigin dim strAux, strTag, strTagText dim UCaseTag dim n AdpTrace "In the ReadCustomPreCommands() function " TotalLen = Len(strOrigin) Position = 1 while Position < TotalLen strTag = XMLFindFirstTag(Position, strOrigin) if strTag = "" Then Exit Sub strTagText = XMLGetTagText(Position, strOrigin, strTag, Position1, Position2, TRUE) strTagText = ReplaceReservedChars(strTagText) ' updating working position Position = Position2 + 1 ' parsing the current command UCaseTag = Trim(UCase(strTag)) if UCaseTag = "CMD" Then n = UBound(g_PreCommands) + 1 Redim Preserve g_PreCommands(n) g_PreCommands(n) = strTagText elseif UCaseTag = "SHELLSYNC" Then n = UBound(g_PreShellCommands) + 1 Redim Preserve g_PreShellCommands(n) g_PreShellCommands(n) = "S" & strTagText elseif UCaseTag = "SHELLASYNC" Then n = UBound(g_PreShellCommands) + 1 Redim Preserve g_PreShellCommands(n) g_PreShellCommands(n) = "A" & strTagText else strAux = "Invalid tag in PreCommands: " & strTag QuitWithError strAux End If wend End Sub '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: ReadCustomPostCommands ' ' Parses PostCommands from a string ' ' Input: ' strOrigin - the string to be parsed ' ' ' ' ' same as pre commands ' ' ' Created by Israel Burman on 5/30/2002 ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub ReadCustomPostCommands(strOrigin) dim Position ' current working position dim Position1 ' begining position of some tag text dim Position2 ' related ending position dim TotalLen ' size of strOrigin dim strAux, strTag, strTagText dim UCaseTag dim n AdpTrace "In the ReadCustomPostCommands() function " TotalLen = Len(strOrigin) Position = 1 while Position < TotalLen strTag = XMLFindFirstTag(Position, strOrigin) if strTag = "" Then Exit Sub strTagText = XMLGetTagText(Position, strOrigin, strTag, Position1, Position2, TRUE) strTagText = ReplaceReservedChars(strTagText) ' updating working position Position = Position2 + 1 ' parsing the current command UCaseTag = Trim(UCase(strTag)) if UCaseTag = "CMD" Then n = UBound(g_PostCommands) + 1 Redim Preserve g_PostCommands(n) g_PostCommands(n) = strTagText elseif UCaseTag = "SHELLSYNC" Then n = UBound(g_PostShellCommands) + 1 Redim Preserve g_PostShellCommands(n) g_PostShellCommands(n) = "S" & strTagText elseif UCaseTag = "SHELLASYNC" Then n = UBound(g_PostShellCommands) + 1 Redim Preserve g_PostShellCommands(n) g_PostShellCommands(n) = "A" & strTagText else strAux = "Invalid tag in PostCommands: " & strTag QuitWithError strAux End If wend End Sub '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: ReadCustomBreakPoints ' ' Parses BreakPoints from a string ' ' Input: ' strOrigin - the string to be parsed ' ' ' ' '
' Address ' Passes (optional) ' actions (optional) ' customactions (optional) ' G or Q (optional) '
' '
Address or AllBreakpoints
' Passes (optional) ' actions (optional) ' customactions (optional) ' G or Q (optional) '
' ' Created by Israel Burman on 5/30/2002 ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub ReadCustomBreakPoints(strOrigin) dim Position ' current working position dim Position1 ' begining position of some tag text dim Position2 ' related ending position dim p1,p2 ' temporary positions dim TotalLen ' size of strOrigin dim arrAux ' an array of strings dim strAux, strAux2, strTag, strTagText dim strAddress, strPasses, strCommands, strCustomCommands, strReturnAction dim strAdrType dim ArrAddress dim UCaseTag dim i,n,j,nArrAddress AdpTrace "In the ReadCustomBreakPoints() function " TotalLen = Len(strOrigin) Position = 1 while Position < TotalLen strTag = XMLFindFirstTag(Position, strOrigin) if strTag = "" Then Exit Sub UCaseTag = Trim(UCase(strTag)) strTagText = XMLGetTagText(Position, strOrigin, strTag, Position1, Position2, TRUE) ' updating working position Position = Position2 + 1 ' as both NewBP and Config have the same sub tags, we interprete the sub-tags first ' parsing the current command strAddress = XMLGetTagText(1, strTagText, "Address", p1, p2, TRUE) if Trim(strAddress)="" Then strAux = "Invalid address in breakpoint command: " & strTagText QuitWithError