在我的PC上反汇编KiFastCallEntry和kisystemservice的结果(见下面1)、2) )分别如下,从地址前后来看,KiFastCallEntry进入kisystemservice应该不是《软件调试》P181一书所提到的Fall Through方式,但是我从KiFastCallEntry的反汇编结果中也看不出KiFastCallEntry如何进入kisystemservice的.
我查询到《Nt vs. Zw - Clearing Confusion on the Native API》(见下面引用)一文提到KiFastCallEntry进入kisystemservice的方式是通过jmp nt!KiSystemService+0x5c (8053a357),可我在反汇编结果中也没有找到这个指令。
Q:请问Winxp sp2中KiFastCallEntry进入kisystemservice的方式? 谢谢!
Quote: ==>《Nt vs. Zw - Clearing Confusion on the Native API》We can see here that KiFastCallEntry does not actually return, it just does an unconditional jump to some offset into KiSystemService.
在我PC上反汇编的结果:1)kd> u nt!KiFastCallEntry l30nt!KiFastCallEntry:80865930 b923000000 mov ecx,23h80865935 6a30 push 30h80865937 0fa1 pop fs80865939 8ed9 mov ds,cx8086593b 8ec1 mov es,cx8086593d 8b0d40f0dfff mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[0FFDFF040h]80865943 8b6104 mov esp,dword ptr [ecx+4]80865946 6a23 push 23h80865948 52 push edx80865949 9c pushfd8086594a 6a02 push 28086594c 83c208 add edx,88086594f 9d popfd80865950 804c240102 or byte ptr [esp+1],280865955 6a1b push 1Bh80865957 ff350403dfff push dword ptr ds:[0FFDF0304h]8086595d 6a00 push 08086595f 55 push ebp80865960 53 push ebx80865961 56 push esi80865962 57 push edi80865963 8b1d1cf0dfff mov ebx,dword ptr ds:[0FFDFF01Ch]80865969 6a3b push 3Bh8086596b 8bb324010000 mov esi,dword ptr [ebx+124h]80865971 ff33 push dword ptr [ebx]80865973 c703ffffffff mov dword ptr [ebx],0FFFFFFFFh80865979 8b6e18 mov ebp,dword ptr [esi+18h]8086597c 6a01 push 18086597e 83ec48 sub esp,48h80865981 81ed9c020000 sub ebp,29Ch80865987 c6864001000001 mov byte ptr [esi+140h],18086598e 3bec cmp ebp,esp80865990 759a jne nt!KiFastCallEntry2+0x47 (8086592c)80865992 83652c00 and dword ptr [ebp+2Ch],080865996 f6462cff test byte ptr [esi+2Ch],0FFh8086599a 89ae34010000 mov dword ptr [esi+134h],ebp808659a0 0f854afeffff jne nt!Dr_FastCallDrSave (808657f0)808659a6 8b5d60 mov ebx,dword ptr [ebp+60h]808659a9 8b7d68 mov edi,dword ptr [ebp+68h]808659ac 89550c mov dword ptr [ebp+0Ch],edx808659af c74508000ddbba mov dword ptr [ebp+8],0BADB0D00h808659b6 895d00 mov dword ptr [ebp],ebx808659b9 897d04 mov dword ptr [ebp+4],edi808659bc fb sti808659bd 8bf8 mov edi,eax808659bf c1ef08 shr edi,8808659c2 83e730 and edi,30h808659c5 8bcf mov ecx,edi
2)kd> u kisystemservicent!KiSystemService:80865871 6a00 push 080865873 55 push ebp80865874 53 push ebx80865875 56 push esi80865876 57 push edi80865877 0fa0 push fs80865879 bb30000000 mov ebx,30h8086587e 668ee3 mov fs,bx
下个断点一看便知.. 源码 + 解释如下:;; The arguments are passed on the stack. Therefore they always need to get; copied since additional space has been allocated on the stack for the; machine state frame. Note that we don't check for the zero argument case -; copy is always done regardless of the number of arguments because the; zero argument case is very rare.;
Kss40: inc dword ptr PCR[PcPrcbData+PbSystemCalls] ; system calls
mov esi, edx ; (esi)->User arguments mov ebx, [edi]+SdNumber ; get argument table address xor ecx, ecx mov cl, byte ptr [ebx+eax] ; (ecx) = argument size mov edi, [edi]+SdBase ; get service table address mov ebx, [edi+eax*4] ; (ebx)-> service routine sub esp, ecx ; allocate space for arguments shr ecx, 2 ; (ecx) = number of argument DWORDs mov edi, esp ; (edi)->location to receive 1st arg cmp esi, _MmUserProbeAddress ; check if user address jae kss80 ; if ae, then not user address
KiSystemServiceCopyArguments: rep movsd ; copy the arguments to top of stack. ; Since we usually copy more than 3 ; arguments. rep movsd is faster than ; mov instructions.
;; Make actual call to system service;
kssdoit: call ebx ; call system service
抱歉!我是一个newbie, 看到你的回复,我实在看不出...你贴出的反汇编代码和我贴出的反汇编代码有任何关系(一点也不像呀!除了最后一行:call ebx ; call system service)。
我先动态跟踪一下,有问题我再请教! 谢谢!