strAux End If ' defining the array of addresses (addr1;addr2;addr3) ArrAddress = GetStringArray(strAddress,";") nArrAddress = UBound(ArrAddress) if nArrAddress<=0 Then strAux = "Invalid address in breakpoint command: " & strTagText QuitWithError strAux End If strAdrType = XMLGetTagText(1, strTagText, "Type", p1, p2, TRUE) if Trim(strAdrType)="" Then strAdrType = "bp" End If strAdrType = LCase(Trim(strAdrType)) if strAdrType<>"bp" and strAdrType<>"bu" and strAdrType<>"bm" Then strAux = "Invalid type in breakpoint command: " & strTagText QuitWithError strAux End If strPasses = XMLGetTagText(1, strTagText, "Passes", p1, p2, TRUE) strReturnAction = XMLGetTagText(1, strTagText, "ReturnAction", p1, p2, TRUE) if strReturnAction <> "" And strReturnAction <> "G" And strReturnAction <> "Q" And strReturnAction <> "QD" And strReturnAction <> "VOID" Then strAux = "Invalid return action in breakpoint command: " & strReturnAction QuitWithError strAux End If strAux = Trim(XMLGetTagText(1, strTagText, "Actions", p1, p2, TRUE)) strAux2 = XMLGetTagText(1, strTagText, "CustomActions", p1, p2, TRUE) ' replacing special XML characters strCustomCommands = Trim(ReplaceReservedChars(strAux2)) strCommands = strAux 'strCommands = ParseActionsFromConfig(strAux, strAux2) if UCaseTag = "NEWBP" Then for j = 1 to nArrAddress AddBreakPoint ArrAddress(j) ' defining custom settings n = UBound(g_BPActions) g_BPActions(n).AdrType = strAdrType if strPasses <> "" Then g_BPActions(n).Passes = strPasses if strCommands <> "" Then g_BPActions(n).Commands = strCommands if strCustomCommands <> "" Then g_BPActions(n).CustomCommands = strCustomCommands if strReturnAction <> "" Then g_BPActions(n).ReturnAction = strReturnAction Next elseif UCaseTag = "CONFIG" Then n = UBound(g_BPActions) for i=0 to n for j = 1 to nArrAddress if g_BPActions(i).Address = ArrAddress(j) or UCase(ArrAddress(j)) = "ALLBREAKPOINTS" Then if strPasses <> "" Then g_BPActions(i).Passes = strPasses if strCommands <> "" Then g_BPActions(i).Commands = strCommands if strCustomCommands <> "" Then g_BPActions(i).CustomCommands = strCustomCommands if strReturnAction <> "" Then g_BPActions(i).ReturnAction = strReturnAction Exit For End If Next Next else strAux = "Invalid tag in Breakpoints Commands: " & strTag QuitWithError strAux End If wend End Sub '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: ReadCustomExceptions ' ' Parses Exceptions from a string ' ' Input: ' strOrigin - the string to be parsed ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ExceptionCode ' ExceptionName ' ' ' ' an exception code or AllExceptions (where to apply this configuration) ' ' actions ' customactions ' actions ' customactions ' actions: Log;Stack; ' customactions: !locks;!runaway ' GN or GH or Q ' GN or Q ' ' ' ' ' Created by Israel Burman on 5/30/2002 ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub ReadCustomExceptions(strOrigin) dim Position ' current working position dim Position1 ' begining position of some tag text dim Position2 ' related ending position dim p1,p2 ' temporary positions dim TotalLen ' size of strOrigin dim arrAux ' an array of strings dim strAux, strAux2, strTag, strTagText dim strExceptionCode, strExceptionName, strCommands1, strCommands2, strReturnAction1, strReturnAction2 dim strCustomCommands1, strCustomCommands2 dim UCaseTag, UCaseTagText dim ArrCodes dim i,n,j,nArrCodes AdpTrace "In the ReadCustomExceptions() function " TotalLen = Len(strOrigin) Position = 1 while Position < TotalLen strTag = XMLFindFirstTag(Position, strOrigin) if strTag = "" Then Exit Sub strTagText = XMLGetTagText(Position, strOrigin, strTag, Position1, Position2, TRUE) ' updating working position Position = Position2 + 1 ' parsing the current command UCaseTag = Trim(UCase(strTag)) UCaseTagText = Trim(UCase(strTagText)) if UCaseTag = "OPTION" Then if UCaseTagText = "FULLDUMPONFIRSTCHANCE" Then n = UBound(g_ExceptionActions) For i=0 to n if IsExceptionSpecial(g_ExceptionActions(i).ExceptionCode) = False Then g_ExceptionActions(i).Commands1 = ReplaceDumpType(g_ExceptionActions(i).Commands1,"FullDumpOver") End If Next elseif UCaseTagText = "MINIDUMPONSECONDCHANCE" Then n = UBound(g_ExceptionActions) For i=0 to n if IsExceptionSpecial(g_ExceptionActions(i).ExceptionCode) = False Then g_ExceptionActions(i).Commands2 = ReplaceDumpType(g_ExceptionActions(i).Commands2,"MiniDump") End If Next elseif UCaseTagText = "NODUMPONFIRSTCHANCE" Then n = UBound(g_ExceptionActions) For i=0 to n if IsExceptionSpecial(g_ExceptionActions(i).ExceptionCode) = False Then g_ExceptionActions(i).Commands1 = ReplaceDumpType(g_ExceptionActions(i).Commands1,"NoDump") End If Next elseif UCaseTagText = "NODUMPONSECONDCHANCE" Then n = UBound(g_ExceptionActions) For i=0 to n if IsExceptionSpecial(g_ExceptionActions(i).ExceptionCode) = False Then g_ExceptionActions(i).Commands2 = ReplaceDumpType(g_ExceptionActions(i).Commands2,"NoDump") End If Next End If elseif UCaseTag = "NEWEXCEPTION" Then strExceptionCode = XMLGetTagText(1, strTagText, "Code", p1, p2, TRUE) strExceptionName = XMLGetTagText(1, strTagText, "Name", p1, p2, TRUE) if strExceptionCode = "" or strExceptionName = "" Then strAux = "Missing Exception name or code: " & strTagText QuitWithError strAux End If AddException strExceptionCode, strExceptionName elseif UCaseTag = "CONFIG" Then strExceptionCode = XMLGetTagText(1, strTagText, "Code", p1, p2, TRUE) if Trim(strExceptionCode)="" Then strAux = "Missing Exception Code in Exception Config command: " & strTagText QuitWithError strAux End If ' defining the array of exception codes ArrCodes = GetStringArray(UCase(strExceptionCode), ";") nArrCodes = UBound(ArrCodes) if nArrCodes<=0 Then strAux = "Missing Exception Code in Exception Config command: " & strTagText QuitWithError strAux End If strReturnAction1 = XMLGetTagText(1, strTagText, "ReturnAction1", p1, p2, TRUE) strReturnAction1 = UCase(strReturnAction1) if strReturnAction1 <> "" And strReturnAction1 <> "GN" And strReturnAction1 <> "GH" And strReturnAction1 <> "Q" And strReturnAction1 <> "QD" And strReturnAction1 <> "VOID" Then strAux = "Invalid return action1 in exception command: " & strReturnAction1 QuitWithError strAux End If strReturnAction2 = XMLGetTagText(1, strTagText, "ReturnAction2", p1, p2, TRUE) strReturnAction2 = UCase(strReturnAction2) if strReturnAction2 <> "" And strReturnAction2 <> "GN" And strReturnAction2 <> "Q" And strReturnAction2 <> "QD" And strReturnAction2 <> "VOID" Then strAux = "Invalid return action2 in exception command: " & strReturnAction2 QuitWithError strAux End If strAux = Trim(XMLGetTagText(1, strTagText, "Actions1", p1, p2, TRUE)) strAux2 = XMLGetTagText(1, strTagText, "CustomActions1", p1, p2, TRUE) ' replacing special XML characters strCustomCommands1 = Trim(ReplaceReservedChars(strAux2)) strCommands1 = strAux 'strCommands1 = ParseActionsFromConfig(strAux,strAux2) strAux = Trim(XMLGetTagText(1, strTagText, "Actions2", p1, p2, TRUE)) strAux2 = XMLGetTagText(1, strTagText, "CustomActions2", p1, p2, TRUE) ' replacing special XML characters strCustomCommands2 = Trim(ReplaceReservedChars(strAux2)) strCommands2 = strAux 'strCommands2 = ParseActionsFromConfig(strAux,strAux2) n = UBound(g_ExceptionActions) for i=0 to n for j = 1 to nArrCodes if UCase(g_ExceptionActions(i).ExceptionCode) = ArrCodes(j) or ArrCodes(j) = "ALLEXCEPTIONS" Then if strCommands1 <> "" Then g_ExceptionActions(i).Commands1 = strCommands1 if strCommands2 <> "" Then g_ExceptionActions(i).Commands2 = strCommands2 if strCustomCommands1 <> "" Then g_ExceptionActions(i).CustomCommands1 = strCustomCommands1 if strCustomCommands2 <> "" Then g_ExceptionActions(i).CustomCommands2 = strCustomCommands2 if strReturnAction1 <> "" Then g_ExceptionActions(i).ReturnAction1 = strReturnAction1 if strReturnAction2 <> "" Then g_ExceptionActions(i).ReturnAction2 = strReturnAction2 exit for End If Next Next else strAux = "Invalid tag in Exceptions Command: " & strTag QuitWithError strAux End If wend End Sub '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: ParseActionsFromConfig ' ' Transforms a actions and custom actions in the format ' actions= Command1;Command2; ' Customactions= !locks;!runaway ' In a string of format ' Command1;Command2;Custom_cmd1 & Chr(10) & cmd2 & Chr(10) & cmd3 ' ' Input: ' actions and customactions (2 strings) ' Return: ' The internal format for Commands ' ' Created by Israel Burman on 5/30/2002 ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function ParseActionsFromConfig(strActions, strCustomActions) dim strOut ' parsed string dim strAux dim arrAux ' string arrays dim i,n ' ' this function is deprecated because now I store custom actions in a separate field ' strAux = "Calling deprecated function ParseActionsFromConfig" QuitWithError strAux AdpTrace "In the ParseActionsFromConfig() function " if Trim(strActions)="" And Trim(strCustomActions)="" Then ParseActionsFromConfig = "" Exit Function End If strOut = Trim(strActions) strAux = Trim(strCustomActions) if strAux <> "" Then arrAux = GetStringArray(strAux,";") if strOut<> "" Then strOut = strOut & ";" strOut = strOut & "Custom_" & arrAux(1) n = UBound(arrAux) if n>1 Then for i=2 to n strOut = strOut & Chr(10) & arrAux(i) Next End If End If ParseActionsFromConfig = strOut End Function '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: ReadCustomSettings ' ' Parses Settings from a string ' ' Input: ' strOrigin - the string to be parsed ' ' Created by Israel Burman on 5/30/2002 ' ' ' runmode (runmode = CRASH, HANG, QUICK) ' ' ' ' ' ' OutputDirectoryName ' pid *1 ' processname *1 ' scriptname ' Spawn Command *1 ' symbol path ' symbol path to add *1 ' ComputerName or UserName *1 ' inseconds ' numberofrepeatedattachments ' Q or QD or G or GN or VOID ' cdb.exe or windbg.exe or ntsd.exe ' *1 may include several instances of this tag ' ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub ReadCustomSettings(strOrigin) dim Position ' current working position dim Position1 ' begining position of some tag text dim Position2 ' related ending position dim TotalLen ' size of strOrigin dim strAux, strTag, strTagText dim UCaseTag, UTagText dim n AdpTrace "In the ReadCustomSettings() function . . ." TotalLen = Len(strOrigin) Position = 1 while Position < TotalLen strTag = XMLFindFirstTag(Position, strOrigin) if strTag = "" Then Exit Sub strTagText = XMLGetTagText(Position, strOrigin, strTag, Position1, Position2, TRUE) ' updating working position Position = Position2 + 1 ' parsing the current command UCaseTag = Trim(UCase(strTag)) if UCaseTag = "RUNMODE" Then if g_RunMode <> "" Then strAux = "RunMode redefined in config file " QuitWithError strAux End If UTagText = UCase(Trim(strTagText)) if UTagText = "CRASH" or UTagText = "HANG" or UTagText = "QUICK" Then g_RunMode = UTagText else strAux = "Invalid RunMode defined in config file " QuitWithError strAux End If elseif UCaseTag = "OPTION" Then UTagText = UCase(Trim(strTagText)) if UTagText = "IIS" Then g_IISMode = True elseif UTagText = "QUIET" Then g_QuietMode = True elseif UTagText = "DUMPONLY" Then g_DumpOnly = True DumpOnlySelected elseif UTagText = "NOTLIST" Then g_NoTlist = True elseif UTagText = "NOTSCHECK" Then g_CheckTS = False elseif UTagText = "NOFREESPACECHECKING" Then g_CheckFreeSpace = False else strAux = "Invalid Option defined in config file [" & strTagText & "]" QuitWithError strAux End If elseif UCaseTag = "LASTSCRIPTCOMMAND" Then UTagText = UCase(Trim(strTagText)) if UTagText = "Q" Then g_LastScriptCommand = "Q" elseif UTagText = "QD" Then g_LastScriptCommand = "QD" elseif UTagText = "G" Then g_LastScriptCommand = "G" elseif UTagText = "GN" Then g_LastScriptCommand = "GN" elseif UTagText = "VOID" Then g_LastScriptCommand = "" else strAux = "Invalid Option defined in config file [" & strTagText & "]" QuitWithError strAux End If elseif UCaseTag = "OUTPUTDIR" Then g_OutPutDir = strTagText elseif UCaseTag = "DEBUGGER" Then g_Debugger = strTagText elseif UCaseTag = "NOTIFY" Then n = UBound(g_NotifyList) + 1 Redim Preserve g_NotifyList(n) g_NotifyList(n) = strTagText elseif UCaseTag = "ATTACHINTERVAL" Then g_AttachInterval = strTagText elseif UCaseTag = "ATTACHREPEATS" Then g_AttachRepeats = strTagText elseif UCaseTag = "PROCESSID" Then AddProcessID strTagText elseif UCaseTag = "PROCESSNAME" Then AddProcessName strTagText elseif UCaseTag = "GENERATESCRIPT" Then g_GeneratedScriptName = strTagText elseif UCaseTag = "SPAWN" Then AddSpawningCommand strTagText elseif UCaseTag = "SYMPATH" Then g_Sympath = strTagText elseif UCaseTag = "SYMPATHPLUS" Then if g_SympathPlus <> "" Then g_SympathPlus = g_SympathPlus & ";" End If g_SympathPlus = g_SympathPlus & strTagText else strAux = "Invalid tag in Custom Settings: " & strTag QuitWithError strAux End If wend End Sub '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: ReadCustomHangActions ' ' Parses Settings from a string ' ' Input: ' strOrigin - the string to be parsed ' ' Created by Israel Burman on 5/30/2002 ' ' ' ' ' ' (deselects all current options) ' actions (optional - activates the selected actions) ' customactions (optional - adds custom actions to what is already defined) ' ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub ReadCustomHangActions(strOrigin) dim Position ' current working position dim Position1 ' begining position of some tag text dim Position2 ' related ending position dim TotalLen ' size of strOrigin dim strAux, strTag, strTagText dim arrAux ' an array of strings dim UCaseTag, UTagText dim UCaseCmd dim i,n,j,m dim bFound AdpTrace "In the ReadCustomHangActions() function . . ." TotalLen = Len(strOrigin) Position = 1 while Position < TotalLen strTag = XMLFindFirstTag(Position, strOrigin) if strTag = "" Then Exit Sub strTagText = XMLGetTagText(Position, strOrigin, strTag, Position1, Position2, TRUE) ' updating working position Position = Position2 + 1 ' parsing the current command UCaseTag = Trim(UCase(strTag)) if UCaseTag = "OPTION" Then UTagText = UCase(Trim(strTagText)) if UTagText = "MINIDUMP" Then g_HangActions(0).Name = "MiniDump" elseif UTagText = "FULLDUMP" Then g_HangActions(0).Name = "FullDump" elseif UTagText = "NODUMP" Then g_HangActions(0).Selected = False elseif UTagText = "CLEAR" Then n = UBound(g_HangActions) for i=0 to n g_HangActions(i).Selected = False Next else strAux = "Invalid Hang Mode option defined in config file [" & strTag & "]" QuitWithError strAux End If elseif UCaseTag = "ACTIONS" Then arrAux = GetStringArray(Trim(strTagText),";") n = UBound(arrAux) If n<=0 Then strAux = "Empty actions tag for Hang Mode in config file " QuitWithError strAux End If m = UBound(g_HangActions) For i = 1 to n arrAux(i) = Trim(arrAux(i)) UCaseCmd = UCase(arrAux(i)) if UCaseCmd = "MINIDUMP" Then g_HangActions(0).Name = "MiniDump" g_HangActions(0).Selected = True elseif UCaseCmd = "FULLDUMP" Then g_HangActions(0).Name = "FullDump" g_HangActions(0).Selected = True elseif UCaseCmd = "NODUMP" Then g_HangActions(0).Selected = False else bFound = False for j=0 to m if UCase(g_HangActions(j).Name) = UCaseCmd Then g_HangActions(j).Selected = True bFound = True End If Next if bFound = False Then if UCaseCmd <> "" Then strAux = "Invalid action for Hang Mode in config file [" & arrAux(i) & "]" QuitWithError strAux End If End If End If Next elseif UCaseTag = "CUSTOMACTIONS" Then arrAux = GetStringArray(Trim(strTagText),";") n = UBound(arrAux) If n<=0 Then strAux = "Empty CustomActions tag for Hang Mode in config file " QuitWithError strAux End If For i = 1 to n arrAux(i) = Trim(arrAux(i)) m = UBound(g_HangActions) + 1 Redim Preserve g_HangActions(m) set g_HangActions(m) = new HangAction g_HangActions(m).Name = "" g_HangActions(m).Description = "" g_HangActions(m).Command = arrAux(i) g_HangActions(m).Selected = True Next else strAux = "Invalid tag in HangMode settings: " & strTag QuitWithError strAux End If wend End Sub '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: CloseAllFiles ' ' Created by Israel Burman on 5/30/2002 ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub CloseAllFiles() if Not g_AdpLogFile is Nothing Then g_AdpLogFile.Close End Sub '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: IsExceptionSpecial ' ' We use this function to give special treatment to some exceptions ' when we make changes to default behaviors that should affect all exceptions ' such as MiniOnSecond, etc. ' We don't want these changes to affect some special exceptions like ctl-c, etc. ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function IsExceptionSpecial(ExceptionCode) IsExceptionSpecial = False ' CONTRL_C_OR_Debug_Break if ExceptionCode = "bpe" Then IsExceptionSpecial = True ' STATUS_WAKE_SYSTEM_DEBUGGER if ExceptionCode = "0x80000007" Then IsExceptionSpecial = True ' DLL_Load if ExceptionCode = "ld" Then IsExceptionSpecial = True ' DLL_UnLoad if ExceptionCode = "ud" Then IsExceptionSpecial = True ' Process_Shut_Down ' if ExceptionCode = "epr" Then IsExceptionSpecial = True End Function '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: CompareWildProcessName ' ' Checks if a actual process matches a selected name with wild cards ' Ex.: notes*.exe ' ' Created by Israel Burman on 9/25/2002 ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function CompareWildProcessName(SelectedName, ProcessName ) Dim SelectedExtension Dim SelectedBase Dim ProcessExtension Dim ProcessBase Dim SelectedNucleus Dim ip,n AdpTrace "In the CompareWildProcessName() function " CompareWildProcessName = 1 n = Len(SelectedName) if n<= 0 Then Exit Function ip = InStr(1,SelectedName,".") if ip <=0 Then Exit Function SelectedExtension = Right(SelectedName, n - ip) SelectedBase = Left(SelectedName, ip - 1) if SelectedBase = "" Then Exit Function n = Len(ProcessName) if n<= 0 Then Exit Function ip = InStr(1,ProcessName,".") if ip <=0 Then Exit Function ProcessExtension = Right(ProcessName, n - ip) ProcessBase = Left(ProcessName, ip - 1) if ProcessBase = "" Then Exit Function if SelectedExtension <> ProcessExtension Then Exit Function ' checking with * on both sides *something* if Left(SelectedBase,1) = "*" And Right(SelectedBase,1) = "*" Then n = Len(SelectedBase) SelectedNucleus = Mid(SelectedBase,2,n-2) if InStr(1, ProcessBase, SelectedNucleus) > 0 Then CompareWildProcessName = 0 Exit Function End If Exit Function End If ' checking with * on the left *something if Left(SelectedBase,1) = "*" Then n = Len(SelectedBase) n = n - 1 SelectedNucleus = Right(SelectedBase,n) if Right(ProcessBase, n) = SelectedNucleus Then CompareWildProcessName = 0 Exit Function End If Exit Function End If ' checking with * on the right something* if Right(SelectedBase,1) = "*" Then n = Len(SelectedBase) n = n - 1 SelectedNucleus = Left(SelectedBase,n) if Left(ProcessBase, n) = SelectedNucleus Then CompareWildProcessName = 0 Exit Function End If Exit Function End If End Function '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: CleanStringForFileName ' ' Replaces invalid characters in file names for "_" ' ' Created by Israel Burman ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function CleanStringForFileName(strText ) strText =Replace(strText,"/",",") strText =Replace(strText,"\",",") strText =Replace(strText,"<","(") strText =Replace(strText,">",")") strText =Replace(strText,":","") strText =Replace(strText,"*","") strText =Replace(strText,"?","") strText =Replace(strText,"|","") strText =Replace(strText," ","_") strText =Replace(strText,",,","-") strText =Replace(strText,",","-") 'if strPackage comes from IIS 6 (-ap) it may have " delimiters. Cleaning this up as well strText =Replace(strText,"""","-") CleanStringForFileName = strText End Function '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: ReplaceReservedChars ' ' Replaces special reserved xml chars ' ' &(&), <(<), >(>), &apos('), "(") ' ' Created by Israel Burman ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function ReplaceReservedChars(strText ) strText =Replace(strText,"&","&") strText =Replace(strText,"&","&") strText =Replace(strText,"&Amp;","&") strText =Replace(strText,"<","<") strText =Replace(strText,"<","<") strText =Replace(strText,"≪","<") strText =Replace(strText,">",">") strText =Replace(strText,">",">") strText =Replace(strText,"≫",">") strText =Replace(strText,"'","'") strText =Replace(strText,"&APOS;","'") strText =Replace(strText,"&Apos;","'") strText =Replace(strText,""","""") strText =Replace(strText,""","""") strText =Replace(strText,"&Quot;","""") ReplaceReservedChars = strText End Function '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: DumpOnlySelected ' ' Changes default behavior to only create dumps (no additional info like call stacks) ' ' ' Created by Israel Burman ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub DumpOnlySelected( ) Dim i,n ' in Hang mode I keep only the first action (Dump) n = UBound(g_HangActions) for i=1 to n g_HangActions(i).Selected = False Next ' in Crash mode I keep only Dump, Time and Log and EventLog ' I change only the exceptions that are still equal to the initial default definition ' which is stored in Exception(0) n = UBound(g_ExceptionActions) for i=1 to n if g_ExceptionActions(i).Commands1 = g_ExceptionActions(0).Commands1 Then g_ExceptionActions(i).Commands1 = "Log;Time;MiniDump" End If if g_ExceptionActions(i).Commands2 = g_ExceptionActions(0).Commands2 Then g_ExceptionActions(i).Commands2 = "Log;Time;FullDump;EventLog" End If Next End Sub '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: InternalPrintf ' ' Prepares a .printf command that can be used inside an SXE or BP command ' ' this implies in: ' replace all internals % with %% - this is required by the printf itself ' replace the double-quote from the printf formatter string with a \" ' this is required by the debugger because the sxe already has a double quote ' sxe -c "command" = sxe -c " .printf \"string\" " ' replace the internal double quotes of the string with \\\" ' on the conversion -c it will be converted to \" ' in the conversion of the .printf it will be converted to " ' ' Created by Israel Burman ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function InternalPrintf(strText ) Dim strOut strOut = strText strOut =Replace(strOut,"%","%%") strOut =Replace(strOut,"""","\\\" & """") InternalPrintf = ".printf \" & """" & strOut & "\" & """" End Function '' SIG '' Begin signature block '' SIG '' MIIXTgYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIXPzCCFzsCAQExCzAJBgUr '' SIG '' DgMCGgUAMGcGCisGAQQBgjcCAQSgWTBXMDIGCisGAQQB '' SIG '' gjcCAR4wJAIBAQQQTvApFpkntU2P5azhDxfrqwIBAAIB '' SIG '' AAIBAAIBAAIBADAhMAkGBSsOAwIaBQAEFK3YUlXcyOEI '' SIG '' taimwhM9f9A5cxBxoIISMTCCBGAwggNMoAMCAQICCi6r '' SIG '' EdxQ/1ydy8AwCQYFKw4DAh0FADBwMSswKQYDVQQLEyJD '' SIG '' b3B5cmlnaHQgKGMpIDE5OTcgTWljcm9zb2Z0IENvcnAu '' SIG '' MR4wHAYDVQQLExVNaWNyb3NvZnQgQ29ycG9yYXRpb24x '' SIG '' ITAfBgNVBAMTGE1pY3Jvc29mdCBSb290IEF1dGhvcml0 '' SIG '' eTAeFw0wNzA4MjIyMjMxMDJaFw0xMjA4MjUwNzAwMDBa '' SIG '' MHkxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMRMwEQYDVQQIEwpXYXNoaW5n '' SIG '' dG9uMRAwDgYDVQQHEwdSZWRtb25kMR4wHAYDVQQKExVN '' SIG '' aWNyb3NvZnQgQ29ycG9yYXRpb24xIzAhBgNVBAMTGk1p '' SIG '' Y3Jvc29mdCBDb2RlIFNpZ25pbmcgUENBMIIBIjANBgkq '' SIG '' hkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAt3l91l2zRTmo '' SIG '' NKwx2vklNUl3wPsfnsdFce/RRujUjMNrTFJi9JkCw03Y '' SIG '' SWwvJD5lv84jtwtIt3913UW9qo8OUMUlK/Kg5w0jH9FB '' SIG '' JPpimc8ZRaWTSh+ZzbMvIsNKLXxv2RUeO4w5EDndvSn0 '' SIG '' ZjstATL//idIprVsAYec+7qyY3+C+VyggYSFjrDyuJSj '' SIG '' zzimUIUXJ4dO3TD2AD30xvk9gb6G7Ww5py409rQurwp9 '' SIG '' YpF4ZpyYcw2Gr/LE8yC5TxKNY8ss2TJFGe67SpY7UFMY '' SIG '' zmZReaqth8hWPp+CUIhuBbE1wXskvVJmPZlOzCt+M26E '' SIG '' RwbRntBKhgJuhgCkwIffUwIDAQABo4H6MIH3MBMGA1Ud '' SIG '' JQQMMAoGCCsGAQUFBwMDMIGiBgNVHQEEgZowgZeAEFvQ '' SIG '' cO9pcp4jUX4Usk2O/8uhcjBwMSswKQYDVQQLEyJDb3B5 '' SIG '' cmlnaHQgKGMpIDE5OTcgTWljcm9zb2Z0IENvcnAuMR4w '' SIG '' HAYDVQQLExVNaWNyb3NvZnQgQ29ycG9yYXRpb24xITAf '' SIG '' BgNVBAMTGE1pY3Jvc29mdCBSb290IEF1dGhvcml0eYIP '' SIG '' AMEAizw8iBHRPvZj7N9AMA8GA1UdEwEB/wQFMAMBAf8w '' SIG '' HQYDVR0OBBYEFMwdznYAcFuv8drETppRRC6jRGPwMAsG '' SIG '' A1UdDwQEAwIBhjAJBgUrDgMCHQUAA4IBAQB7q65+Siby '' SIG '' zrxOdKJYJ3QqdbOG/atMlHgATenK6xjcacUOonzzAkPG '' SIG '' yofM+FPMwp+9Vm/wY0SpRADulsia1Ry4C58ZDZTX2h6t '' SIG '' KX3v7aZzrI/eOY49mGq8OG3SiK8j/d/p1mkJkYi9/uEA '' SIG '' uzTz93z5EBIuBesplpNCayhxtziP4AcNyV1ozb2AQWtm '' SIG '' qLu3u440yvIDEHx69dLgQt97/uHhrP7239UNs3DWkuNP '' SIG '' tjiifC3UPds0C2I3Ap+BaiOJ9lxjj7BauznXYIxVhBoz '' SIG '' 9TuYoIIMol+Lsyy3oaXLq9ogtr8wGYUgFA0qvFL0QeBe '' SIG '' MOOSKGmHwXDi86erzoBCcnYOMIIEejCCA2KgAwIBAgIK '' SIG '' YQYngQAAAAAACDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADB5MQswCQYD '' SIG '' VQQGEwJVUzETMBEGA1UECBMKV2FzaGluZ3RvbjEQMA4G '' SIG '' A1UEBxMHUmVkbW9uZDEeMBwGA1UEChMVTWljcm9zb2Z0 '' SIG '' IENvcnBvcmF0aW9uMSMwIQYDVQQDExpNaWNyb3NvZnQg '' SIG '' Q29kZSBTaWduaW5nIFBDQTAeFw0wODEwMjIyMTI0NTVa '' SIG '' Fw0xMDAxMjIyMTM0NTVaMIGDMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzET '' SIG '' MBEGA1UECBMKV2FzaGluZ3RvbjEQMA4GA1UEBxMHUmVk '' SIG '' bW9uZDEeMBwGA1UEChMVTWljcm9zb2Z0IENvcnBvcmF0 '' SIG '' aW9uMQ0wCwYDVQQLEwRNT1BSMR4wHAYDVQQDExVNaWNy '' SIG '' b3NvZnQgQ29ycG9yYXRpb24wggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEB '' SIG '' AQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQC9crSJ5xyfhcd0uGBcAzY9 '' SIG '' nP2ZepopRiKwp4dT7e5GOsdbBQtXqLfKBczTTHdHcIWz '' SIG '' 5cvfZ+ej/XQnk2ef14oDRDDG98m6yTodCFZETxcIDfm0 '' SIG '' GWiqJBz7BVeF6cVOByE3p+vOLC+2Qs0hBafW5tMoV8cb '' SIG '' es4pNgfNnlXMu/Ei66gjpA0pwvvQw1o+Yz3HLEkLe3mF '' SIG '' 8Ijvcb1DWuOjsw3zVfsl4OIg0+eaXpSlMy0of1cbVWoM '' SIG '' MkTvZmxv8Dic7wKtmqHdmAcQDjwYaeJ5TkYU4LmM0HVt '' SIG '' nKwAnC1C9VG4WvR4RYPpLnwru13NGWEorZRDCsVqQv+1 '' SIG '' Mq6kKSLeFujTAgMBAAGjgfgwgfUwEwYDVR0lBAwwCgYI '' SIG '' KwYBBQUHAwMwHQYDVR0OBBYEFCPRcypMvfvlIfpxHpkV '' SIG '' 0Rf5xKaKMA4GA1UdDwEB/wQEAwIHgDAfBgNVHSMEGDAW '' SIG '' gBTMHc52AHBbr/HaxE6aUUQuo0Rj8DBEBgNVHR8EPTA7 '' SIG '' MDmgN6A1hjNodHRwOi8vY3JsLm1pY3Jvc29mdC5jb20v '' SIG '' cGtpL2NybC9wcm9kdWN0cy9DU1BDQS5jcmwwSAYIKwYB '' SIG '' BQUHAQEEPDA6MDgGCCsGAQUFBzAChixodHRwOi8vd3d3 '' SIG '' Lm1pY3Jvc29mdC5jb20vcGtpL2NlcnRzL0NTUENBLmNy '' SIG '' dDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFAAOCAQEAQynPY71s43Ntw5nX '' SIG '' bQyIO8ZIc3olziziN3udNJ+9I86+39hceRFrE1EgAWO5 '' SIG '' cvcI48Z9USoWKNTR55sqzxgN0hNxkSnsVr351sUNL69l '' SIG '' LW1NRSlWcoRPP9JqHUFiqXlcjvDHd4rLAiguncecK+W5 '' SIG '' Kgnd7Jfi5XqNXhCIU6HdYE93mHFgqFs5kdOrEh8F6cNF '' SIG '' qdPCUbmvuNz8BoQA9HSj2//MHaAjBQfkJzXCl5AZqoJg '' SIG '' J+j7hCse0QTLjs+CDdeoTUNAddLe3XfvilxrD4dkj7S6 '' SIG '' t7qrZ1QhRapKaOdUXosUXGd47JBcAxCRCJ0kIJfo3wAR '' SIG '' cKn5snJwt67iwp8WAjCCBJ0wggOFoAMCAQICEGoLmU/A '' SIG '' ACWrEdtFH1h6Z6IwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQAwcDErMCkG '' SIG '' A1UECxMiQ29weXJpZ2h0IChjKSAxOTk3IE1pY3Jvc29m '' SIG '' dCBDb3JwLjEeMBwGA1UECxMVTWljcm9zb2Z0IENvcnBv '' SIG '' cmF0aW9uMSEwHwYDVQQDExhNaWNyb3NvZnQgUm9vdCBB '' SIG '' dXRob3JpdHkwHhcNMDYwOTE2MDEwNDQ3WhcNMTkwOTE1 '' SIG '' MDcwMDAwWjB5MQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzETMBEGA1UECBMK '' SIG '' V2FzaGluZ3RvbjEQMA4GA1UEBxMHUmVkbW9uZDEeMBwG '' SIG '' A1UEChMVTWljcm9zb2Z0IENvcnBvcmF0aW9uMSMwIQYD '' SIG '' VQQDExpNaWNyb3NvZnQgVGltZXN0YW1waW5nIFBDQTCC '' SIG '' ASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBANw3 '' SIG '' bvuvyEJKcRjIzkg+U8D6qxS6LDK7Ek9SyIPtPjPZSTGS '' SIG '' KLaRZOAfUIS6wkvRfwX473W+i8eo1a5pcGZ4J2botrfv '' SIG '' hbnN7qr9EqQLWSIpL89A2VYEG3a1bWRtSlTb3fHev5+D '' SIG '' x4Dff0wCN5T1wJ4IVh5oR83ZwHZcL322JQS0VltqHGP/ '' SIG '' gHw87tUEJU05d3QHXcJc2IY3LHXJDuoeOQl8dv6dbG56 '' SIG '' 4Ow+j5eecQ5fKk8YYmAyntKDTisiXGhFi94vhBBQsvm1 '' SIG '' Go1s7iWbE/jLENeFDvSCdnM2xpV6osxgBuwFsIYzt/iU '' SIG '' W4RBhFiFlG6wHyxIzG+cQ+Bq6H8mjmsCAwEAAaOCASgw '' SIG '' ggEkMBMGA1UdJQQMMAoGCCsGAQUFBwMIMIGiBgNVHQEE '' SIG '' gZowgZeAEFvQcO9pcp4jUX4Usk2O/8uhcjBwMSswKQYD '' SIG '' VQQLEyJDb3B5cmlnaHQgKGMpIDE5OTcgTWljcm9zb2Z0 '' SIG '' IENvcnAuMR4wHAYDVQQLExVNaWNyb3NvZnQgQ29ycG9y '' SIG '' YXRpb24xITAfBgNVBAMTGE1pY3Jvc29mdCBSb290IEF1 '' SIG '' dGhvcml0eYIPAMEAizw8iBHRPvZj7N9AMBAGCSsGAQQB '' SIG '' gjcVAQQDAgEAMB0GA1UdDgQWBBRv6E4/l7k0q0uGj7yc '' SIG '' 6qw7QUPG0DAZBgkrBgEEAYI3FAIEDB4KAFMAdQBiAEMA '' SIG '' QTALBgNVHQ8EBAMCAYYwDwYDVR0TAQH/BAUwAwEB/zAN '' SIG '' BgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFAAOCAQEAlE0RMcJ8ULsRjqFhBwEO '' SIG '' jHBFje9zVL0/CQUt/7hRU4Uc7TmRt6NWC96Mtjsb0fus '' SIG '' p8m3sVEhG28IaX5rA6IiRu1stG18IrhG04TzjQ++B4o2 '' SIG '' wet+6XBdRZ+S0szO3Y7A4b8qzXzsya4y1Ye5y2PENtEY '' SIG '' 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